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Announcement from the Legion concerning Tetris

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1318538406' post='2824215']
The aid provision in our surrender terms is for declared combatants, Darth FluffyBunny. We like the aidfall from TlR & GATO, just means there's more to take home when our GAs do their grocery runs. We're almost at the end of Round 2, and nobody thought we'd make it 3 days. And I notice NSO's getting aidfalls as well. WCs ain't quite as big as you tried letting on they were, eh?
Well, Id be lying if I said that we were able to enforce our WC requirements entirely across the board. But it's not like people are going to turn down free money.

Taking and giving money freely to and from whomever is something we've done for years, after all. Then again, at least our friends are willing to give us whatever help they can, rather than look for whatever excuse to leave us out to dry.


Well, I suppose that twisted worldview is what makes the Legion, the Legion. Don't accept the hand held out for charity, scorn common sense, buy infra in war, pick fights with alliances 1/5 their size and call it "ballsy", "5 vs 1 is us at a disadvantage", "We dont need to make new friends the ones we have are the only ones we need!"...I could go on.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318538894' post='2824218']
Well, Id be lying if I said that we were able to enforce our WC requirements entirely across the board. But it's not like people are going to turn down free money.

Taking and giving money freely to and from whomever is something we've done for years, after all. Then again, at least our friends are willing to give us whatever help they can, rather than look for whatever excuse to leave us out to dry.


Well, I suppose that twisted worldview is what makes the Legion, the Legion. Don't accept the hand held out for charity, scorn common sense, buy infra in war, pick fights with alliances 1/5 their size and call it "ballsy", "5 vs 1 is us at a disadvantage", "We dont need to make new friends the ones we have are the only ones we need!"...I could go on.

Whatever you say, Darth FluffyBunny. Whatever gets you through the night.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1318538406' post='2824215']
And I notice NSO's getting aidfalls as well. WCs ain't quite as big as you tried letting on they were, eh?
Honestly it's more of a giant "$%&@ you do something about it".

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318537897' post='2824211']

Considering the stuff coming from a great number of your (present) comrades, it takes a great brass pair to call anyone deluded, or a fool, for that matter.

And I don't know, I think that aid doesn't count, after all, if it did, someone would already be doing something to GATO and TLR about it, wouldnt they?

By the way, make no mistake, I am fighting, in my own way and on the battlefield, which is a lot more than a sizable percentage of your alliance can claim to their credit. So please, by all means, continue with the hypocrisy, it makes my efforts all the more worthwhile to engage in.

I'm glad I've amused you and thank your for your opinion on the bet, worthless as it is.

I'm sure you are fighting. I'm not sure that you're assessment of the proportion of The Legion that's fighting is correct, only time will tell. I'm sure we can all count on you to provide us with regular updates, you'll forgive me if I doubt their value.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1318539078' post='2824220']
Whatever you say, Darth FluffyBunny. Whatever gets you through the night.
See what I mean? Class A evasion. You're really good at that!

Who's Darth FluffyBunny, by the way? I know of no fluffy or bunny NSO members, let alone a combination of the two. Mind letting me know, I mean, Ive already shared problematic stuff about your alliance with you in public, it's only fair that you reciprocate, right?


C'mooooooooon. That's totally more interesting than the fact you're convincing yourself that you're fighting at a disadvantage (other than the Legion Constant), and that 5 vs 1 really means anything when actual numbers are taken into account! Not to mention the immense hypocrisy of you all talking smack about anyones warchests.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1318539249' post='2824221']
Honestly it's more of a giant "$%&@ you do something about it".

I can't speak or Legion gov and I'm not going to try to. Tell me though Varianz as one man to another. Does this aid have any bearing on our bet?

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318539341' post='2824222']
I'm glad I've amused you and thank your for your opinion on the bet, worthless as it is.

I'm sure you are fighting. I'm not sure that you're assessment of the proportion of The Legion that's fighting is correct, only time will tell. I'm sure we can all count on you to provide us with regular updates, you'll forgive me if I doubt their value.
Taking into account the viewpoint you and your alliance are sticking to in regards to the actual shape of the war, I find it quite fulfilling that you consider all contrary opinions (reality) to be worthless and without merit.

No, but seriously. If you ask for something, then clearly you don't consider it to be worthless. It's kind of childish to discard everything you dislike as "worthless", you know? It's how your alliance got into the position it finds itself in right now.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318539818' post='2824227']
Taking into account the viewpoint you and your alliance are sticking to in regards to the actual shape of the war, I find it quite fulfilling that you consider all contrary opinions (reality) to be worthless and without merit.

No, but seriously. If you ask for something, then clearly you don't consider it to be worthless. It's kind of childish to discard everything you dislike as "worthless", you know? It's how your alliance got into the position it finds itself in right now.

I didn't ask for your opinion on the bet, you can read can't you? I've never at any point said that contrary opinions are worthless, I said that I doubted the value of your updates. Reading is an important skill.

If English is not your first language then I apologise for being unkind.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318539591' post='2824224']

C'mooooooooon. That's totally more interesting than the fact you're convincing yourself that you're fighting at a disadvantage (other than the Legion Constant), and that 5 vs 1 really means anything when actual numbers are taken into account! Not to mention the immense hypocrisy of you all talking smack about anyones warchests.

Almost as amusing as you being already convinced that somehow your empty words will change the war in any way, shape, or form. The fact is you tried running us through the mud, prompted your protectorate to do the same, and then stood amazement when we busted out the teeth of tetris for their petty !@#$%^&*.

And you're next. No matter what it takes.

Mutually assured destruction is the best dance there is. Christmas will be hot this year.

Shut up.


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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1318535048' post='2824188']
No, we don't. In fact, we're ordered to [b]NOT[/b] buy infra for the duration of war, just rebuy [b]military[/b]. Get your facts straight.


I didn't know Legion was fighting 1,190 nations. You guys are doing well for fighting five times your strength. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318540260' post='2824230']
I didn't ask for your opinion on the bet, you can read can't you? I've never at any point said that contrary opinions are worthless, I said that I doubted the value of your updates. Reading is an important skill.

If English is not your first language then I apologise for being unkind.
Ah, you seem to be correct, I apparently ignored the fact you were asking me to ask Varianz for you. Well, I suppose I can hardly be blamed for ignoring something so odd as a request to play messenger boy when you are more than capable of asking him yourself (which you did).

Then again, I do make an awfully bad habit of volunteering my opinion wherever I can fit it. Oh well. Feel free to do something about it. But come now, if you call something worthless, and then also give blanket statements elsewhere that those comments are [b]also[/b] worthless, it isn't too surprising that a person would mistake you for some closed-minded individual, right?

Well, then again, before you go about lecturing people on reading comprehension, might you first take those high standards and apply them to your PR departments mathematical skills? Removing the log from your own eye, and such.

Almost as amusing as you being already convinced that somehow your empty words will change the war in any way, shape, or form. The fact is you tried running us through the mud,[b] prompted your protectorate to do the same[/b], and then stood amazement when we busted out the teeth of tetris for their petty !@#$%^&*.

And you're next. No matter what it takes.

Mutually assured destruction is the best dance there is. Christmas will be hot this year.

Shut up.

[/quote]I seem to have missed this (quite literally was not around then), which protectorate was this?

Moreover, come now, Kzopp, clearly you don't think a person can't both fight and talk at the same time? :awesome:

Edited by TehChron
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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318541377' post='2824239']
I seem to have missed this (quite literally was not around then), which protectorate was this? [/quote]

Oh, my apologies, I figured they were defacto considering they parroted your obsession with us and suicided themselves on your behalf, and then you ran to pick up their pieces for them. After checking to make sure you were in the clear, of course. Clearly, they should just merge with you seeing as they have no independent thought and are tarred with the same brush stroke of idiocy as yourselves. But, again, I suppose having a lackey is part of the prestige of the dark side.

[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318541377' post='2824239']
Moreover, come now, Kzopp, clearly you don't think a person can't both fight and talk at the same time? I mean, you don't have to try so hard to be a Legionarre, they are more than capable of multitasking, you know? You do your alliance a disservice that they frankly don't deserve.[/quote]

Again, you take one statement (your greasy words are affording you no purchase so stop trying) and try to turn into some other (lol, multitasking) but fail miserably.

Honestly, some people just don't know when they cross the line from being charitable to being condescending. If only there were more tact in the world. :awesome:

I'm surprised you know the word.

*Edited. For tact.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318541377' post='2824239']
Ah, you seem to be correct, I apparently ignored the fact you were asking me to ask Varianz for you. Well, I suppose I can hardly be blamed for ignoring something so odd as a request to play messenger boy when you are more than capable of asking him yourself (which you did).

Then again, I do make an awfully bad habit of volunteering my opinion wherever I can fit it. Oh well. Feel free to do something about it. But come now, if you call something worthless, and then also give blanket statements elsewhere that those comments are [b]also[/b] worthless, it isn't too surprising that a person would mistake you for some closed-minded individual, right?

Well, then again, before you go about lecturing people on reading comprehension, might you first take those high standards and apply them to your PR departments mathematical skills? Removing the log from your own eye, and such.[/quote]

I did do something about it, I pointed out you were replying to what you think I said rather than what I actually said and that as such your outpourings are worthless. This doesn't seem to have discouraged you.

You're last paragraph is confused, should I remove the log from my own eye or lecture someone else? They're mutually exclusive. Are you saying you want me to leave you alone and stop picking on you for you're difficulty in following a conversation? A difficulty that precludes you from being any use as even a lowly messenger boy.

Edited by Sabcat
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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318540260' post='2824230']
I didn't ask for your opinion on the bet, [b]you can read can't you?[/b] I've never at any point said that contrary opinions are worthless, I said that I doubted the value of your updates. [b]Reading is an important skill. [/b]

[b]If English is not your first language then I apologise for being unkind.[/b]

[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318542237' post='2824250']
I did do something about it, I pointed out you were replying to what you think I said rather than what I actually said and that as such your outpourings are worthless. This doesn't seem to have discouraged you.

[b]You're[/b] last paragraph is confused, should I remove the log from my own eye or lecture someone else? They're mutually exclusive. Are you saying you want me to leave you along and stop picking on you for [b]you're[/b] difficulty in following a conversation. A difficulty that precludes you from being any use as even a lowly messenger boy.



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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318542237' post='2824250']
I did do something about it, I pointed out you were replying to what you think I said rather than what I actually said and that as such your outpourings are worthless. This doesn't seem to have discouraged you.

You're last paragraph is confused, should I remove the log from my own eye or lecture someone else? They're mutually exclusive. Are you saying you want me to leave you alone and stop picking on you for you're difficulty in following a conversation. A difficulty that precludes you from being any use as even a lowly messenger boy.
Oh, I apologize if you weren't able to keep track of when I was using idiomatic speech, but suffice it to say, that when you go so far as to apply standards of accuracy to others, the least you can do is not become a showcase of hypocrisy by keeping your own comrades in check with said standards.

But, then again, I suppose if you don't mind being a blatant hypocrite...(Thank you, Hereno)...By all means, continue your preaching from that soapbox of yours. I'm sure it makes sense to someone.

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[quote name='wes the wise' timestamp='1318542901' post='2824253']
The first person to say something genuinely nice about the other side gets a cookie and 3 million bucks CN money. Go.

Get out.

Oh, alright. Chron, you're an admirable politicker and !@#$ talker. And persistent. All good traits.


(Oh the things I do for money. And cookies.)

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[quote name='wes the wise' timestamp='1318542901' post='2824253']
The first person to say something genuinely nice about the other side gets a cookie and 3 million bucks CN money. Go.

I'm pretty sure you know where you can stick your cookie, son. Let the boys banter....hell, it's the only thing going on on these boards these days.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318542564' post='2824252']
Oh, I apologize if you weren't able to keep track of when I was using idiomatic speech, but suffice it to say, that when you go so far as to apply standards of accuracy to others, the least you can do is not become a showcase of hypocrisy by keeping your own comrades in check with said standards.[/quote]

I see, so you think that I speak for The Legion as a whole?

I can free you from that particular delusion, my views are my own. I comment on what I wish, when the mood takes me. I make no guarantees of consistency, implied or otherwise.

Am I to understand that your words carry more weight and you are in fact the voice of the NSO? All this time I assumed your opinions and analysis were endorsed by no one.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318542176' post='2824249']
Oh, my apologies, I figured they were defacto considering they parroted your obsession with us and suicided themselves on your behalf, and then you ran to pick up their pieces for them. After checking to make sure you were in the clear, of course. Clearly, they should just merge with you seeing as they have no independent thought and are tarred with the same brush stroke of idiocy as yourselves. But, again, I suppose having a lackey is part of the prestige of the dark side. [/quote]Oh, come now, the only intelligent stroke of strategic brilliance the Legion has shown in recent memory was to wait until hearing about VE's downgraded treaty before attacking Tetris. Moreover, considering you've got others running your war strategy rather than legitimately contributing, you're really off the mark accusing anyone of waiting until things were safe, being idiots, or being anything other than someone's puppet.

Free advice: If you want people to take you seriously, don't be a blatant hypocrite where everyone can see you. It don't reflect too well.

[quote]Again, you take one statement (your greasy words are affording you no purchase so stop trying) and try to turn into some other (lol, multitasking) but fail miserably.
[/quote]I simply tried to make a shallow and redundant "come at me bro" into something more than it was. From my perspective, I was doing you a favor in making it more interesting.

[quote]I'm surprised you know the word.

*Edited. For tact.
I know lots of words. It's a hobby of mine, learning them.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318543052' post='2824255']
Get out.Oh, alright. Chron, you're an admirable politicker and !@#$ talker. And persistent. All good traits.There.(Oh the things I do for money. And cookies.)
[/quote]Very nice. I will have the cash shortly. I will mail the cookie.

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1318543236' post='2824256']
I'm pretty sure you know where you can stick your cookie, son. Let the boys banter....hell, it's the only thing going on on these boards these days.
Looks like someone doesn't like cookies! :o Its odd shape and soft texture prevent it from fitting anywhere except my mouth...

I still have 3 million and a cookie for the "other side" now! who wants it?

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1318543319' post='2824258']
I see, so you think that I speak for The Legion as a whole?

I can free you from that particular delusion, my views are my own. I comment on what I wish, when the mood takes me. I make no guarantees of consistency, implied or otherwise.

Am I to understand that your words carry more weight and you are in fact the voice of the NSO? All this time I assumed your opinions and analysis were endorsed by no one.
Applying your own personal standards is the responsibility of the one who holds them.

If you can't even enforce those standards you claim to hold others to, across the board, then they're not worth much, are they? :smug:

Tell me something, sabcat, has anything you've said up until now possessed any integrity? Or is this all just a show for the benefit of onlookers? I should hope you do, taking things this far for others amusement is a bit much, don't you think?

Edit: typo

[quote name='wes the wise' timestamp='1318543529' post='2824261']
Very nice. I will have the cash shortly. I will mail the cookie.

Looks like someone doesn't like cookies! :o Its odd shape and soft texture prevent it from fitting anywhere except my mouth...

I still have 3 million and a cookie for the "other side" now! who wants it?
[/quote]I like Kzopp and Smurf, theyre trying extremely hard to reform an alliance crushed by the burdens of their past mistakes, and that takes a lot of tenacity and courage. I respect that, and wish them the best of luck.

All stuff Ive said before, too :P

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318543681' post='2824264']
I like Kzopp and Smurf, theyre trying extremely hard to reform an alliance crushed by the burdens of their past mistakes, and that takes a lot of tenacity and courage. I respect that, and wish them the best of luck.

All stuff Ive said before, too :P
[/quote]Ok, 3 mill and a cookie in the mail coming your way. ;)

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