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This Week in SuperFriends

Rebel Virginia

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1323156364' post='2865507']
[color="#0000FF"]Everything must die. Polar, Pacific, TOP, NSO, and numerous others. Even MK and CnG long ago had to burn, and soon they too will once again be cinders. But the alliances of XX and SF have been untouched for far longer. Now it is your time to be destroyed so that the cycle can continue.[/color]

How long ago did these 'spies' take place? Aren't you just misleading your 'allies'? I mean today, today, aw shoot, May 2010.

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You know... and yes I am biased as I like R&R... I am rather appalled. Not just by this but by how we all laugh and cheer about something that is fundamentally a lie. Whether its taking spy info, posting spy info or manipulating things to look like spy info, we have lost something here and we are not better for it.

Maybe I am just old, but its just one more thing: watching something die while everyone cheers /shrugs.

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[quote name='HellAngel' timestamp='1323157714' post='2865525']
Just confimes what i already thought, but was an amusing read nevertheless. I award you four out of five schatts.

I for one can't remember when I last gave a schatt.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1323157974' post='2865526']
I for one can't remember when I last gave a schatt.

I left a schatt on the golf course and in the library.

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I'm confused. Is someone trying to say that SF is a major historical player? SF is at the level of past blocs like BLEU, UJP and "The Sphere" (I think it was called that) from way back in the day. Blocs that were influential but never dominant.

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1323159529' post='2865540']
I'm confused. Is someone trying to say that SF is a major historical player? SF is at the level of past blocs like BLEU, UJP and "The Sphere" (I think it was called that) from way back in the day. Blocs that were influential but never dominant.

So your counter-argument is that they were/are lesser major historical players.


Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Anson' timestamp='1323144164' post='2864932']
I dont even... what? How the heck did you guys.. nevermind, I dont even know how to articulate my complete disbelief at the sheer stupidity (imo) of RnR.

Says the guy that founds an alliance and then bails on it 2 days later saying "my work there was done"?

So let's take a look at this amazing spy info shall we?
- we got a time and date (not even a target) for a strike that was supposed to happen multiple hours before this topic was posted and had since been called off.
- A password to a private channel that hasn't been used since the first 2 days of this war since we switched servers.

So yeah, how incompetent of us, we're just lucky RV found the only person more incompetent then us to spy on us.

You know.. at the very least he could have found something remotely useful.. like warchest info or something..

As far as the password is concerned, i'm pretty sure should this amazing spy find the new password it will give a good laugh again, but really before it's actually seen the chance of guessing "newpass" (which i agree isn't the most original) is just as likely as the new password or "dfskdljrhhgnnnsall" for that matter.

So really, we where in a recruitment competition right at the start of this war and you got someone slip through the application process. Big woop, the funniest thing about this topic is people from alliances that have had leaks up to gov level going all "OMG they leaked some outdated info". But then again, i guess some people can use this to make themselves feel better about their own crappy OpSec.

And for that I give RV an A+ for community service.

Edited by EgoFreaky
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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1323162750' post='2865562']
But then again, i guess some people can use this to make themselves feel better about their own crappy OpSec.
[color="#0000FF"]I assure you that FAIL's OpSec is flawless. It will be a cold day in Hell when a member of FAIL leaks even the tiniest tidbit of our plans.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1323164305' post='2865566']
[color="#0000FF"]I assure you that FAIL's OpSec is flawless. It will be a cold day in Hell when a member of FAIL leaks even the tiniest tidbit of our plans.[/color]




Never change RV

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1323144599' post='2864959']
Extremely pathetic that spying was used as a set up in order to attack NpO in the last war, and now to see all you clowns praise RV for doing the exact same thing. Quite hypocritical.

They have a valid CB against him. So no hypocrisy here.

That doesn't make it less funny. NpO's spying was funny, too. I liked your self-destruction trip.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1323164305' post='2865566']
[color="#0000FF"]It will be a cold day in Hell when a member of FAIL leaks even the tiniest tidbit of our plans.[/color]
I was able to keep a straight face throughout this thread until here. Touché sir, touché.

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1323164898' post='2865571']
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Beyond the fact that you aren't capable of defending your IC point of view and that your alliance has lost face more than Planet Bob will ever lose rules and as such you must resort to calling out people on OOC reasons to re-ensure some sort of position of superiority, why the hell do you even bother coming here and posting ANYTHING if you don't care what other people think and want to maintain your opinion no matter what?

P.S. Good thread RV would read again.

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