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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. It happens, best of luck to all parties on their new journeys.
  2. This joint venture with GOP shall fund my effort to increase taxes on all Viridians (more tech, now!) Anyway, hails and all that.
  3. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1353298203' post='3054379'] They have been living with something far worse since. And nobody is dumb enough to think the NPO of today is anything like the NPO of old. And as much as wish you could pin the crap MK finds itself in on NPO, the fact is NPO has spent most of the last couple years licking its wounds while MK managed to destroy and turn its own power base against it. You can pretend it was all NPOs doing and I a sure that would be good for their egos but, the fact is MK has made its own bed and it is in that bed it must lie. Karma's a !@#$%*. [/quote] To be fair, I'm not sure MK regrets any of it.
  4. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2qvL5.png[/img][/center] [center]The Viridian Entente would like to formally announce our Protectorate treaty with The Borg. It was an honor to be considered for this position by them, many of whom we got to know better through a previous war. In that time they proved to be meticulous fighters who wouldn't surrender desipte overwhelming odds as well as pleasant people to chat with. We are looking forward to continuing our newborn relationship and are committed to supporting The Borg to the best of our abilities. [quote] The Assimiliation Entente Article 1: VE and The Borg do hereby recognize each other as sovereign entities and commit to always being respectful to each other in public and handle any possible issues in private. Article 2: VE hereby commits to defend The Borg from any unwarranted attacks through military, economic, and/or diplomatic means. Article 3: The Borg shall keep VE up to date on any possible new treaty or conflict that it expects may arise. Article 4: The Borg reserves the right to help VE militarily, economically, and/or diplomatically if it so wishes. Article 5: Should either party wish to cancel this treaty they shall give the other party at least 48 hours notice before it is considered null and void. Signed For The Viridian Entente,[/center] [center][img]i.imgur.com/shlVA.gif[/img][/center] [center][i]Goldie,[/i] Lord of the Entente [i][i] [/i]WarriorConcept,[/i] Duke of the Entente [i][i] [/i]Deviousfairie,[/i] Secretary of State [i][i] [/i]Supreme142,[/i] Secretary of Defense [i][i] [/i][/i][i][i] [/i]Ging,[/i] Secretary of Economics[/center] [i] [/i] [center]Signed for the Borg, Founding Government Signatures Kippa Tarxien - The Borg Queen Frank (Francisco) - The Overseer [/quote][/center]
  5. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1352948441' post='3052563'] Seemed to be what the tea leaves were showing but didn't really expect it to actually happen. Good luck to both of you. [/quote] Told ya. Good luck to you both.
  6. [quote name='Gloin' timestamp='1352335665' post='3049921'] SniperJoe? Treaty off! [/quote] I second this gentleman
  7. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1351710619' post='3047050'] youch, 3 week rollback? :3 best of luck to you guys getting the ball rolling again. also, o/ baltus [/quote] I blame Baltus
  8. The plan to coup yosh has succeeded. Still sad to see him leave us though. Best of luck to our friends moving forward, nice government.
  9. Yeah how dare they post in a thread relating to them.
  10. Honestly not sure if I've ever chatted with any of you. Best of luck moving forward.
  11. Sounds like Int is getting ready to join dinohouse.
  12. [quote name='King William' timestamp='1350261450' post='3041456'] I know after our "wargame" with VE (which was totally a real war by the way), I like them better. And in all honesty, it seemingly got them to wake up again, and they're in a much better state (in my humble opinion). Seems "doing something" was just what they needed. Why can't we have more of that? [/quote] Regardless of who we fought that war, the end result politically at the time up until now would have probably been the same. I agree our war was fun and our membership/gov relationships improved, so kudos to you guys for not being !@#$%y opponents and remaining classy through the whole thing. I personally (and I know many others) were hoping it was going to be a precedent moving forward in this game. A few rounds of full out war without hiding before shaking hands at the end and getting ready for the next engagement. That, in my opinion, would allow us to resume a more active political environment and shorten timeframes in between wars. My 2 cents anyway, apologies for the hijack and enjoy the fight.
  13. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1350261203' post='3041454'] He had an argument? Do you really believe that someone would say that a MK is evil if it was them doing a wargame? [/quote] Whether his argument has merit or not is a different matter entirely and something I'm sure he's willing to defend himself. That still does not negate the fact that you ignored the content of his post and instead of replying in kind to the actual player, you singled out his Alliance Affiliation (which he is not even a member of). I really shouldn't be surprised though, you're not exactly known for your debating skills.
  14. Beside the fact that all Viridians are allowed to have their own opinion, hobbies is not a VE member. Good attempt at attacking the AA instead of the argument as usual however, you'll learn how to argue one day.
  15. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1350106621' post='3040990'] Best post of the thread. [/quote] Stay classy. Anyway, it's a shame seeing Tetris disband but I wish you guys luck in this new project. Don't be strangers.
  16. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1349986379' post='3040138'] Sparta being the only one asked who nutted up: Priceless [/quote] Or some others just didn't feel like wasting time and being up late at night for a whole week when they have other things to do and enough war practice?
  17. That's one way to start off an administration.
  18. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1349838356' post='3039291'] What about it isn't in English? Are you illiterate? Come on now. I even gave you a +1 for the VaginaSchatt joke :[ Don't go breakin' my heart. Also, I noted. You still have Cuba though so technically there's still l[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M91iB18tylA"]ittle Adolf.[/url] I still <3 you JoshuaR. [/quote] Your post was just mostly ranting and not clear to read, but as usual you take it to personal attacks.
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