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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1349806720' post='3039037'] Want to know what I find ironic too? VE, Deinos and BFF using Frostbite symbol. [/quote] Almost as if it was intentional.
  2. Is myth really trying to call people bad leaders? The irony is killing me. Anyway, I hope this treaty provides some fun for Bob, enjoy.
  3. Honestly? Congrats on sticking together for so long.
  4. Really happy to see this formalized. Hail to us .
  5. [quote name='Badpoet' timestamp='1349703578' post='3038570'] Congratz, Umbrella! NPO, don't panic. Or create tension where isn't needed. And if this is the kind of party you dislike don't bother showing up. Crashing here and apologizing for not bringing flowers and chocolates is silly. [/quote] Did you not see their other thread? All they do is is crave attention. (Or is it just brehon....and I shouldn't judge the rest of NPO on that?)
  6. [quote name='Thalayk' timestamp='1349574186' post='3038081'] I'm gonna hold you to that. [/quote] Ditto what this man said.
  7. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1349564217' post='3038034'] The only conclusion you can draw is that we're more active than the average OWF poster [/quote] MK 2.0 clearly. Also congrats guys
  8. Here's hoping this causes some wars, cheers.
  9. [quote name='hormones74' timestamp='1348002390' post='3031525'] Probably a damn aid war going on. I demand a nuclear war. I want to see mushroom clouds. And why the hell wait 30 days? If you have an alliance the size of NPO with a history like NPO, and named NPO, then be NPO and go ahead and do what needs to be done. Don't get people all riled up for nothing and do nothing, do something. [/quote] Some people crave attention.
  10. Not something I expected. Best of luck to you both moving forward.
  11. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1347850227' post='3030961'] Why would I try with some one who is unwilling to be reasonable? [/quote] This is gold.
  12. worldconqueror? I thought what we had was special, stewie.
  13. To begin I have to say a sincere thanks to Impero for all the time and dedication he put towards leading Viridia for so long and through so many tough waters. While from an outside point of view there will be those who disagree with what he did, all his decisions were always made with Viridia’s membership on his mind. Him stepping down is but a natural progression of time and I for one am grateful that he will still be sticking around to chat when available. He has been amazing to work with and can proudly step down with his head held high. With that chapter closed I am looking forward to a stronger Viridia led by Goldie, a man known by many for his devotion and work for the Entente. Regardless of any personal grudges people may have against him he has always and will continue to do what he feels is best for this alliance. There are very few people who know just how much time and energy he has committed to VE and this promotion to the top spot is a clear indication of our meritocracy system, reminding us Viridians that our hard work always pays off in the end. I am proud and honored to accept the position of Duke and all the responsibilities that come along with it. For anyone wishing to speak to or to get to know me I am always available by PM or a Query on IRC. Onward Viridia o/
  14. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1345520616' post='3023930'] I found the announcement photo you lost, Rush. You should edit it in now. [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/11/03/article-1326261-0BE50A1F000005DC-62_468x323.jpg[/img] [/quote] I knew it.
  15. [quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1345193906' post='3022767'] You cancel the wrong treaty. Between people who treated you (and your close friend) like !@#$ and those who treated you as equal partner, why did you chose the former? It looks like this is a common characteristics of many lesser people: to leave their weaker allies who actually need help, in order to side with their stronger allies to share the fantasy of winning they do not actually deserve. [/quote] If our only goal was winning we could have cancelled the God treaty a lot longer ago.
  16. Inevitable in the end, best of luck to both parties moving forward
  17. An inevitable outcome unfortunately, best of luck to GOD moving forward.
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