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Announcement from Pandora's Box

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334337878' post='2952288']
This is a joke right? There is nothing civilized about how GOONS does things,
My good man, I must respectfully disagree.
attacking random nations,
Why, I would say that selfish pursuit of individual advancement is the cornerstone of civilized society. OOC: A little book called Atlas Shrugged, perhaps you've heard of it? *pops monocole*
forcing them to try getting peace at your mercy board while your members throw insults at them,
That's not what the mercy board is for, nations can get peace any time they want by joining a valid alliance and letting the wars expire.
try extorting huge reps by asking for help from your allies, etc.
My good man, we are only acting in our rational self-interest, pip pip. We ask only for what we deserve from the top of the food chain.
You are allied to a few civilized alliances who do well, such as Umbrella, which is the only reason you guys haven't been wiped off the map.
How silly you are, given umbrella's ranges, they would not be a very large impediment to any large lower tier force striking us. I do believe you should do more research before positing such statements. *puffs pipe thoughtfully*
However being allied to an alliance such as yours keeps dragging down the reputations of all the civilized alliances you're allied to, until eventually they will want to distance themselves from your uncivilized way of doing things or eventually be grouped together with you guys as needing to be cleansed from the world alongside you guys.
My good man, wars of extermination are no longer waged in our enlightened age. I suggest you take your barbaric notions away from this discussion and let alliances with moral and intellectual clarity debate the pressing issues of our age.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334338361' post='2952297']
How silly you are, given umbrella's ranges, they would not be a very large impediment to any large lower tier force striking us. I do believe you should do more research before positing such statements. *puffs pipe thoughtfully*
Umbrella gave you the protection with a treaty early on when you guys formed to prevent you from getting wiped out then, the rest of your treaties came after if I recall correctly. Although they were the ones who allowed you to gain a foothold to keep from getting wiped out, also other than your alliance most don't consider having a purely lower tier alliance a good thing. If they are mostly lower tier, then that's just because they haven't built up their upper tier yet.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334338361' post='2952297']
My good man, we are only acting in our rational self-interest, pip pip. We ask only for what we deserve from the top of the food chain.

Did I read that correctly.

As in your allies owe you this help?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334338361' post='2952297']

My good man, we are only acting in our rational self-interest, pip pip. We ask only for what we deserve from the top of the food chain.


Like blowing off your foot with a shotgun if you see a spider on it. This is anything but rational unless you count stupidity.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1334338607' post='2952301']
Did I read that correctly.

As in your allies owe you this help?
My good man, I believe you are misinterpreting what I said, I meant we get the reps we are entitled to.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334338946' post='2952305']
My good man, I believe you are misinterpreting what I said, I meant we get the reps we are entitled to.
Your alliance isn't on the top of the food chain though, you just have allies who are. Now you expect your allies to help you act as if you are on the top of the food chain.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334339074' post='2952306']
Your alliance isn't on the top of the food chain though, you just have allies who are. Now you expect your allies to help you act as if you are on the top of the food chain.
I am happy to say that PB is at the top of the food chain for the time being, I realize GOONS is not the apex predator it was in its past incarnation.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334339530' post='2952308']
I am happy to say that PB is at the top of the food chain for the time being, I realize GOONS is not the apex predator it was in its past incarnation.
Considering your alliance brings nothing good to the table for PB and drags the rest of them into needing to save you guys from fights you get into with micro alliances, don't get overly comfortable that these alliances will put up with you guys embarrassing the rest of them for long.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1334338319' post='2952295']
Wow I'm amazed you are alive after that Legion curb stomping.
xd gud 1!

I know it's hard for your alliance to understand, but sometimes people choose to put their stats to use. Yes we've lost wars, but then again we've actually stood for something. The one time your alliance tried to acheive something it caused it to fall apart around you, and all you oh so loyal gremlins ran away to various AA's, until an opportune time to reform arose. Good job.

You guys love to talk the talk, but for all your power you are scared to walk the walk. From your opposition to WUT, to GCW, to Continuum, and every little issue that Bob Janova and co stuck their noses into, you're always ready to lay down some moral-laden rhetoric, but when it comes time to actually do something to make a difference, you're nowhere to be seen.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1334340839' post='2952318']
I guess [s]goons [/s] MKs tech farm will be tolerated until the next alliance MKs tech farm decides to play with uses all their nukes on MK for failing to control their tech farm.

Yeah, and it was funny see people from that alliance talk about someone else burning political capital.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334339872' post='2952312']
Considering your alliance brings nothing good to the table for PB and drags the rest of them into needing to save you guys from fights you get into with micro alliances, don't get overly comfortable that these alliances will put up with you guys embarrassing the rest of them for long.
I think you should let PB judge GOONS' worth to PB.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334341022' post='2952320']
Yeah, and it was funny see people from that alliance talk about someone else burning political capital.

Like Beefspari said, DH is basically one big alliance. This is as much MKs doing as goons.

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1332471598' post='2942005']
I'm confused. You're complaining we're getting help from MK, so as a result you think we should activate our Doomhouse treaty and get help from MK? Besides which, [b]Doomhouse is an unspoken bond. MK and Umbrella don't need to post any DoWs. Our house is their house[/b]. T[b]hey can chip in whenever they want without having to ask permission or explain themselves. That's just how Doomhouse works[/b]. If that explanation isn't good enough for you, maybe those MK nations resigned to join GOONs.


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Have to appreciate all the haters in this thread. Must mean PB is doing something right.

Oh and to all you critics of GOONS:

GOONs could've handled this situation on their own, however it would've dragged on for far too many months causing an impeccable amount of damage.

But instead they decided, hey, lets use our treaty, since we HAVE ALLIES, and minimize the damage for us, and allow us to rebuild quicker!

Now while this does spread the damage to the rest of PB, it will be minimal and easy to recooperate.

So go on, and cry about it, its all you guys know how to do.

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[quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1334341941' post='2952332']
Have to appreciate all the haters in this thread. Must mean PB is doing something right.

Oh and to all you critics of GOONS:

GOONs could've handled this situation on their own, however it would've dragged on for far too many months causing an impeccable amount of damage.

But instead they decided, hey, lets use our treaty, since we HAVE ALLIES, and minimize the damage for us, and allow us to rebuild quicker!

Now while this does spread the damage to the rest of PB, it will be minimal and easy to recooperate.

So go on, and cry about it, its all you guys know how to do.
GOONS have even said themselves it would of been impossible for them to fight and win this on their own, hence they asked Umbrella for help. When that wasn't enough, now they bring in the rest of Pandora's Box.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334342180' post='2952333']
GOONS have even said themselves it would of been impossible for them to fight and win this on their own, hence they asked Umbrella for help. When that wasn't enough, now they bring in the rest of Pandora's Box.

Whats sad to say is you guys actually thought Umbrella could do something....Who were they able to attack? Maybe one. Had all of Kaskus been upper tier this would've been done long ago, but they weren't and now they are all mid tier and lower tier, so of course Umbrella isn't going to be enough.

PB was brought in to bring this to a close, as we all know this has gone on way too long. If MONGOLs/Kaskus don't want to surrender, then thats their choice, and they will lose and eventually have nothing left, while other hand, we will have barely lost anything. If they're smart, they will offer a reps amount (i would say 80mill), which potentially would be accepted, and in the end they will have gained respect. whereas if they continue you on like this, they will eventually lose everything and not have any diplomatic respect. They may be warriors, but what're warriors without a few good diplomats? Meaningless.

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[quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1334342468' post='2952335']
Whats sad to say is you guys actually thought Umbrella could do something....Who were they able to attack? Maybe one. Had all of Kaskus been upper tier this would've been done long ago, but they weren't and now they are all mid tier and lower tier, so of course Umbrella isn't going to be enough.

PB was brought in to bring this to a close, as we all know this has gone on way too long. If MONGOLs/Kaskus don't want to surrender, then thats their choice, and they will lose and eventually have nothing left, while other hand, we will have barely lost anything. If they're smart, they will offer a reps amount (i would say 80mill), which potentially would be accepted, and in the end they will have gained respect. whereas if they continue you on like this, they will eventually lose everything and not have any diplomatic respect. They may be warriors, but what're warriors without a few good diplomats? Meaningless.
When GOONS needs all of you guys in order to help them try extracting reps, its them who lose all respect. If you guys want this to end, you need to do something about GOONS, not Kaskus/Mongols. I think Mongols have said they are willing to give $3m, which is the amount they gave to one of GOONS tech raid victims, which is more than generous considering GOONS deserve nothing.

If GOONS wants reps they should need to earn it, when they need to bring in all of PB to help them in a war against a few micros they've earned nothing.

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[quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1334342468' post='2952335']
[b]Whats sad to say is you guys actually thought Umbrella could do something[/b]....Who were they able to attack? Maybe one. Had all of Kaskus been upper tier this would've been done long ago, but they weren't and now they are all mid tier and lower tier, so of course Umbrella isn't going to be enough.

goons got Umbrella to announce a DoW for one guy. If Umbrella had so little to offer as you claim why get them do embarrass themselves publicly by announcing a DoW to fight one guy that could have been in range of a goon had he done a small amount of bulking up?

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334342655' post='2952336']
When GOONS needs all of you guys in order to help them try extracting reps, its them who lose all respect. If you guys want this to end, you need to do something about GOONS, not Kaskus/Mongols. I think Mongols have said they are willing to give $3m, which is the amount they gave to one of GOONS tech raid victims, which is more than generous considering GOONS deserve nothing.

If that's all their willing to give, then war will continue on...No need to drag this into a 20+ page thread about how they need to offer less reps when clearly all MONGOLS will give is 3mill. Neither side wants to budge, so war will continue on.

They will have died and meanwhile NG, GOONs, Umbrella, FOK, and VE will still be here.

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[quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1334342881' post='2952339']
If that's all their willing to give, then war will continue on...No need to drag this into a 20+ page thread about how they need to offer less reps when clearly all MONGOLS will give is 3mill. Neither side wants to budge, so war will continue on.

They will have died and meanwhile NG, GOONs, Umbrella, FOK, and VE will still be here.
You might still be here, but people won't forgot what you guys have done here and how Pandora's Box operates. Any incompetent alliance can sign a lot of treaties, it doesn't make them entitled to anything like GOONS thinks it does. That you guys are enabling a weak alliance to abuse other alliances due to having a lot of treaties will reflect very badly on all of you guys and will lose you guys a lot of respect.

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