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NoR Reunion Day Announcement

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1337842636' post='2971569']
So when will the Right and Left go at it again? and I mean lobbing nukes and such :ehm:

As soon as the Reds push da button. But something tells me they might not have the stomach for it :awesome:

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[quote name='Tibus Heth' timestamp='1337847295' post='2971574']
As soon as the Reds push da button. But something tells me they might not have the stomach for it :awesome:

Why should we be the ones who have the push the button? All the other wars where started by you guys, so the question is do you guys still have the mettle for it, or does the fact that it might actually not be a beatdown in your favour this time make you weak in the knees?

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In witnessing the banter between both sides in this topic what is abundantly clear is that both sets miss the old days when the rivalry was being fought out not only here on this forum but also on the battlefield. Speaking as someone who participated in some of those early struggles between the Left and Right on CN I too miss those days, while alliance rivalries remain part and parcel of CN the rivalry between Nordreich and the ICP (and the subsequent incarnations of both) was truly magical at times.

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[quote name='Tibus Heth' timestamp='1337830966' post='2971485']
Really? I must have misplaced the dossier listing the many glorious Red Army victories against the Nordreich military...

Oh wait... :smug:

Here we are in your three year thread, posted late and a few weeks after the LSF's 6 year thread.

LSF will be here to the end, NoR will last until it loses a war :smug:

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1337861365' post='2971599']
Here we are in your three year thread, posted late and a few weeks after the LSF's 6 year thread.

LSF will be here to the end, NoR will last until it loses a war :smug:

There will always communists around, like mewling cats begging for scraps under the dinner table. Your existence doesn't bother me. You Reds merely need a reminder of the past. :smug:

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[quote name='Tibus Heth' timestamp='1337865353' post='2971607']
Your existence doesn't bother me. You Reds merely need a reminder of the past. :smug:

You can dwell upon past battles all you wish, the Left shall continue to push towards the future.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1337621107' post='2970281']
your an idoit NoR has no hidden beliefs. What they do here in this world is exactly that what may occur in another has no reference to here. Keep on pissing on a departed friend tough guy typing on a screen makes us all like the Hulk. Theres an old proverb dont speak ill of the dead it may come back to bite you in the ass or something like that. No one deserves what happened to him NO ONE.

How about the 11 million people who lost their lives during the holocaust? Or about the millions more who are murdered each year for being of a unfavorable culture or ethnicity? Do they deserve what they get more?

Those kind of atrocities happen because people like you don't have the balls to stand up to people who have dangerous idealogies. I suppose you would prefer to ignore it and call them 'friends'.

Congrats Nordreich, I guess.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1337915934' post='2971898']
How about the 11 million people who lost their lives during the holocaust? Or about the millions more who are murdered each year for being of a unfavorable culture or ethnicity? Do they deserve what they get more?

Those kind of atrocities happen because people like you don't have the balls to stand up to people who have dangerous idealogies. I suppose you would prefer to ignore it and call them 'friends'.

Congrats Nordreich, I guess.

Apparently you missed the part where I said NO ONE deserves to die like that. TVM was a friend of mine Im not ashamed to say so. I had 0 idea prior to all this that was the lifestyle he lead. Much as Bassman stated he never brought it in to this realm. If you wish that type of harm upon someone it makes you no better than they are in my mind. If you would like to test my Balls feel free anytime you want to come knock on my door. I promise you, you will be carried away. You seem to confuse one realm with another. I on the other hand can keep them seperate. Nordreich has come back and stood the test if you want them gone by all means grab YOUR BALLS and do something about it.

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[quote name='Tibus Heth' timestamp='1338075747' post='2972935']
Side note: LSF, COME AT ME BRO!

This from the NoR diplomat to the LSF. If you're going to get all butt hurt at the answers - don't ask the questions kid. :lol1:

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1338126853' post='2973203']
This from the NoR diplomat to the LSF.

I'd say after your performance in this thread you are lucky if they will send you an ambassador at all.

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This thread needs less of this;


and more of this;


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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1338184797' post='2973468']
I'd say after your performance in this thread you are lucky if they will send you an ambassador at all.

We used to have a very good relationship with our NoR diplomat, Nikanor. He left though, around the same time as the other, shall we say, more progressive elements that have made themselves known in this thread abandoned the NoR ship. They've sent another since Tibus had his tantrum. It remains to be seen if we mask them or simply delete the embassy and forget that they exist.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1338212225' post='2973562']
We used to have a very good relationship with our NoR diplomat, Nikanor. He left though, around the same time as the other, shall we say, more progressive elements that have made themselves known in this thread abandoned the NoR ship. They've sent another since Tibus had his tantrum. It remains to be seen if we mask them or simply delete the embassy and forget that they exist.

I commend the higher ground to you. Closing embassies for political reasons is terribly declassé.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1338212225' post='2973562']
We used to have a very good relationship with our NoR diplomat, Nikanor. He left though, around the same time as the other, shall we say, more progressive elements that have made themselves known in this thread abandoned the NoR ship. They've sent another since Tibus had his tantrum. It remains to be seen if we mask them or simply delete the embassy and forget that they exist.

With respect, the only reason you got along well with Nikanor, was because he looked passed your immature insults and deplorable lack of respect for my alliance. I've made every attempt to be respectful and courteous to your alliance, and instead of returning that respect in kind you decided to spit in our face.

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Nikanor probably posted a picture of himself in the LSF pic thread and that's the reason why they didn't have the guts to insult him.
I still have selfesteem issues everytime I go to the gym from seeing him flex his muscles

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[quote name='Exige' timestamp='1338231253' post='2973647']
Nikanor probably posted a picture of himself in the LSF pic thread and that's the reason why they didn't have the guts to insult him.
I still have selfesteem issues everytime I go to the gym from seeing him flex his muscles

Yea, better watch out and not insult his picture or he will find you and beat you up!!! :rolleyes:

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