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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1339686942' post='2983412'] Well no, it's only meaningless when/if you substantiate your claims. It's interesting because you are in exactly the same position, and yet we are wrong and you are right simply because we made a post about it and you did not. You don't care too much for what MK is doing, you've announced it in this thread, and I'm pretty sure you'll be going in for MK anyways. [/quote] Yes because Umbrella made a public announcement with the sole purpose of saying MK's reason was BS in an official capacity. Your emperor's announcement does not equate JA's individual posts, but you know whatever floats your boat.
  2. [quote name='brucemania' timestamp='1339686291' post='2983396'] Hmm i am wondering if this means that doomhouse will not defend MK if they are attacked ? [/quote] You mean the fact that JA is calling you guys out on publically taking a crap on MK is indictive of DH not wanting to defend MK?
  3. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339651935' post='2983011'] Oh some ambiguity on Int-LSF. Interesting. [/quote] Int is democratic, no? Guess we'll see how the majority feel about it.
  4. Respectful move, dt. Congrats guys, the same old script has already gotten stale.
  5. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1339383861' post='2980540'] It was only an ODP, why cancel if this was the intent? Or do you mean for your relationship to develop into some magical non-treaty based form? [/quote] Argent has a different view on odps than we do. I'll let them define it themselves here if they wish, but there are no hard feelings at all about it from here. I think yosh and lowstan can attest that our relationship will continue to regrow, whether it be in the form of another treaty or not we will see. Regardless we still have plenty of respect for argent and will stay in touch.
  6. [quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1339378640' post='2980485'] Congratulations on the new government Sad to see your relationship with VE end. Nevertheless I still love you all Argent!! [/quote] This relationship is far from over. Our government admittedly did not do enough to maintain relations after Janax and Rusty both left and Argent's explanation over this is sound. I'm fairly certain moving forward we will only grow closer as I continue to coup impero.
  7. [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1338938365' post='2977899'] Decide what you want to do in this game. Some people play to "win". Some for their friends. Some for their own personal goals, and some to have the most stuff. Make friends. Don't be an !@#$%^&, and realize people are not their AA tags. Remember that everyone has the desire to leave their community at one point or another, there are no perfect communities. You just have to realize that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. [/quote] Well said
  8. [quote name='Sunny Side King' timestamp='1338939917' post='2977915'] [s]You could argue that this last war was Umb's war since IRON is your ally and was started by TOP/IRON.[/s] Ignoring that, Umbrella has historically always found ways to avoid being part of any tough wars. See Vlad's post. My personal favorite is "Let's declare on paper but in actuality don't declare and wait for them to fall out of range." [/quote] Yeah umbrella should have declared on NpO considering all the open slots
  9. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1338723865' post='2976489'] Could have fooled the crap out of me. Being a diplomat on your forums, the sheer amount of "Cancel MHA and Sparta already" and "WHY ARE YOU ALLIED TO BLOCMATES OF AN ALLIANCE THAT WE HATE QQ" that I got from your members on a daily basis was unbelievable. Of course, I personally didn't care much for either alliance at the time seeing as I was a new recruit. That's part of why I was the only one from Umbrella who could stand being there for any length of time. In retrospect, I can certainly understand JA's and everyone else's annoyance though. God forbid NG has to take anything it dishes out. I must say, that persecution complex transfered over from Poison Clan without a hitch. Never afraid to dish out any amount of abuse, criticism and various other nonsense to your allies, but as soon as they give you any, you start nailing yourself to the cross and bemoaning how saintly you were to your so-called "friend" while you got only grief in return. But please do continue to pretend that it was us who were !@#$%* allies and that PB's problems were everyone's fault but yours. It's an amusing spectacle. [/quote] Oh, so it wasn't only our embassy that had tons of NG people wanting to also roll ex-mj? The act being put up is amusing. Fakeedit: last post messed up due to being on my phone sorry mods.
  10. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1338723865' post='2976489'] Could have fooled the crap out of me. Being a diplomat on your forums, the sheer amount of "Cancel MHA and Sparta already" and "WHY ARE YOU ALLIED TO BLOCMATES OF AN ALLIANCE THAT WE HATE QQ" that I got from your members on a daily basis was unbelievable. Of course, I personally didn't care much for either alliance at the time seeing as I was a new recruit. That's part of why I was the only one from Umbrella who could stand being there for any length of time. In retrospect, I can certainly understand JA's and everyone else's annoyance though. God forbid NG has to take anything it dishes out. I must say, that persecution complex transfered over from Poison Clan without a hitch. Never afraid to dish out any amount of abuse, criticism and various other nonsense to your allies, but as soon as they give you any, you start nailing yourself to the cross and bemoaning how saintly you were to your so-called "friend" while you got only grief in return. But please do continue to pretend that it was us who were !@#$%* allies and that PB's problems were everyone's fault but yours. It's an amusing spectacle. [/quote]
  11. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1338421321' post='2974822'] I think you mean master [/quote] Nope, I didn't.
  12. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1338487414' post='2975192'] Actually, I technically had no permission or authority to announce this. I'm a generic diplomat and hold no official gov position. I just got tired of waiting, and after realizing it'd probably take another day or two for someone in Umbrella to photoshop some fancy sigs for us, I just crudely sketched them MSPaint-style and posted this without asking anyone first. That said, this treaty is still the real deal, I just jumped the gun on it. I'm whimsical like that. [/quote] Shadow gov is best gov
  13. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1338424816' post='2974850'] But we're the worst.. [/quote] You still have a ways to go young padawan -ujp4lyfe
  14. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1338422975' post='2974838'] At least someone is having a good rage... I'm amazed we've made 1 year and nobody has tried destroying us yet.. all of XX should have gang banged us when they had the chance. [/quote] That's not how karma goes
  15. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1338396233' post='2974563'] You know what they say about toadies.... [/quote] The mission is almost compete, sir.
  16. Well written OP. Honestly if you want to have fun however it requires a lot of time to get involved, but once you do you enjoy it plenty. As has been stated plenty of times, you get out of this game what you put in.
  17. Oh boy, LoTS making announcements. Congrats to my housemates
  18. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1338301552' post='2974053'] I don't recall aid slot boasting being something in our repertoire of late, besides during the annual awards ceremony or when we competed with TOP to see who could gain 50k the fastest. [/quote] Confirming this, although I'm sure bill was not referring to tech slot usage.
  19. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1338204852' post='2973541'] Something tells me there wasn't much support for it considering all they did was nothing. If there had been support for them doing something and they and their pal had the advantage with something to gain maybe we see bombs flying right now. As it is, GOD still isn't all that liked and while I'm sure VE still has friends you guys aren't quite in the same position to save their ass this time. So, if Kaskus had done something GOD would either be endlessly ridiculed for signing them and then letting them burn or would likely have been rolled defending their white knightery. I'm sure there was a lot of talking Kaskus out of it. [/quote] Nope, kaskus was ready to roll and I was in a meeting with them trying to talk it out. Just accept that you're wrong.
  20. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1338106220' post='2973161'] I dunno, he seems pretty on the money to me. It's not like GOD would be onboard with them doing anything that might endanger their one lifeline. [/quote] Kaskus decides its own fate, hence our meeting about then attacking a few nights ago.
  21. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1338051576' post='2972794'] Don't have to. Maybe left to their own devices but all you have to know is the people talking in their ear. Kaskus would never have done anything and you know it. [/quote] You're an idiot.
  22. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1337951109' post='2972100'] Oh I will. I'm kinda partial to truth and facts, you see. I know, it's a foreign concept to you but you should try it now and then: it doesn't hurt, I promise. And it would be a nice change from your terrible attempts at spinninig. [/quote] Myth is great at fa how dare you challenge him!
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