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The Amazing Sanction Race


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New #2 alliance by the end of the weekend?

not sure it will take that long. maybe the Sunday ASR update but it will probably happen a good 6 hours before the Sunday update is done, if not a few hours after the Saturday-Sunday game update.

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They were. GPA and GOONS were able to pass NPO because of the massive amount of nukes FAN was launching at them. Nukes launched from the number one alliance prior to the war. :v:
I'm not sure that proves what you said at all :awesome:
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They were. GPA and GOONS were able to pass NPO because of the massive amount of nukes FAN was launching at them. Nukes launched from the number one alliance prior to the war. :v:

No they weren't. They were never number 1.

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No they weren't. They were never number 1.



1 Green Protection Agency: 55.21 --> 55.04 (-0.17)

2 New Pacific Order: 48.70 --> 49.02 (+0.32)

3 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 40.57 --> 40.75(+0.18)

4 North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 30.64 --> 30.82 (+0.16)

5 New Polar Order: 29.90 --> 29.74 (-0.16)

6 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 23.60 --> 23.59 (-0.01)

7 Orange Defense Network: 22.35 --> 22.37 (+0.02)

8 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 19.35 --> 19.38 (+0.03)

9 Sparta: 19.12 --> 19.15 (+0.03)

10 MHA: 18.41--> 18.58 (+0.17)

11 The Phoenix Federation: 18.23 --> 18.52 (+0.29)

12 Atlantis: 18.28 --> 18.41 (+0.13)

What's this then? :P

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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To validate Kroknia's claim:

Sanction race proclaims FAN/GPA gaining on NPO. But FAN never passes NPO.



2-3 days later, FAN war starts, 6-18-2007


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New #2 alliance by the end of the weekend?

Let it be known, Sparta, that the gains of bailing out on your friends in a time of need, will reap you temporary positive gains. But there will come a day when you will be digging the very knife you stuck into our backs out of your own.

Therefore, I say to you, inflate your egos with the pride of knowing you're ranked second on the list of alliances. It won't last too long.

Bad day for ODN, over 300k NS in members left.

And may there be more. Maybe then will your leaders see the effects of cowardice. We at IRON are still digging out the knife you stuck into our backs and will be for a time to come. I just hope you know your time will come- and not necessarily from the folks at IRON or Hegemony-, but it will come and I will be looking forward to it with glittering eyes of impatience.

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Ah, I remember my first time telling a political troll to GTFO of the Sanction Race. I think it was someone who was actually on my side of a war too, NoV maybe? I can't believe how awesome this thread still is :D

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