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Rating Alliances 2.0...now with blocs!


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[quote name='RustyNail' timestamp='1305138666' post='2710189']
I see no irony in what he said. He said that he believes they have the right to use it. Logic dictates that they have the right to ignore it as well, depending on their beliefs and how they feel about the situation. When it comes down to it, sovereign alliances have the right to do as they please and while some may wish to stay out of conflicts, others may wish to partake. If you(meaning anyone) hold a treaty with an alliance that chooses to invoke the non-chaining clause, provides a reason that they feel is in line with their membership, and you have a problem with this...drop the treaty or don't include non-chaining clauses. Aside from that, you have to be prepared for the possibility that it will be invoked in any similar situation.

Now....about rating alliances.

Edit: superfluous sssss ftw!
The irony clearly exists stating one believes alliances hold the right to exercise a part of a treaty, then assisting alliances that are clearly going to violate that right to refrain from conflict.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1305165949' post='2710391']
The irony clearly exists stating one believes alliances hold the right to exercise a part of a treaty, then assisting alliances that are clearly going to violate that right to refrain from conflict.



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The opinions contained in this post are definitive. The thread can now be locked. All other opinions expressed in this thread are strictly inconsequential, and the attention mongering by ChairmanHal is especially deplorable.

Alliances Included in First List:
Mostly Harmless Alliance - 1
Green Protection Agency - 8 I like what you guys are all about.
Fark - 8 good posts, awesome humor, the distance you put between yourselves and ROK is commendable.
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 1 Never heard of them
Sparta - 1 - Never heard of them
World Task Force - 7 Friends speak highly of you, and I trust my friends to do my thinking and shape my opinions for me.
Orange Defense Network - 7 - I like you guys (on paper)
The Order Of The Paradox - 4 - I can't figure it out. So, so paradoxical.
Umbrella - 7 - Needs more tech
New Pacific Order - 6 - That Mary is such a cut-up.
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 2 - Racist outfit.
Viridian Entente - 8 - Consistently taking the best course of action. I would buy shares.
The Democratic Order - 1 - Never heard of them
New Polar Order - 1 - Never heard of them
FOK - 9 - Take notes. This is what an alliance should be. Sibren is a major inspiration to me.
R&R - 6 - Flirting with disaster on a few treaties
Mushroom Kingdom - 2 - Planet Bob's version of hipsters.
Nordreich - 1 - Racist outfit
LoSS - 1 Never heard of em.
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 8 - I like you all. I think you've got moxy. Good spirited group.
The Legion - 10 Best alliance ever. Would join.
Valhalla - 2 - Would be a 1, but Bud is awesome.
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 1 - Need to disband.
Nueva Vida - 1 - Never heard of em.
The Foreign Division - 1 - Never heard of em.
Federation Of Armed Nations - 8 - More alliances need to be like this.
NATO - 1 - Never heard of em.
Global Order of Darkness - You're joking right?
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 7 - I like this group. T
Legacy - 1 - Never heard of em
The Templar Knights - 1 - Never heard of em
The Order Of Light - 1 - Never heard of em
Asgaard - 2 - I like comics, so I gave a bonus point
iFOK - 9 - One of the most calculated, efficient, and well-managed alliances.
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 2 - lame superhero as mascot
Athens - 3 - too much wickedj
World Federation - 7 - My reasons are my own.
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 8 - with a few exceptions, and overall decent bunch.
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 1 - never heard of em
Global Democratic Alliance - 1 - never heard of em
Argent - 7 - nice quiet people who largely keep to themselves, i can appreciate that.
Guru Order - 6 - I'd like to hear more from these folks.
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 1 - you're joking right?
Ragnarok - 2 - would be an one, but Joe Stupid is to be commended with a lifetime planet bob achievement award.
The Phoenix Federation - who?
Random Insanity Alliance - LOLOLOL

Alliances Added to List:
Siberian Tiger Alliance - 0 - all are horrible posters, and putrify the OWF with pointless drivel.
The Prolific Empire - 1 - Never heard of em
Olympus - 5 - I like what Olympus does on purple. I appreciate your efforts.
Poison Clan - 10 - You'd be hard pressed to find a better group of folks.
Colossus - Who?
Greenland Republic - So 2008
United Purple Nations - LOL
Hydra - 1 - Never heard of em
Carpe Diem - 6 - I like these folks even though they are tied to horrible alliances
Créole - NEXT
Europa - LOL
Dark Templar - LOL
The Order of Righteous Nations - LOL
Phoenix Rising - LOL
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 10 BEST ALLIANCE EVER!!!
Invicta - 0 + LOL
New Sith Order 0 + LOL
North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 1 - Never heard of em
The Imperial Order - 5 - Nice folks, horrible allies.
United Blue Directorate - LOL
SOS Brigade - 10 - Awesome group of folks.
Nebula-X - 0 - No likey.
The Sweet Oblivion - LOL
Union of Integrated National Entities - LOL GRIMACE
Exodus - Who?
Molon Labe - 1 - Never heard of em
\m/ - 1 - I like these guys.
Atlantic Sphere Union - Who?

Complaints and Grievances Union - meh
Superfriends - meh
Synergy - meh
Doomhouse Accords - meh
Pandora's Box - meh
AZTEC - meh
Blood For Friends - meh
Chestnut Accords - meh
Terra Cotta Pact - meh
Checkmate - meh
Kel-Morian Combine - meh
Poseidon - meh
Victory Not Vengeance - meh

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[b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b]
Mostly Harmless Alliance - 7 (I enjoy the theme, and the few members I've known have been fun people - thanks to Dynasty for giving me a random award I don't know what is which I still display proudly... in my heart :P )

Green Protection Agency - 6 (Haven't really known any GPA folk outside of TE, but I respect the great value they put in the independence of their alliance)

Fark - 6 (Heh... well, too crazy not to like)

Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 7 (Never really knew what IRON was all about, but I have had the opportunity to meet a fair number of IRON folk between my TE interaction with R&R and my participation in IRON trade-swapping back in '09, and I've always found a reason to like them. Hello to Dom Zak, by the way. :v: )

Sparta - 5 (Very little interaction between us. I remember having a good conversation with one Sparta member a few months back, but for some reason I can't remember the man's name)

World Task Force - 6 (Know almost nothing about WTF, but +1 for your old member Dark Force, who was a central player in the now-defunct CCC SPAM-A-LOT board, and was among my favorite CN'ers back in '08)

Orange Defense Network - 7 (One of your old members, Alomran I believe, made CCC's first forum for us way back in '06. Then there was Franklin, who never failed to pay an annual visit to my home forum til just recently. Other than them, I just seem to have good impressions of all the [albeit] infrequent contacts I've had with ODN members since 2008)

The Order Of The Paradox - 7 (I used to run a 3x3 tech circle composed of 50% TOP folk, among them Rector and Longbowe. Rector was the one who got me into IRON trade-swapping actually... cool guy, and a pretty helpful person. Also knew Skygreenchick and one or two others, who always shared their e-cookies with us.)

Umbrella - 5 (No interaction between us at all. But your reputation precedes you - kudos on being some of CN's best)

New Pacific Order - 7 (Had our differences, but I've grown to respect the culture and style of NPO in the post-Karma period. This is a pretty solid group of players.)

Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 6 (Omniscientone immediately comes to mind as one of the more enjoyable CN'ers I've met. Also knew Laserwolf during the course of his diplomatic duties, and get the impression GATO has a pretty choice group of people with it).

Viridian Entente 6 - Haven't known each other very well, but I enjoy watching you anyway. Thanks for playing CN.

The Democratic Order - 5 ('Fraid I don't really know much about this group, though I've heard of it and see it up in the rankings)

New Polar Order - 10 (There are no Polars I can honestly say are my closest friends (we haven't had that much time to interact), and I doubt all that many can pick out the name Richard VII either; but even those I'm meeting for the first time seem pretty invariably to be good people, and I've always admired the general Polar attitude. Forum is also fun, though you stole away my mask some time a few months ago and I'm too lazy to re-apply :v: ).

FOK - 8 (Good sports and great players all around. Not much else to say).

R&R - 6 (I never really knew R&R outside of TE, and I'm not sure how much of TE R&R was SE R&R. But, I liked what I saw)

Mushroom Kingdom - 7 (Some of MK doesn't like my own group, I guess, but I guess that's cool :P . I can always enjoy a good jihad, and MK adds a lot to this game. Fun people, whether you're with or against them... and I've had the odd fortune of being both :v: .)

Nordreich - 6 (Agha: [img][/img] )

LoSS - 6 (Shoutout to Duabus and my evil twin Richard VIII. I don't believe we ever met, but I got one or two of your PM's before you changed your name in TE :P )

Nusantara Elite Warriors - 8 (We had difficulty speaking during our war together in '09, but I admire the tenacity NEW shows, and the fun-loving spirit they emit in spite of the warrior culture. Great people, and I was very close to learning a little of the Indonesian dialect(s) to know you better)

The Legion - 6 (Shoutout to Regent Pancras)

Valhalla - 5 (No interaction that I can recall, I'm afraid)

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 7 (Shoutout to SCY, Jrkee, and Oli. Far as I've been able to tell this is a solid group with a community that will carry it well past today).

Nueva Vida - 6 (I was a diplomat to you folks back in '08, but I'm afraid I wasn't a very good one. Nevertheless, I like your style, and your forum was a fun place to be in spite of my inactivity)

The Foreign Division - 10 (By order of Gearhead. TFD shows an uncommon amount of interest in its allies, and I don't think there is any alliance I am better acquainted with as far as individual members go. My knowledge of TFD culture is somewhat slim, admittedly, but your activity, personality, and "game-ethic" make you an excellent addition to CN; as well as great people to know).

Federation Of Armed Nations - 6 (DRAW!)

NATO - 6 (Haven't known you very well, myself, I'm afraid. But just watching your relationship with TFD and day-to-day business makes me think you're pretty good people).

Global Order of Darkness - 6 (Haven't had much personal interaction, outside of a single person - Helm Narctic - who is unfortunately no longer in Bob, but I enjoyed our brief war back in '08 and get the impression you've got some pretty good people with you, whatever present political issues may be. Thanks for being here, and I'm glad to have known you).

The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 6 (Haven't had too much interaction that I can remember. I do recall knowing a GLOF member in '08, but it's been so long I can't really remember much. Oh... but I do know Kuhnini! +1).

Legacy - 5 (Have heard the name, but know very little I'm sorry to say).

The Templar Knights - 6 (Never knew you too well, but +1 for being good opponents back in time. I'm glad to have known you, however little we knew of each other).

The Order Of Light - 9 (TOOL was probably the first alliance I ever came in contact with, via recruitment message when I began my nation. It wasn't until much later that I finally introduced myself as a diplomat, but it probably boasted among the most developed communities I would know during my time in CN, and the players on TOOL's forum had a knack for "brightening" up the game in their own individual way (maybe it was just me, but oh well). To all the folks I've known even briefly, and all the folks I should have known had I been a more active diplomat, thank you for existing. You've done your good deed for the day. The only complaint I have is that, for such "enlightened" people, I was shocked when I walked into the SPAM forum for the first time only to find out that SPAM did not count towards post count. Talk about primitive... you discuss important life events or something? SPAM not good enough for you? -1! Also... because I am shocked Miss. Perfect isn't getting more talk-time in the thread, here's a shoutout to Mia to satisfy her [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yZHveWFvqM]Marcia Brady Syndrome[/url]. :v:

Asgaard - 5 (Don't really know you at all, 'fraid. I do remember lonewolfe from TE, though.)

iFOK - 6 (+1 for its connection to FOK, but I don't know anybody in the group)

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 5 (Can't say I know anyone here either.)

Athens - 6 (I feel like... somewhere in the distant past... I knew somebody here. But, in any case, I respect Athens for its own culture and the events it has helped shape during my time in CN. You're a good addition to the game, and I'm glad you're here.)

World Federation - 5 (Again, little interaction.)

Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 6 (I have fought your old TE branch Frogout on numerous occasions. SE, I haven't seen much of you, but sometimes you're pretty fun to watch. You're not quite my kind of evil (I'm more the "crazy maniac laughing uncontrollably as he describes to the audience how he will take over the world" kind of guy)... but I respect you for trying [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img] . And I'm glad you're here.

Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 6 (I know several FEAR folk, in spite of not knowing much about the alliance. Shoutout to Martin, Chester, Pony, and others)

Global Democratic Alliance - 5 (I have passed by some of you during my travels in CN, but I'm sorry to say I never got to know you very well)

Argent - 5 (No interaction at all, 'fraid. Least... I don't think so. Maybe I'm forgetting something in the back of my head?)

Guru Order - 6 (+1 for your handling of a rogue situation some time ago. I never knew any of you, but the 5 minutes I spent discussing that with one of your leaders a while back was enough to leave me a lasting impression of GO's ideals - pretty respectable, if I read correctly).

Christian Coalition Of Countries - 0 (I hold a grudge against CCC, because I've been under their AA for nigh 3 years, and no matter what I do I can't bring myself to change my AA. The things I could have been if I wasn't stuck here! I'll never forgive you, lolChristians!)

Ragnarok - 6 (+1 for some unspoken reason. I really liked this group back in my earlier days, and I don't even remember why now... but RoK has handled itself very well from what I've seen, and I'm sure they deserve the +)

The Phoenix Federation - 6 (Most of my contact with TPF was in Karma (plus a little in TE now and then), but I liked the people I met and am convinced TPF has done and will do a lot for the game.

Random Insanity Alliance - 7 (Insane perhaps, but I liked the double-front last war. I really don't think you should have to pick sides... help all your friends and let the chaos roll!)

[b]Alliances Added to List:[/b]
Siberian Tiger Alliance - 8 (Tygaland and company, though I've met very few personally, have pretty much grafted the word "Honor" onto every piece of property they own. Even for a guy like me who doesn't pay much attention to politics, I know enough about STA's core ideals, and they have my respect for that. I also enjoy Tyga's posts in general; and I know one STA member - Bamborgia - but not through CN - that other place.

The Prolific Empire - 6 (Shoutout to Homeboy)

Olympus - 5 (Can't say I've known you very well.)

Poison Clan - 5 (No contact that I'm aware of, I'm afraid)

Colossus - 6 (If I'm correct, Colossus includes numerous ex-TGE members who I knew back in 2008. I don't know anything at all about Colossus itself, but plus for old friends and acquaintances)

Greenland Republic - 8 (GR is a group I've always wanted to get to know better, but which I've never found the time for. I don't know... just an odd connection here that has always made me like GR. Particularly after fighting 3 wars with them. And their SPAM forum was pretty good, last I checked.)

United Purple Nations - 6 (+1 for an accidental query from Robster one day on IRC, which lightened up an otherwise slow evening. Don't know much about you otherwise, though.)
Hydra - 5 (Not really any interaction here either)

Carpe Diem - 6 (Fought together in Karma, and though I haven't known too much about you, I've liked what little I've seen. Seize the Carp!)

Créole - 5 (No interaction here either, that I recall)

=LOST= - 5 (Can't really say I know much about this one, either)

Europa - 8 (I haven't had a chance to get to know many of you personally, outside of Snowwolf, but you always seem like cheerful people when I see you, and you're one of few groups who have actually made a PIAT - without an ODP clause - mean something... in a world where MDoAP's are supposed to be the minimum)

Dark Templar - 5 (Can't say I know many here, either)

Imperial Assault Alliance - 6 (I used to know a guy who spoke very highly of you, and I've enjoyed watching you on the OWF when I saw you. Don't know too many on a personal level, though)

The Order of Righteous Nations - 5 (Don't know much about this one either)
Phoenix Rising - 5 (Again; not much I know here)

Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 7 (many SLCB aren't fond of my own group, I take, but whatever floats their box :P ; they are a fun group, and you've got to be a cruel person not to like Liberia)

Invicta - 6 (Shoutout to Thrash. Though I don't know too much about the group itself)

New Sith Order - 6 (You've definitely got your own style, and I respect that. The new Moldavi Doctrine I also found interesting. Thanks for playing, Sith.)

North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 7 (Don't know as much as I'd like about this group, but shoutout to Tony, Dark Wizard, and others, and thanks for livening up IRC now and then)

The Imperial Order - 5 (Don't know many here, 'fraid)

United Blue Directorate - 7 (Been a while since I've really spoken with UBD, but I used to have a lot of fun in your IRC, and I've liked the people I've met)

Gotham - 6 (Shoutout to Jim)

SOS Brigade - 6 (Don't know many of you, but your theme attracts a big following I think, and those of you I've observed seem like interesting people)

Nebula-X - 5 (Don't know you at all, I'm afraid)

The Sweet Oblivion - 5 (Again - no contacts here)

Union of Integrated National Entities - 6 (+1 for that Keve guy with the big purple dude. I never talk to you, but you're pretty fun to watch)

Exodus - 5 ('Nother group I've never really gotten to know)

Molon Labe - 5 (And another, sorry to say)

\m/ - 6 (\m/'s history interests me, and I think it's made more than a few contributions to the game. Don't know many of you myself, but I see you around enough)

Atlantic Sphere Union - 5 (Don't think I've had a chance to meet this one, either)

OMFG - 6 (I've met a few of you indirectly during my time hanging around the World Freedom Federation. Seem like fun people)

No comments on the blocs. These are largely outside of politics.

This should make up for all the other posts I don't make on the CN forum. :v:

Edited by Richard VII
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Valhalla had it right last war. If somebody who isn't tied to you starts a war with an alliance you don't give a crap about, why should you have bleed for it, [i]especially[/i] if the main cause of the war is an alliance you don't even like. Fighting for people you would rather kill than die for is stupid, and is the exact reason why non chaining clauses exist.

Edited by Hyperion321
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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1305389050' post='2711761']
Valhalla had it right last war. If somebody who isn't tied to you starts a war with an alliance you don't give a crap about, why should you have bleed for it, [i]especially[/i] if the main cause of the war is an alliance you don't even like. Fighting for people you would rather kill than die for is stupid, and is the exact reason why non chaining clauses exist.

There are plenty of reasons to fight in a war that don't have to do with liking or disliking the alliances on your/against your side.

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[quote name='Lord%20Velox' timestamp='1305355021' post='2711663']
Everyone here is so biased.
I'll keep up with the trend.

My Alliance-10
Our Allies-9
My Enemies-1
Every other Alliance-3

Dedicated to posters like GDI Crossfire.

actually if u check my rating i didn't gave that many people a three.... and also of course im gonna be bias about my own alliance who isn't???? same with our allies because they are our allies and i take the time to talk to them in irc. If you look at some of your alliance members ratings its the same thing so yeah might wanna think before you "dedicate" it hypocritically on behalf of GOONs idiot.


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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1304114726' post='2702187']United Purple Nations: 2, NpO should have let you guys declare on us, pity WCE didn't materialise.[/quote]

Late reply here, but please, if you want to criticize my decision to take your offer to have both alliances just walk away, please refer to [i]me[/i] not NpO.

>Assuming you are talking about the December Incident

Edited by Dexomega
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[quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1305419407' post='2711926']
actually if u check my rating i didn't gave that many people a three.... and also of course im gonna be bias about my own alliance who isn't???? same with our allies because they are our allies and i take the time to talk to them in irc. If you look at some of your alliance members ratings its the same thing so yeah might wanna think before you "dedicate" it hypocritically on behalf of GOONs idiot.

Let's post a large pic calling someone a "fail".
get a life,you're a deputy MoFA who doesn't have experience with other Alliances except his own and his allies?
Judging by that TPF gets 0.5 .


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[quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1305355021' post='2711663']
Everyone here is so biased.
I'll keep up with the trend.

My Alliance-10
Our Allies-9
My Enemies-1
Every other Alliance-3

Dedicated to posters like GDI Crossfire.

This man knows the truth, precisely my point of view!!
expect few alliances on the opposite side of the semi tangled web are pretty wicked, goons have some funny lads, hiro nakara is a lej!!mk are pretty cool and umbs are wicked people!! :awesome:

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[quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1305570839' post='2712919']
This man knows the truth, precisely my point of view!!
expect few alliances on the opposite side of the semi tangled web are pretty wicked, goons have some funny lads, hiro nakara is a lej!!mk are pretty cool and umbs are wicked people!! :awesome:

I'd vote you for president of the world any day!!!!

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[quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1304906864' post='2708834']
Doomhouse Accords- 0 no respect just a bunch of terrible alliances
Pandora's Box- 7

WOW. Considering 2/3rds of Doomhouse is comprised of PB members, something tells me you really don't know what you're talking about. That's fine...at least you have that 'GDI' in your name to label yourself as someone not likely to ever form rational thought. Good on ya.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1305577520' post='2712988']
WOW. Considering 2/3rds of Doomhouse is comprised of PB members, something tells me you really don't know what you're talking about. That's fine...at least you have that 'GDI' in your name to label yourself as someone not likely to ever form rational thought. Good on ya.
Maybe he just really hates MK and thinks PC/FOK/iFOK/VE are great? :unsure:

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[quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1305586153' post='2713141']
Maybe he just really hates MK and thinks PC/FOK/iFOK/VE are great? :unsure:

...or maybe you could read the reason he gave for the zero. :mellow:

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oh whoops... idk what i was thinking of when i put PB on there. like i said i don't know nor care to know a lot of the blocs listed.... i put PB thinking of another one. (can't think of it atm) \

EDIT: Don Equis : 7 (don't know how the hell i got PB out of that)

btw Lord Velox: i apologize for losing my cool there... i was drunk when i did that and idk how i lost my cool (usually pretty chill when im drunk :D ) mighta been cause i saw the GOON tag :P

Edited by GDI Crossfire
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[quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1305601790' post='2713411']
oh whoops... idk what i was thinking of when i put PB on there. like i said i don't know nor care to know a lot of the blocs listed.... i put PB thinking of another one. (can't think of it atm) \

EDIT: Don Equis : 7 (don't know how the hell i got PB out of that)

btw Lord Velox: i apologize for losing my cool there... i was drunk when i did that and idk how i lost my cool (usually pretty chill when im drunk :D ) mighta been cause i saw the GOON tag :P
Yeah that post was irrational even for a TPF member.

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With 5 being no real opinion. Gradations either way of course. I'll start with a personal view.

[u][b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b][/u]
Mostly Harmless Alliance 5
Green Protection Agency 5
Fark 5
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 5
Sparta 5
World Task Force 5
Orange Defense Network 5
The Order Of The Paradox 5
Umbrella 5
New Pacific Order 4
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 5
Viridian Entente 4
The Democratic Order 5
New Polar Order 4
R&R 5
Mushroom Kingdom 4
Nordreich 5
LoSS 5
Nusantara Elite Warriors 4
The Legion 5
Valhalla 5
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 5
Nueva Vida 5
The Foreign Division 5
Federation Of Armed Nations 4
Global Order of Darkness 5
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 5
Legacy 5
The Templar Knights 5
The Order Of Light 5
Asgaard 5
iFOK 5
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations 5
Athens 4
World Federation 5
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism 4
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics 5
Global Democratic Alliance 5
Argent 5
Guru Order 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries 5
Ragnarok 5
The Phoenix Federation 5
Random Insanity Alliance 6

[u][b]Alliances Added to List:[/b][/u]
Siberian Tiger Alliance 5
The Prolific Empire 5
Olympus 5
Poison Clan 5
Colossus 5
Greenland Republic 5
United Purple Nations 5
Hydra 5
Carpe Diem 5
Créole 6
=LOST= 5
Europa 5
Dark Templar 5
Imperial Assault Alliance 5
The Order of Righteous Nations 5
Phoenix Rising 5
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes 5
Invicta 5
New Sith Order 5
North Atlantic Defense Coalition 5
The Imperial Order 5
United Blue Directorate 5
Gotham 5
SOS Brigade 5
Nebula-X 5
The Sweet Oblivion 5
Union of Integrated National Entities 5
Exodus 5
Molon Labe 5
\m/ 5
Atlantic Sphere Union 5

Complaints and Grievances Union 5
Superfriends 5
Synergy 5
Doomhouse Accords 4
Pandora's Box 4
Blood For Friends 5
Chestnut Accords 5
Terra Cotta Pact 5
Checkmate 5
Kel-Morian Combine 5
Poseidon 5
Victory Not Vengeance 5

Alliances I feel a draw and want to like but just can't for some reason: MHA, Fark, MK, TOP

Now on what I think of an alliance's capabilities. Same use of numbers as above

[u][b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b][/u]
Mostly Harmless Alliance 5
Green Protection Agency 6
Fark 6
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 5
Sparta 5
World Task Force 5
Orange Defense Network 5
The Order Of The Paradox 7
Umbrella 7
New Pacific Order 6
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 5
Viridian Entente 5
The Democratic Order 5
New Polar Order 6
R&R 5
Mushroom Kingdom 7
Nordreich 5
LoSS 5
Nusantara Elite Warriors 6
The Legion 5
Valhalla 5
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 5
Nueva Vida 5
The Foreign Division 5
Federation Of Armed Nations 6
Global Order of Darkness 5
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 5
Legacy 5
The Templar Knights 5
The Order Of Light 5
Asgaard 5
iFOK 5
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations 5
Athens 5
World Federation 5
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism 6
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics 5
Global Democratic Alliance 5
Argent 5
Guru Order 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries 5
Ragnarok 5
The Phoenix Federation 5
Random Insanity Alliance 5

[u][b]Alliances Added to List:[/b][/u]
Siberian Tiger Alliance 5
The Prolific Empire 5
Olympus 5
Poison Clan 6
Colossus 5
Greenland Republic 5
United Purple Nations 4
Hydra 5
Carpe Diem 5
Créole 7
=LOST= 5
Europa 5
Dark Templar 5
Imperial Assault Alliance 5
The Order of Righteous Nations 5
Phoenix Rising 5
Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes 5
Invicta 5
New Sith Order 5
North Atlantic Defense Coalition 5
The Imperial Order 5
United Blue Directorate 5
Gotham 5
SOS Brigade 5
Nebula-X 5
The Sweet Oblivion 5
Union of Integrated National Entities 5
Exodus 5
Molon Labe 5
\m/ 4
Atlantic Sphere Union 5

Complaints and Grievances Union 5
Superfriends 5
Synergy 5
Doomhouse Accords 7
Pandora's Box 5
Blood For Friends 5
Chestnut Accords 5
Terra Cotta Pact 5
Checkmate 5
Kel-Morian Combine 5
Poseidon 5
Victory Not Vengeance 5

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[quote name='Hyperbad' timestamp='1305677222' post='2713931']
With 5 being no real opinion. Gradations either way of course. I'll start with a personal view.


You know, I'm actually glad to see somebody use the "5" as a neutral and not an insult for once. It is refreshing when somebody that doesn't know about another alliance says they don't.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1305699759' post='2714216']
You know, I'm actually glad to see somebody use the "5" as a neutral and not an insult for once. It is refreshing when somebody that doesn't know about another alliance says they don't.

Ack! You mean some people actually use their own mind instead of what they've been force-fed? The horror.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1305699759' post='2714216']
You know, I'm actually glad to see somebody use the "5" as a neutral and not an insult for once. It is refreshing when somebody that doesn't know about another alliance says they don't.

You mean like quite a few people on preceding pages did?

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1305699759' post='2714216']
You know, I'm actually glad to see somebody use the "5" as a neutral and not an insult for once. It is refreshing when somebody that doesn't know about another alliance says they don't.
I find in the long run every alliance will gravitate towards the middle, a 5, as they occasionally do things I approve of and occasionally do things I don't. There have only been three exceptions to this: FAN, NPO, and the GOONS. With time they may to be given a 5 depending upon their actions. For the time being past acts still resonate from them.

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