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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. An unfortunate development, but I hold nothing against top for this. While we didn't always see eye to eye I always enjoyed the frankness of our conversations, especially the professional manner with which the heptagon carried itself. Best of luck moving forward top, don't be a stranger.
  2. I will never forget the surprise I felt when I found out FOK made someone surrender during UJW. You've had a great run guys, this is truly a loss for bob.
  3. Congratulations NpO, while certainly alliances have in the past, not many can withstand such a war and those kinds of terms. As well congratulations to IRON and TOP on the revenge.
  4. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1336225880' post='2963977'] Congrats.... Is it me or has the treaty web started to resemble more and more of a circle with Polar and parts of SF on the outside of this giant circle hugging. [/quote] I'd never accuse CN of being creative and inventive, that's for sure.
  5. [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1335922845' post='2961940'] VE for sf 2012 [/quote] time for bastion
  6. Not bad, congrats on the elected. Especially laslo and timlee
  7. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1335839924' post='2961389'] Gonna let this ally pick and choose who gets to stomp you or does VE still have that honour? [/quote] I'm sure you thought that was clever. Anyway it was a pleasure to work with tan last war and if anyone ventures into the peace thread you'll find that it was reciprocated and we had built some mutual respect.
  8. [quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1335647957' post='2960512'] I like how you say this as if VE didn't have any power to choose what side of the war their alliance was on. I mean, I guess it's true in a sense: you're cowards, and so you are automatically on the winning side. But you had allies on both sides, and could either have truly defended both sides or been neutral. [/quote] I like how the complaining keeps coming from everyone but the people we ” betrayed”.
  9. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1335623531' post='2960414'] I honestly don't know but I'm finding it hilarious the people who are only now making their hate of NG known on the world stage AFTER they leave PB [/quote] Who would that be?
  10. Congratulations to our allies and best of luck moving forward
  11. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1335419001' post='2959612'] Hey thats what I said except I told how it really was and you sugar coated it... [/quote] Whatever helps you sleep at night. Thankfully I had the pleasure of working with some awesome GATO gov members during the war so I'm not going to lump them in with your usual drivel.
  12. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1335396401' post='2959282'] edit: nobody will get it nvm [/quote] I'm not a metal head, I got it
  13. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1335396211' post='2959278'] I probably should have signed an MADP with them first right? That would have made me cool. [/quote] Another deflection as always , you never were good at this. Anyway apologies for the de-rail and best of luck to you guys on this treaty.
  14. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1335392678' post='2959236'] It would be super easy to find a GOD member not happy about the way that war and your treatment of them afterwards was conducted. I'm not willing to start dropping logs on friends just to prove a point though, so I'll just leave this argument with a "you have a history of !@#$ting on your allies for power. I hope one day soon, you wake up and change your course." [/quote] As always you turn up empty handed. Rich words coming from the guy that dropped NSO in their time of need however.
  15. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1335383442' post='2959107'] You must be blind then my friend. I will not doubt your courageousness on taking on a small purple alliance for your friends in GOD though. If GOD didn't have to guys to keep them off I'm not sure what they would have done. [/quote] We were on opposite sides of a war and instead of discarding them like plenty of people did to their own allies we worked out a deal together. I challenge you to find one GOD member complaining about VE during that war if you really think you have an argument.
  16. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1335302636' post='2958607'] It's very interesting seeing comments like these from VE members. You do remember this is the alliance you chose to defend over GOD, right? [/quote] The decision was never to help gato, it was to help our allies on a coalition wide war. Also, we did defend GOD and I still have yet to hear anyone from there complain about our actions that war. Anyway, congrats on the treaty.
  17. [quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1335230024' post='2958137'] If you're not able to put two and two together by taking a peek at either Umb's or PB's 50 page Dow, then there's no use pointing anything else out to you. I will however point out how visually restricting tunnel visors are. You might want to see if you can get those swapped with a better pair of shades. [/quote] I like your signature.
  18. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1335227709' post='2958091'] Congrats... ODN/INT defense treaties in 3..2..1.. [/quote] I don't think sponge would approve of an ODN treaty
  19. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1335065918' post='2956946'] that level of political intrigue makes me pine for the glory days of old! [/quote] Do you remember the first time?
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