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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1334360903' post='2952562']
Then I don't think the two situations are comparable at all.

They are - their treaty partners have the same rational concerns and obligations as my treaty partners (well, mostly), it's comparable in the sense that they could have been called in immediately with complete and total validity, and instead Kaskus have been humoured. That was GOONS' mistake, they should have just snuffed it out on day one.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334360338' post='2952554']
I'm merely proving that you guys failed to keep accurate records of the events that have taken place. You guys have not given a single screenshot regarding this entire incident. All you have shared are logs and posts that prove absolutely nothing since everything you have shared can be edited simply without going through any effort at all.

yeah edited with my magical abilities, remember i mention those earlier. last time the original post was edit (by the way for not being able to add a quote correctly note all caps at top)was same day posted 27. here is the magical foresight they are the same ones tech dealing today- wow i am good

Edited by death from above 82
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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1334361736' post='2952573']
They are - their treaty partners have the same rational concerns and obligations as my treaty partners (well, mostly), it's comparable in the sense that they could have been called in immediately with complete and total validity, and instead Kaskus have been humoured. That was GOONS' mistake, they should have just snuffed it out on day one.

You just said if it was a CnG alliance this would have never happened.

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[quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1334362033' post='2952576']
yeah edited with my magical abilities, remember i mention those earlier. last time the original post was edit (by the way for not being able to and a quote correctly note all caps at top)was same day posted 27. here is the magical foresight they are the same ones tech dealing today- wow i am good

With that comment I'll leave seeing as you obviously can't follow a conversation with one person let alone multiple people.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334361686' post='2952572']
So because none of you apparently know how to take a screen shot on your computers I should take everything you guys say as fact? Seems kind if ignorant from my perspective.
Why would I take a screen shot? I'm in GOD, I have no stake in this. I happened to have the records of the aid because I'm in GOD's aid department and one of the things I do is get the [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_downloads.asp"]publicly available stats[/url] for a little program we use. I'm too lazy to get rid of the files after I use them, so I have the records going back a while.

You don't have to take it as fact if you don't want to. Not my problem.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334361686' post='2952572']You haven't refuted anything you've only proven that FOK and NG had been in a tech deal with a nation GOONS had been raiding. You didn't prove that your Mongols nation was in a tech deal with this nation.

...I'm not sure if you're serious or trolling. But [b]your[/b] original point was about if the nation was continually aided, in FOK and NGs case he was.

And as you said, we can't prove Mongols aided him. So, by your logic, why was Mongols attacked? <_<

[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334350775' post='2952418']
Did your member continue to aid after being asked to not aid said nation? The question is rhetorical, but still applies. That is why Mongols didn't get the same deal as opposed to your member.

Edit: spelling and word usage.



The other question you implied was found [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110304&view=findpost&p=2952440]here[/url] in which you asked for proof of a "3rd aid was sent by an independent who never got attacked." Again, here he is talking about the aid sent by FOK and NG, who weren't attacked.

He has said nothing wrong here, you're just being too ignorant and assuming his answer/facts are wrong because of the language barrier.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1334362102' post='2952577']
You just said if it was a CnG alliance this would have never happened.

[b]This[/b] exact set of circumstances wouldn't. But something comparable could happen, it's not impossible. And I'd have been far less humouring than GOONS were; and this is my point, while many are stating that this is shameful or something, for anyone who's not some kind of inconsistent imaginary honour scale driven failure, GOONS really should have just finished the whole ordeal on day one.

Edited by Laslo Kenez
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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1334362625' post='2952585']
[b]This[/b] exact set of circumstances wouldn't. But something comparable could happen, it's not impossible. And I'd have been far less humouring than GOONS were; and this is my point, while many are stating that this is shameful or something, for anyone who's not some kind of inconsistent imaginary honour scale driven failure, GOONS really should have just finished the whole ordeal on day one.

Except I think you're all missing the point. GOONS is being mocked because they come up with these tough hardline stances, and don't have the power to back it up. After claiming they love war, are good at it, and would fulfill their policies no matter the cost; all they have done is bully smaller alliances. Hell, they're not even good at that.

If you're going to talk big, then back it up. It's simple.

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1334362625' post='2952585']
[b]This[/b] exact set of circumstances wouldn't. But something comparable could happen, it's not impossible. And I'd have been far less humouring than GOONS were; and this is my point, while many are stating that this is shameful or something, for anyone who's not some kind of inconsistent imaginary honour scale driven failure, GOONS really should have just finished the whole ordeal on day one.

You are confusing me.

On the one hand you seem to be saying that you would have been somehow *tougher* in your approach, AND you are saying you could have had it done on day one?

You can have one or the other but if you are seriously saying both I will have to :lol1: hard.

The only way that this could have been finished on day one would have been a resort to diplomacy.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1334363511' post='2952608']
You are confusing me.

On the one hand you seem to be saying that you would have been somehow *tougher* in your approach, AND you are saying you could have had it done on day one?

You can have one or the other but if you are seriously saying both I will have to :lol1: hard.

The only way that this could have been finished on day one would have been a resort to diplomacy.

If PB had been called on day one this wouldn't be an issue today, it's simple maths. GOONS were obviously just too prideful in their approach, and now people expect them to not bring allies in, because we've had like a month of that. Basically, GOONS were far too nice, conversely.

Except I think you're all missing the point. GOONS is being mocked because they come up with these tough hardline stances, and don't have the power to back it up. After claiming they love war, are good at it, and would fulfill their policies no matter the cost; all they have done is bully smaller alliances. Hell, they're not even good at that.

If you're going to talk big, then back it up. It's simple.

They do have the power to back it up, the power is in their strong diplomatic ties.

Edited by Laslo Kenez
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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1334361598' post='2952569']
Cause unlike you I actually know members of my alliance. Especially ones like Coffee Shock who I've played with for the last two-three years. If the guy really cared about his tech sellers and their reliability he wouldn't have gone from 8k tech years ago to the level he's at now.

You'll find the majority of the NG membership are generally laid back. Otherwise they would not fit in.
If I was doing tech deals with someone and they got raided, it wouldn't be the not getting the tech I would be concerned about. I would forgive the tech since getting raided would be out of his control, but I would still want him to get aid to fight off any invaders out of caring about the well being of those I do business with who are usually reliable. Especially long term business partners.

If I sent someone $3m for tech, then they got raided before sending me the tech, I would probably send them another $3m so they can fight off their invader and send me the tech when they are able to.

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1334363741' post='2952615']
If PB had been called on day one this wouldn't be an issue today, it's simple maths. GOONS were obviously just too prideful in their approach, and now people expect them to not bring allies in, because we've had like a month of that. Basically, GOONS were far too nice, conversely.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid you were trying to say. It's simple maths, as you say, that it would have changed little or nothing. A nation out of what 20 total? A tiny but I will grant not entirely insignificant difference - assuming he really would have been dissuaded. Knowing Kaskus and NEW warriors as I do I would doubt even that. But grant it for the sake of argument.

The PR side of the loss would have been just as bad, and already going on all this time now. Doubling down on a bad bet isnt a winning strategy.

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1334362625' post='2952585']
[b]This[/b] exact set of circumstances wouldn't. But something comparable could happen, it's not impossible. And I'd have been far less humouring than GOONS were; and this is my point, while many are stating that this is shameful or something, for anyone who's not some kind of inconsistent imaginary honour scale driven failure, GOONS really should have just finished the whole ordeal on day one.

Son, you have the makings of a fine ruthless dictator in you. That'll show those people who don't like to see their tech dealers raided to ever help them out. Good thing for you, bloc enforced rapings of those who protect their tech sources doesn't cause any cognitive dissonance.

Unless of course, that does weigh on your mind, which then causes the question of why you'd be such a tough guy in this situation to begin with.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1334364882' post='2952640']
Son, you have the makings of a fine ruthless dictator in you. That'll show those people who don't like to see their tech dealers raided to ever help them out. Good thing for you, bloc enforced rapings of those who protect their tech sources doesn't cause any cognitive dissonance.

Unless of course, that does weigh on your mind, which then causes the question of why you'd be such a tough guy in this situation to begin with.

I wouldn't do it in the first place, so no worries about me becoming a ruthless dictator just yet :)

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334362129' post='2952578']
With that comment I'll leave seeing as you obviously can't follow a conversation with one person let alone multiple people.
You've proved nothing other than you're wrong about a lot of things by claiming your lack of knowledge changes facts. Nice of you to take your leave.

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1334361514' post='2952568']
We can throw the "Valid CB" argument all we want, but everyone here knows if a CB is wanted an alliance can just make it up ala VE and MK saving the world from bad forum posting.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure we were honest about how that was a straightforward exercise of us using might to make right, so it's not really a good example of a manufactured CB.

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the argument as to why NG and FOK didn't have to pay reps is because we don't mind our targets getting tech money at all, we don't discourage them getting more money to steal/buy our tech with. we have an issue with them claiming it was a tech deal when the deals were for 3m/50t/2000s and with the note war aids or something. that doesn't scream tech deal.

this dog has a mustache your argument is invalid.

Edited by r00tn00b
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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1334367200' post='2952675']
the argument as to why NG and FOK didn't have to pay reps is because we don't mind our targets getting tech money at all, we don't discourage them getting more money to steal/buy our tech with. we have an issue with them claiming it was a tech deal when the deals were for 3m/50t/2000s and with the note war aids or something. that doesn't scream tech deal.

What if I need those soldiers to guard my precious cash and tech reserves?

Edited by MitchellBade
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[quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1334367406' post='2952676']
What if I need those soldiers to guard my precious cash and tech reserves?
this dog has a mustache your argument is invalid.

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[quote name='sigelopisan' timestamp='1334338208' post='2952294']
36 mill was a joke.
3 mill could be the right figure,.. I guess...... :lol1::lol1::lol1:
As I mentioned elsewhere, I don't know why we bothered entering good faith negotiations with people who aren't interested in dealing honestly (as evidenced by the above post). It was a complete waste of time and this should have happened a lot sooner.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1334367491' post='2952677']
this dog has a mustache your argument is invalid.

I see your dog mustache, and raise you an ice cream pooping taco. Your move.


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