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An Announcement from the Imperial Assault Alliance

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1317891049' post='2818264']
This is becoming the most pathetic war of all time. Its fricking Legion people and for all the tough talk people keep calling in help? And it appears outside of NSO the rest of this coalition makes Legion look like they know what they are doing. And IAA? What the hell happened to you? That you are involved in this at all like this is just sad. That your attack was this poor is even more sad. Every single alliance involved in this war should hang its head in shame. Its fricking Legion people and they making the rest of you look bad. Legion sucks stop making them look good.

I'm actually agreeing with TBB. What.

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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1317878800' post='2818069']
Meh, already the 5th page and likely to be lost in all the noise, but here goes.....

There is no IAA/NsO Protectorate.

Over a month ago a full member vote changed the treaty to an MDP. Ergo, unless NsO was attacked then IAA was not going to roll. Furthermore the vote approved a non-chain treaty as well.

But it seems that James Wilson somehow forgot to announce a properly approved treaty he is now saying the Protectorate is in force still. If anything, with the vote and lack of announcement it seems more like no valid treaty exists at all. The Protectorate treaty was struck down by valid IAA member vote and the new one wasn't declared here. Does any treaty exist at all even?

Many will note that IAA basically didn't roll out tonight. They weren't interested in war and voted accordingly a month ago. A few devout JW followers, or more likely just bored members, will roll. I'd be very surprised if even a dozen declare if you give them a week. This isn't an alliance at war. This is a leader practicing a bit of CYA because he's too embarrassed to come here and tell you he completely screwed up and didn't post the new treaty. A true leader owns up to his mistakes, no matter how embarrassing. He doesn't declare a non-approved war to save personal face.

Me? I'll be in hippy. Actually, I was looking forward to the winter war season to finally break some things. But I've played long enough not to be party to an illegally declared war. So when this circus ends be sure to address the fact that JW trotted out a war declaration with no basis or authority by treaty to do so. It has been said that an alliance that approves of a leader's actions are responsible for his actions. But this is clearly a case where we did not give him treaty authority to declare this war. He has taken this burden upon himself without our permission.

For the record the vote was held and passed on August 3.

Interesting logic, there. You contradict yourself quite neatly, actually. Y'see...if the supposed MDP is illegitimate because it was not posted here (a rather obviously erroneous conclusion in any case, given recent precedents) the same could be said of the cancellation of the protectorate...therfore, according to your own logic, the protectorate is still active and JW's actions are legally correct.

Anywho. Best of luck, IAA. :)


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[quote name='Beau Vine' timestamp='1317896106' post='2818315']
Whether takers of his bet will weasel out on this (absolutely valid) semantic argument is another matter. Allies, side of coalition in a war, allies, signatories of an official pact. Poteytoh potatoh in reverse.

[size="1"]edit: grammarz[/size]

edit2: My bad, the latter definition was intended

It has to be an NSO ally, I deliberately made the bet that way.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1317877104' post='2817967']
Let's test that theory.

I'll send you some screenshots. You post them. See what happens, CoJ getting rolled, or me getting kicked out of MK.[/quote]

C. All of the above.

Now for the gathered audience (since I have no particular gripe with you or MK and don't want a running gun battle over the obvious)...

It wasn't just that Tetris put the screenshots out there for everyone to see, they were also taunting Legion to do something about it. Legion finally did.

Tetris [i]willingly[/i] and [i]purposely[/i] involved itself in disseminating information that was obtained through spying, thus became part of a spy ring designed to humiliate and embarrass Legion.

[b]Valid CB everywhere.[/b] Stop making it sound like Tetris was walking down the street minding its own business when someone threw a bunch of classified documents at them out of a passing van and moments later Legion showed up to frame them for spying.

You people (and I mean this generally, not specifically anyone) amaze me at times with your need for spin. Can you not wage wars that involve clear CBs, clear treaties, and decisive outcomes without hand wringing/rationalizing/bawwing/rewriting history/holding 5 year grudges/and bawwing some more?

:facepalm: Incredible.

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[quote]Now for the gathered audience (since I have no particular gripe with you or MK and don't want a running gun battle over the obvious)...

It wasn't just that Tetris put the screenshots out there for everyone to see, they were also taunting Legion to do something about it. Legion finally did.

Tetris willingly and purposely involved itself in disseminating information that was obtained through spying, thus became part of a spy ring designed to humiliate and embarrass Legion.

Valid CB everywhere. Stop making it sound like Tetris was walking down the street minding its own business when someone threw a bunch of classified documents at them out of a passing van and moments later Legion showed up to frame them for spying.

You people (and I mean this generally, not specifically anyone) amaze me at times with your need for spin. Can you not wage wars that involve clear CBs, clear treaties, and decisive outcomes without hand wringing/rationalizing/bawwing/rewriting history/holding 5 year grudges/and bawwing some more?[/quote]

Chairman Hal is 100% correct, without exception.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1317911109' post='2818457']
I'm now agreeing with Hal, TBB, and have some respect for Legion. The world is truly mad.
No kidding, just add on "Agreeing with WarriorConcept".

Also, Zeke, I like you, I believe you, but I really hope you got screenshots before they just delete all that stuff off their boards and call you a liar. It can and will happen unless you do something about it. JW has never been a particularly bright bulb and I'm not surprised he'd pull something like this.

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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1317880542' post='2818118']
But TheListener made the vote. He's no longer in IAA and has no dog in this argument.

Seeing as how I'm apparently involved I'll recount what occured to the best of my memory. Prior to the exodus of myself and the other active government members of the time, I do recall placing an upgrade discussion up for the general senate of the IAA, however this was right around when we attempted to push for the disbandment of the IAA. At that time, the discussion was put on a back burner and thus was never put up for a vote, or if it was it was put up just prior to the disbandment discussions. That being said, as far as I'm aware even if the IAA had a legal vote, the IAA did not have a Grand Vizier at the time to oversee the finishing of the vote, and thus the vote in all likelyhood lasted longer than the allotted 48 hours for every vote, which would then make the entire vote null and void.

Now, while I'm enjoying watching this argument, I'll be honest you're both embarrassing yourselves for carrying this out on the OWF. Go find a room and !@#$%* at each other back there.

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[quote name='William Blake' timestamp='1317912287' post='2818479']
Getting pathetic, guys. I guess Legion isn't as !@#$%* as you all were saying before the war.

Because it's even sides now? Winning a war with 4 to 1 odds doesn't make you good. Winning a war with even sides would make you ok.
All Legion has to do is win now.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1317912592' post='2818489']
Because it's even sides now? Winning a war with 4 to 1 odds doesn't make you good. Winning a war with even sides would make you ok.
All Legion has to do is win now.

Finally someone says it.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1317912592' post='2818489']
Because it's even sides now? Winning a war with 4 to 1 odds doesn't make you good. Winning a war with even sides would make you ok.
All Legion has to do is win now.
It doesn't really matter, the entire gambit is to only call in micros to help with the Legion until they finally outnumber them, once that happens Legion either gets stomped by a larger group or calls in it's allies, which is just the excuse half the world needs to stomp Polar and Legion at the same time.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more micros/smaller alliances (NsO and BTA don't have posts in the treaty compendium, the only other treaty I see is the MDoAP with LoSS-IAA) to tip the scales firmly in their favor as the final straw to bring out the big dogs.

It's also not like the micros are [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105816"]underfunded[/url] or anything.

Also, HAI RoG! I didn't know you were still around :)

Edited by deth2munkies
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Hello CN forums, it's been a while.

Just thought I'd give you a little bit of an IAA member's opinion on Zeke's going on and such.

First of all, treaties (in and of themselves) should simply be the formal recognition of an already existing intention to defend each other between two friendly alliances. The fact that a treaty doesn't exist or wasn't announced or any such similar arguments are quite useless. The fact of the matter is we are friends with NsO and NsO asked us to join them in attacking Legion. So we did.

On the home front, both parties handled this quite poorly with Zeke beginning to immediately accuse JW of a hostile take over and JW shutting him down rather quickly. The other facts of this are, every active IAA member including myself supports JW's interpretation of this and his leadership even if Zeke (through posting of screen shots and other business) is technically correct as decided by the CN forums, it won't matter in the larger scheme of things as IAA does not support him.

As per our rather poor showing on an offensive front, well, inactivity is certainly a bit of an issue here. No doubt about that. However, while there are still a few of us who have pride in IAA's name and legacy (as tarnished as it may be right now) we will still live on. I'm still willing to go to ZI for
IAA and I know the 7 (or so) men who attacked with me are as well. While it may not count for much, it still counts for something.

Edit: transitional phrases are nice
2nd Edit: Hi d2m, I'm inactively active.

Edited by Rebirth of Gorniar
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[quote]As per our rather poor showing on an offensive front, well, inactivity is certainly a bit of an issue here. No doubt about that. However, while there are still a few of us who have pride in IAA's name and legacy (as tarnished as it may be right now) we will still live on. I'm still willing to go to ZI for
IAA and I know the 7 (or so) men who attacked with me are as well. While it may not count for much, it still counts for something.[/quote]

Thanks for the insight, I feel better for legion now that IAA cant perform. lol

By the way, aggressive treaties being honored, especially odp's say you are a B**** so I'm happy IAA as a whole likes to consider themselves that...

Edited by Jtkode
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