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A Joint Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom and the Viridian Entente

Leet Guy

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[quote name='dcrews20' timestamp='1320541228' post='2839908']
Dude said anyone who aids someone they are at war with is considered an act of war. If MK declares on NSO any aid sent before that doesn't count but anyone who sends after is committing an act of war. TLR has stated they will aid NSO, so that would be an act of war against MK if you continued to aid them after the DoW.

[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1320542693' post='2839923']
TLR has stated no such intent.

[quote name='dcrews20' timestamp='1320543724' post='2839930']
@FlogYou I'm just gonna leave this here for you to read because clearly your reading/comprehension is selective

Yes, Yes, Yes my reading/comprehension is very selective. :smug:

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[quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1320544380' post='2839935']
So, NSO has failed so miserably that finally they have to resort to Big Brother and call for a Curbstomp.

The circle of shame is now complete.
Not to worry, even if we do somehow get a peace settlement, I'm quite sure that MK & VE will still roll us on general principles. Fact is, it'd be even better for them, since they won't have to fake beating on NSO & Tetris.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320544643' post='2839940']
Not to worry, even if we do somehow get a peace settlement, I'm quite sure that MK & VE will still roll us on general principles. Fact is, it'd be even better for them, since they won't have to fake beating on NSO & Tetris.
If all we wanted was to roll you then we would have rolled within 24 hours of your initial DoW.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320544643' post='2839940']
Not to worry, even if we do somehow get a peace settlement, I'm quite sure that MK & VE will still roll us on general principles. Fact is, it'd be even better for them, since they won't have to fake beating on NSO & Tetris.

They aren't going to beat on Tetris, just NSO and Legion. Tetris is the combination to the safe, not the treasure inside.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320545032' post='2839943']
They aren't going to beat on Tetris, just NSO and Legion. Tetris is the combination to the safe, not the treasure inside.

That is, in all seriousness, an excellent analogy.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320544643' post='2839940']
Not to worry, even if we do somehow get a peace settlement, I'm quite sure that MK & VE will still roll us on general principles. Fact is, it'd be even better for them, since they won't have to fake beating on NSO & Tetris.
I'm genuinely curious as to what the idiots would do if you just unilaterally declared victory and ceased attacks.

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1320545706' post='2839965']
I'm genuinely curious as to what the idiots would do if you just unilaterally declared victory and ceased attacks.

Blame Legion for the ensuing threads of !@#$posting and roll them anyway?

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1320540754' post='2839902']
For the record... nobody has DOW'd NSO yet(save Legion), so why would my good old pals over there in the Kingdom roll us for aid that was sent prior to a DoW?

So what your saying is, VE DoW NSO and TLR will tuck their tail in-between their legs and hide, after all you have given NSO aid for this war long before legion and the simple reason was what ?, now VE DoW NSO you no longer feel you have to help, well great friends you make.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1320514548' post='2839692']
Well stated. Well stated indeed.

You know I sure as hell remember MK being respected when it was Archon, Trace, you, and SW as the 4 big people in gov. I remember respect, and a whole lot of ass kickings that we handed out. You were the finest survivors of Aegis all joined together in common purpose... LUE... LoSS...NAAC... and some rebels from the NPO. It was a good time man. I miss #thefreeworld back then. I think if we could go back there and see the future we would all be talking about this fine gentlemanry in no uncertain terms! :V

[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1320516750' post='2839708']
I think your assertion that we are undertaking this action to chase the spectre of NPO's fallen might is a baseless accusation...though I understand it's easy to cast us in that light given we're at the center of all evil in CN. Or so you'll be lead to believe if you skim the OWF enough! I think your simply reading too far into this alongside the majority of posters in this topic. It's been stated earlier that VE wanted us to facilitate this action alongside them in order to bring this conflict to a swift end and we obliged them. While I understand that most people like to view things in black and white terms; our actions are neither for the sake of evil or good. We are simply obliging a request...not trying to become some nefarious villain.

Owned-You you have gone from alliance to alliance looking to play politics. You went from running NV to being an NSO member to being in MK and who knows how much else I've forgotten. You're like a lot of people in MK right now... like a lot of people that joined NPO before their downfall too. You like to be in the politically influential alliances, at the center of the action. You like to play realpolitik. I don't blame you for what you do, but there's no way in hell I believe what you're saying, cause I know way too much about how politics works here.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1320517245' post='2839714']
Well put, but MK as an alliance has never been particularly 'special'. My personal experiences aside, they are all too flawed in some pretty petty ways in fact. At best MK has produced some special [i]individuals[/i], Archon in particular.[/quote]

I disagree. The alliance itself and all of its membership was special. Archon's strong guiding hand *certainly* played a large role in that, but yet Archon was not MK. I don't just miss talking to Archon, I miss talking to a whole passel of old school MK'ers. They were all pretty damn good, from gov to membership. Do you know that MK was given the chance to vote on the defense of GR in the noCB war? I wonder who here remembers how that membership vote turned out. Archon certainly was a good role model, but those he raised were great as well.

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1320526508' post='2839777']
I have to say, when [i]Londo Mollari[/i] is telling you you're heading towards being the new NPO and you're betraying the spirit of Karma, you probably ought to stop for reflection. He's hardly a well-known moral crusader.[/quote]

I seem to recall participating in this thing called "Karma" a while back. And then there was some business about defending my allies from overwhelming odds and getting saddled with crushing reps my alliance barely survived before that. That was back when honoring treaties wasn't very trendy or popular. You may not like everything I've done, but I feel pretty comfortable with it all. It's been guided by a fundamental sense of fun, justice, and fair play.

As far as betraying the spirit of Karma, I don't even believe that. I don't think the point of Karma was to make it so that no one could ever do anything villainous again... it was 2 things.

1) Mutual self defense from an alliance that wanted to use divide and conquer to roll us one by one over and over again to provide a string of endless victories to satiate their membership's lust for perpetual "victory" (this was NPO). No one was safe, not even their own "allies".

2) Punishment for repeated "crimes against humanity" that were completely outside the spirit of fair play.

If MK wants to play a realpolitik villain then I hope they have fun, but I think it stinks. I think it stinks that they've attracted all of these new realpolitik type actors from the days when I first allied them - because they were successful. I think it's a shame that MK lost the cultural war after they won the fighting war. Because that is, in essence, what has happened here. The old culture is mostly gone and most of those who practiced it are inactive now, or going along with the "new ways".

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1320556118' post='2840073']
If MK wants to play a realpolitik villain then I hope they have fun, but I think it stinks. I think it stinks that they've attracted all of these new realpolitik type actors from the days when I first allied them - because they were successful. I think it's a shame that MK lost the cultural war after they won the fighting war. Because that is, in essence, what has happened here. The old culture is mostly gone and most of those who practiced it are inactive now, or going along with the "new ways".

These were concerns I raised with MK just before they did their great treaty purge. I was told I was wrong and that MK was not changing into what you just described. When they cancelled the treaties and signed new ones I feared the worst but was again told I had nothing to be concerned about. Then the NSO trade circle nonsense bobbed up and I raised the issue with MK and I was suddenly an MK-hatin' moralist. A label I'll now carry until at some point in the future the poles again reverse on our great planet and I agree with something MK does. So, I just want to welcome you to the club. I saved you a seat next to AirMe at the monthly meetings.

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[quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1320539025' post='2839875']
Will RoK or NpO be persecuted for their part in prolonging this war?
Those damned pesky kids! Always queering the pitch for everyone else. Always getting in the way of what would otherwise be a perfectly good curbstomp!

In case i did not mention this clearly before; not a fan of this idea. Yeah. I hope that once the booze wears off, these two in the OP will come to their sense and have a "uhoh we done goofed" moment. Which they will respond to by going back to their respective bunkers.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1320444823' post='2838832']
It's been answered clearly: The reasons for not achieving peace are irrelevant to us, the consequences remain the same. If NSO refuses to end the war unless you surrender to them, then you can choose if you'd rather do that or have us toss in our hats.


Please someone tell me this guy is just yanking our collective chains.

Edited by Feuersturm
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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1320556118' post='2840073']
All that stuff londo said plus a bit of what tyga said.[/quote]
My personal opinions regarding MK's handling of FA in the fall of 2010 are pretty much a matter of record.

There are a lot of things that could be handled better and I think this thread is one of them, but, Londo, you should probably not show anything but empathy for the fact that sometimes people make rash decisions that could have been better thought out.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320556899' post='2840077']
These were concerns I raised with MK just before they did their great treaty purge. I was told I was wrong and that MK was not changing into what you just described. When they cancelled the treaties and signed new ones I feared the worst but was again told I had nothing to be concerned about. Then the NSO trade circle nonsense bobbed up and I raised the issue with MK and I was suddenly an MK-hatin' moralist. A label I'll now carry until at some point in the future the poles again reverse on our great planet and I agree with something MK does. So, I just want to welcome you to the club. I saved you a seat next to AirMe at the monthly meetings.
Save me a seat at the 'Old Farts' table.

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[quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1320558350' post='2840088']

Please someone tell me this guy is just yanking our collective chains.
This guy is just yanking our collective chains. :)

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1320558392' post='2840089']
My personal opinions regarding MK's handling of FA in the fall of 2010 are pretty much a matter of record.

There are a lot of things that could be handled better and I think this thread is one of them, but, Londo, you should probably not show anything but empathy for the fact that sometimes people make rash decisions that could have been better thought out.
[/quote]So you're agreeing this is a pretty idiotic move, or just that MK's made quite a few since Karma?

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