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The Amazing Sanction Race


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May 25, 2009

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 47.47 --> 47.41 (-0.06) Glowtastic!

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [657] (-2) Sparta : 47.20 --> 47.17 (-0.03)

top.png 2 [208] (-1) The Order of the Paradox : 43.97 --> 44.01 (+0.04)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [650] (+3) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.48 --> 42.48 (+0.00)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [391] (-1) New Polar Order : 36.43 --> 36.08 (-0.35)

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 5 [817] (-4) New Pacific Order : 36.34 --> 35.77 (-0.57)

sanctionodnto4.png 6 [419] (-4) Orange Defense Network : 32.62 --> 32.49 (-0.13)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 7 [686] (+0) The Democratic Order : 32.21 --> 32.19 (-0.02)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 8 [363] (+1) Fark : 28.08 --> 27.91 (-0.17)

9 [231] (+3) Green Protection Agency : 27.33 --> 27.39 (+0.06)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [261] (-1) FOK : 26.77 --> 26.71 (-0.06)

sanctionrokyt0.png 11 [425] (-4) Ragnarok : 25.56 --> 25.39 (-0.17)

12 [291] (+0) The Order of Light : 24.61 --> 24.69 (+0.08)


13 [333] (-2) Viridian Entente : 24.31 --> 24.25 (-0.06)

14 [581] (-3) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 24.64 --> 24.20 (-0.44)

{99} (+3) The Grämlins : 22.97 --> 23.55 (+0.58)

{156} (-1) World Task Force : 20.09 --> 20.00 (-0.09)

[410] (+3) The Legion : 19.13 --> 19.29 (+0.16)

{155} (+0) Mushroom Kingdom : 16.55 --> 16.52 (-0.03)

{194} (+5) Nueva Vida : 16.40 --> 16.46 (+0.06)

[285] (-2) United Purple Nations : 16.40 --> 16.41 (+0.01)

{159} (+0) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.12 --> 16.14(+0.02)

[241] (+0) Monos Archein : 16.09 --> 16.07 (-0.02)

{151} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.22 --> 15.25 (+0.03)

[249] (-1) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 15.18 --> 15.18 (+0.00)

[293] (-4) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 15.12 --> 14.85 (-0.27)

{184} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.31 --> 14.29 (-0.02)

{139} (-2) Karma PoW : 13.98 --> 13.60 (-0.38) Tighten the Border Patrol!

{171} (-2) Greenland Republic : 13.56 --> 13.51 (-0.05)

{158} (+0) RnR : 12.89 --> 12.90 (+0.01)

{81} (+0) Umbrella : 12.80 --> 12.84 (+0.04)

{156} (+1) Invicta : 12.74 --> 12.80 (+0.06)

{162} (-1) Random Insanity Alliance : 12.77 --> 12.77 (+0.00)

{196} (-3) The Dark Evolution : 12.70 --> 12.70 (+0.00)

---------- Add Line : 12.32 --> 12.35 (+0.03)

---------- Drop Line: 12.02 --> 12.05 (+0.03)

{174} (+0) The Phoenix Federation : 8.71 --> 8.62 (-0.09)

{92} (+0) Echelon : 6.28 --> 6.20 (-0.08)

Biggest Gainer

{99} (+3) The Grämlins : 22.97 --> 23.55 (+0.58)

Biggest Loser

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 5 [817] (-4) New Pacific Order : 36.34 --> 35.77 (-0.57)


The Order of Light passes Independent Republic of Orange Nations

Viridian Entente passes Independent Republic of Orange Nations

Invicta passes Random Insanity Alliance


Big, historic day today. Not only did Independent Republic of Orange Nations lose sanction (The Order of Light gaining it), but the Viridian Entente also passed them, making them only the fourteenth largest alliance by score. I don't know about you, but ever since I have been here, IRON was ranked second. New Pacific Order was awarded biggest loser with a 0.57 point loss.

On the other hand, when The Grämlins gains members, they gain score, to the extreme. This is just what they did today, times three. The Grämlins gained three members and 0.58 points, making me believe their days behind IRON are numbered.

Also, we have Invicta pass Random Insanity Alliance. Nothing too noteworthy here, but I did comment on the other passes, so..... No, Green Protection Agency has not submitted a flag. No, The Order of Light does not get their flag yet, either. No, STA did not pass the add line. Anyway, this didn't take me nearly as long as I had estimated.

In other news, :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: began its descent into oblivion today. Looks like their reign over the Cyberverse may be relatively short lived. Quick shoutout to The Legion. I see a sanction in your future.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


Edited by kch674
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Not only did Independent Republic of Orange Nations lose sanction (The Order of Light gaining it)

would be more fair to say that TOOL gaining it back :P (it's sad we took it from IRON's loss :( but I'm sure they'll gain it back rather quickly)

good update

Edited by dragonknight1000
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That was very uncalled for and I'd expect far better from you, omfg.

Fact is, there is no "hate spewing" towards Polaris on the boards as we have bigger matters to attend to. (the war)

Congratulations none the less to you guys passing us.

I say that because I do recall and have actually quotes from Pacifican members saying they would defend us before the OoO was cancelled. I also do recall how you guys declared an offensive war yet our treaty states that its non-chaining and you guys still act as if we had "betrayed" you.

Nothing personal or anything, but the Pacifican BR is a bit mislead at times.


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I don't know about you, but ever since I have been here, IRON was ranked second.

They weren't always #2 (of course). GPA and GOONS used to be in front of them, at least back in june 2007 when I joined the game. GOONS got knocked down during the Unjust War, GPA lost it's spot during the Woodstock Massacre and I guess IRON was second in command ever since. Until now of course.

Edited by Martijn
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I say that because I do recall and have actually quotes from Pacifican members saying they would defend us before the OoO was cancelled. I also do recall how you guys declared an offensive war yet our treaty states that its non-chaining and you guys still act as if we had "betrayed" you.

Nothing personal or anything, but the Pacifican BR is a bit mislead at times.


I'm gonna assume you missed this post:

no politics plz

If you did, then great, read it now. If you didn't and just willfully ignored its advice, stop it. Politics doesn't belong here and can get this thread locked. Take it elsewhere.

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Indeed, it finally happened, not unexpected but sad none the less. We have been sanctioned since before GWI I believe. A long, long time and slowly worked our ranks up, overtaking some through growth, and others through war.

I do expect we shall regain sanction, probably even shoot up a fair few ranks, probably not back to where we were, for some time at least though. Reps will probably keep us out of it for a little while though.

Eitherway, congratulations TOOL our slot is in good hands whilst we're gone.

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No, STA did not pass the add line.

:o I had no idea we were even in the ballpark.

I've never been in an alliance that was in the sanction race before. I dunno about this. :unsure:

Edited by bzelger
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Indeed, it finally happened, not unexpected but sad none the less. We have been sanctioned since before GWI I believe. A long, long time and slowly worked our ranks up, overtaking some through growth, and others through war.

I do expect we shall regain sanction, probably even shoot up a fair few ranks, probably not back to where we were, for some time at least though. Reps will probably keep us out of it for a little while though.

Eitherway, congratulations TOOL our slot is in good hands whilst we're gone.


Just sayin' ;) classy post Shan.

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Indeed, it finally happened, not unexpected but sad none the less. We have been sanctioned since before GWI I believe. A long, long time and slowly worked our ranks up, overtaking some through growth, and others through war.

I do expect we shall regain sanction, probably even shoot up a fair few ranks, probably not back to where we were, for some time at least though. Reps will probably keep us out of it for a little while though.

Eitherway, congratulations TOOL our slot is in good hands whilst we're gone.

I expect IRON to rebound quickly. The sheer amount of members alone means even small growth per member a day is still quite a lot, and I'm expecting a lot of aid to go around. I look forward to see IRON's named bolded again :)

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WTF lacks the members.

I see that and I believe at some point in this thread they stated a sanction isn't one of their goals. Of course, things can change, and they are only fifty or so members off, and they could gain that many in a few months. Which is why I predicted them getting a sanction in a few months.

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