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Announcement from Non Grata

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1317295229' post='2811531']
Considering we are still waiting for the actual losses to get a proper figure for how much damage was done, and its been shown that the 30m was a reasonable estimation [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105625&view=findpost&p=2811488"]See here[/url], I think that fair accountability might have already been offered, and refused.

Perhaps if NG waited until all the damages could be accurately calculated and presented to UPN a different resolution may have resulted. As far as I'm aware, no such information has been presented (I don't count theoretical estimates) and yet war is raging. Maybe, has such evidence been presented, UPN would have paid the fair and reasonable reparations and we'd have moved on.

As far as I can tell, one side (UPN) estimated 3 million which I think is way too low as I said earlier and the other side put forward an arbitrary amount of 30 million (double the 15 million that would have been seen as adequate had the offender not been a UPN government member). Obviously a large gap between those estimates so I would have thought that common sense dictate that the numbers be crunched and a figure determined which was fair and accurate. Hell, add another few million for the "government member penalty".

I don't really see where the rush to do what has been done comes from unless it isn't really about UPN at all.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1317295547' post='2811535']
I was referring to them defending UPN's actions post raid Tyga. The acting like this is extortion as if there is some high moral ground here is just making it all worse.

What actions are you referring to?

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1317293899' post='2811516']
So is the [s]Garbage[/s] Polar sphere going to stand up and defend itself or is it becoming the new ex-Heg and will just roll over every time somebody kicks it?

Godspeed Non Grata, do the Lord's work.

implying that such a sphere/bloc even exist. It does not, sorry.

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[quote name='fluffyewunga' timestamp='1317294664' post='2811524']
UPN knows about accountability. Fair accountability. Paying opportunists off doesn't make them go away.
Seriously, this thread is making me head melt. Isn't it the tech raider that is the opportunist? I'm sure i've had the criticism levied at me before.
Hopefully this new 'opportunist = raid victim + backers' thing becomes a trend.

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[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1317295915' post='2811545']
Seriously, this thread is making me head melt. Isn't it the tech raider that is the opportunist? I'm sure i've had the criticism levied at me before.
Hopefully this new 'opportunist = raid victim + backers' thing becomes a trend.

I really hope so, this would be the best trend ever.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1317296701' post='2811555']
The best thing about this DoW is GATO in a warmongering mood, I love it!
Dude, the entire thing is beautiful: the tech raider is the victim, Grub is offering money to avoid war, 30mil is extortion.
I'm just waiting for Schatt to come in and espouse PB's rights. After that we can all just delete our nations, because there will be nothing more to experience.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1317295665' post='2811538']
What actions are you referring to?

From my comment you quoted, I explained the first line with the second line. However to further explain it: Polar has defended UPN's actions by stating the amount is wrong, they (UPN) are being extorted, explained the UPN MOW didn't have a responsibility to determine the two nations were protected and Polar claimed the world was gunning for them by NG attacking UPN once UPN refused/gave too low of a counter to the terms presented.

Below is a collection of posts within this thread. I stopped quoting them on page 6 because frankly I was already tired of reading them again. However the quotes I have below begin to cover the comments I have made above. Had Polaris, instead of towing a political line actually addressed the fault of the ally and attempted calm comments with an effort to find resolution, this never would have turned into a Polar "call out" as some have called it. Again Polar has done that to themselves.

[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1317268542' post='2810815']
Extortion never goes out of style.

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317269122' post='2810855']
You mean their refusal to pay 30 million for 3 million worth of damage?

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317269406' post='2810867']
Violence for the sake of violence is a pointless, counter-productive enterprise in most every way.

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317269598' post='2810874']
Best defined by your political purposes I suppose. Which would make your point arbitrary, which makes your participation in this discussion, if not unproductive then pointless.

Paying off bullies is a temporary fix for people who lack self-respect.

They offered to pay 6 million for 3 million worth of damage. That's a reasonable position. Ten times as much is extortion.

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317269855' post='2810892']
Sure, and if NG had declared right after you might have a point.

Thing is they didn't. They tried to use the incident as a means of making UPN kowtow. UPN refused to kowtow but still offered reasonable reparations, which were rejected because it was never about the money. It was about demeaning UPN.

[quote name='Llanowar Elf' timestamp='1317270038' post='2810906']
He raided a TWO MAN AA, that had absolutely no mention of a protectorate or any other agreement in there Bio's. He did 3 million worth of damage, they offered 6 million in response. So, lets see the figure you used to justify asking for 30mil?

[quote name='Llanowar Elf' timestamp='1317270761' post='2810958']
It may be on NG's wiki, but where is there own AA's wiki? How is someone supposed to automatically know that there is an agreement out there, when there is no official wiki for the AA in question? Are they supposed to go through every single thread in the OWF? There MoD, checked to see if there was a wiki. There was none. He then checked there bios, nothing. What more does one do? Pm the nation asking if it is ok for them to be tech raided?

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1317270868' post='2810963']
This isn't about NG being omg offended and morally outraged by UPN's actions. This is about NG using UPN's mistake as an opportunity to demean them for the sake of it. UPN refused and attempted to solve the issue via diplomatic means. NG disliked being negotiated with and declared.

I have a solid case.

[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1317270893' post='2810965']
I am becoming tired of the arguments. I would be happier with a simple "we are attacking you to have war with NpO". At least it would be honest.

Edited by Brehon
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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1317297048' post='2811559']
From my comment you quoted, I explained the first line with the second line. However to further explain it: Polar has defended UPN's actions by stating the amount is wrong, they (UPN) are being extorted, explained the UPN MOW didn't have a responsibility to determine the two nations were protected and Polar claimed the world was gunning for them by NG attacking UPN once UPN refused/gave too low of a counter to the terms presented.

Below is a collection of posts within this thread. I stopped quoting them on page 6 because frankly I was already tired of reading them again. However the quotes I have below begin to cover the comments I have made above. Had Polaris, instead of towing a political line actually addressed the fault of the ally and attempted calm comments with an effort to find resolution, this never would have turned into a Polar "call out" as some have called it. Again Polar has done that to themselves.

What a load of crap. Polar, to my knowledge, has not defended UPN's actions in raiding the alliance they raided. Not once. And you still haven't linked me to any comment that shows they did.

They have stood up for their ally with regards to the reparations that were asked of them. There is a massive difference between sticking up for your ally with regards to the level of punishment meted out for their mistake and condoning the mistake made.

The fact that you obfuscate to try and convince people that the two actions above are one and the same is both amusing and saddening.

I would have thought NpO trying to calm the waters after the war had been declared would have been an exercise in futility as, as far as I'm aware, no attempt to actually work out fair and reasonable reparations was made prior to the war being declared. From my sources the NpO only discovered there was an issue today so had no time to broker a deal before war was declared. I don't blame them for being annoyed abut how things went down and how they went down so quickly. I know they are annoyed at UPN for giving an excuse for the usual suspects to try and drag Polar in to war again.

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Are you dense or just being stupid because you can? I never said Polar supported the raid itself. In fact I stated ACTIONS AFTER THE RAID, as in not paying reparations, as in calling it extortion, as in acting as if UPN is somehow justified in their ignorance. You didn't even read, you just ran your mouth. WTH Tyga.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1317298109' post='2811565']
You have to be kidding. The G stands for gutless doesn't it?

Want to know what everyone assumes the P stands for in NpO?

The door, it swings both ways.

Edited by mrwuss
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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1317298103' post='2811563']
Are you dense or just being stupid because you can? I never said Polar supported the raid itself. In fact I stated ACTIONS AFTER THE RAID, as in not paying reparations, as in calling it extortion, as in acting as if UPN is somehow justified in their ignorance. You didn't even read, you just ran your mouth. WTH Tyga.

I have not defended any aspect of UPN's actions. Personally I think they are indefensible. Whether it is extortion or not is largely irrelevant.

I have offered to pay the 30 million but I see no acceptance of that so it is evident that 30 million has nothing to do with the matters at hand.

It is simply having the upper hand and choosing to use said advantage without any risk of retribution...at this time. Kind of like your alliance in the old days really... and ours for that matter. Remember that Karma thing, it goes right around apparently.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1317298103' post='2811563']
Are you dense or just being stupid because you can? I never said Polar supported the raid itself. In fact I stated ACTIONS AFTER THE RAID, as in not paying reparations, as in calling it extortion, as in acting as if UPN is somehow justified in their ignorance. You didn't even read, you just ran your mouth. WTH Tyga.

I think it is you that is acting stupid. Not one person from Polar denied UPN owed reps. They merely disputed the amount. Read the quotes you added to your earlier post. Not one of them says UPN owe nothing.

I read what you posted, it just doesn't match up with reality, unfortunately.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1317298304' post='2811568']
I have not defended any aspect of UPN's actions. Personally I think they are indefensible. Whether it is extortion or not is largely irrelevant.

I have offered to pay the 30 million but I see no acceptance of that so it is evident that 30 million has nothing to do with the matters at hand.

It is simply having the upper hand and choosing to use said advantage without any risk of retribution...at this time. Kind of like your alliance in the old days really... and ours for that matter. Remember that Karma thing, it goes right around apparently.

I know I'm just an unknown pleb around here, but the people of my nation are willing to duplicate Grub's offer of 30 million dongs. That makes 60 million dongs to satisfy NG's justifiable outrage at the slaughter and mayhem wreaked on two of their nations.

Edit: Two of their eternal protectorate's nations.

Edited by brokenhead
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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1317298390' post='2811569']
I would love to know the extent of your creativity crayon kiddy. Entertain me

Perfidious would seem to fit quite splendidly ^_^

Edited by MCRABT
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