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A new Declaration from The Order of the Paradox

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1322288360' post='2851894']
The argument was that Vlad was dominating GOD (or not), and Flak said he scared off Xiph. He destroyed his nation, sure, but that doesn't have much to do with being scared off.

Oh is THAT all he did! So, having your leaders nation totally destroyed is just small beer in GOD's book? What happens on a bad day for you guys?

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1322288923' post='2851929']
Oh is THAT all he did! So, having your leaders nation totally destroyed is just small beer in GOD's book? What happens on a bad day for you guys?
What are you gonna do when you're at war for a month+ with three rogues, all who know what they're doing? You get hurt.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1322288621' post='2851917']
"You're an idiot if you defend your allies." - RoK 2011
Nice extrapolation job. It's just funny to see Jtkode talk some smack when his inactive pile of nations won't end up doing more than a ghost declaration. I look forward for him meagerly attempting to prove me wrong. ^_^

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[quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1322288257' post='2851885']
You need to stop holding grudges bro. Seems like you are little girls and someone stole your lemonaid at your little lemonaid stand two years ago. You need to be men and get over this, s%*! Happens. Haha you were once great. Become great and deal. We will meet on the battle grounds. Im excited to see this unfold and you lose. My blood is ARES, my blood is the blood of warriors.
The hate keeps me warm.

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[quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1322288257' post='2851885']
You need to stop holding grudges bro. Seems like you are little girls and someone stole your lemonaid at your little lemonaid stand two years ago. You need to be men and get over this, s%*! Happens. Haha you were once great. Become great and deal. We will meet on the battle grounds. Im excited to see this unfold and you lose. My blood is ARES, my blood is the blood of warriors.

This is about the level of intelligence I'd expect from the leader of an alliance allied to both GOD and Polar.

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[quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1322288257' post='2851885']
You need to stop holding grudges bro. Seems like you are little girls and someone stole your lemonaid at your little lemonaid stand two years ago. You need to be men and get over this, s%*! Happens. Haha you were once great. Become great and deal. We will meet on the battle grounds. Im excited to see this unfold and you lose. My blood is ARES, my blood is the blood of warriors.
[color="#0000FF"]If you thickies over at ARES lumber into this we brave men of FAIL will have so much fun with you.[/color]

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A Paradoxian always pays his debts...

First and foremost, your betrayal has not been forgotten. Brewing and
unchanged, our wrath has laid dormant, but the time has
come to unleash the dogs of war. You are the
kindling, we are the flame, in the end you'll be ashes.

You can consider this to be a declaration of war. Short and sweet. The
Order of the Paradox shall wipe the black spot on the face of planet Bob.
Unless of course you deem fit to disband.

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[quote name='Deus PDOX' timestamp='1322289420' post='2851954']
You are the kindling, we are the flame, in the end you'll be ashes.
Just a minor thought you may want to ponder before using this too many times. You know what happens to fire when the fuel source is gone?

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1322289870' post='2851969']
With all this talk about you guys paying your debts, I wonder how good your credit rating is.
They are reliable at paying them back. That's good, but it does take some time, so that may not help

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[quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1322288257' post='2851885']
You need to stop holding grudges bro. Seems like you are little girls and someone stole your lemonaid at your little lemonaid stand two years ago. You need to be men and get over this, s%*! Happens. Haha you were once great. Become great and deal. We will meet on the battle grounds. Im excited to see this unfold and you lose. My blood is ARES, my blood is the blood of warriors.
And who is ARES?

[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1322288621' post='2851917']
"You're an idiot if you defend your allies." - RoK 2011

That's not what he said, but you're a SF member, so at least no one was expecting much anyway.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1322291383' post='2852039']
That's not what he said, but you're a SF member, so at least no one was expecting much anyway.
[quote]Yeah, be that idiot and kick this thing off.[/quote]

Translation: Yeah, be that idiot who defends Polar* and makes this expand...

*Polar is an MDP partner of ARES, and they were just attacked.

What do you think he said?

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