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Rogal Dorn

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Everything posted by Rogal Dorn

  1. this is the DoE you all are looking for God our flags make me so hot the in pants. Thank you MvP for their sexyness.
  2. throw Sengoku up there. cn-sengoku.com #sengoku Purple
  3. don't mind if I do smurthwaite congrats TORN & NPL
  4. [img]http://cn-sengoku.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif[/img] cool. cool cool cool.
  5. o7 TENE. Congrats on your new gov lineup.
  6. holy smokes i had no idea that CSN was six years old :3 cool looking format nonetheless.
  7. [quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1351066819' post='3044799'] All encompassing indeed ;_;. [/quote] Noooooooo. /me fails. This is just for you iamthey! http://youtube.com/watch?v=p1HZp4ClFXY
  8. i love me some argent. o/ Foxxy o/ otter o/ Omni o/ lowsten o/ dio damn my arm is getting tired of hailing. o/ Argent gov. there that should be all encompassing, i can't believe i just hailed omni... what have i done!?
  9. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1350883001' post='3044028'] Who is trying to rewrite the history? The guy clearly won, this whole fiasco went from DoorNail in EoG list with no perspectives to leave unless paid reparations and GOONS posting "do something about it" to DoorNail becoming a free guy without the need of pay any reparations and with GOONS backpedaling when someone indeed did something about it. I know you can't public agree with me since GOONS are you tech farm and you need to blindly support them no matter what but, I have to say that you sounds incredible hypocritical using MK AA while claiming someone is trying to rewrite the history, I advise you to take a look at your wiki page for further details. [/quote] if you're referring to the part where MK listed all their war results as victories i fixed that. if not, then skip this post.
  10. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1350878002' post='3043986'] Alright, since you asked nicely and without overt malice I'll tell you. 1. EoGing somebody for fighting back because of a raid action diminishes the importance of the EoG list. The EoG list should be reserved for those who have committed unjustified wrongs against us. 2. It is arguable that he didn't, strictly speaking, do anything morally out of line, though he chose the incorrect path in attempting to secure peace for his group by striking at us like a rogue, rather than getting a protectorate from somebody. 3. After conferring with our allies on how they deal with similar situations, we decided that ours was out of line with traditional raiding norms. Of course, I fully expect CoJ and other irrelevant parties to take credit for this massive victory in defense of the raided, but in truth, the peanut gallery had little to no effect on our process. [/quote] "striking at us like a rogue" cry more, so someone attacked you guys for attacking his alliance. that's not rogue like at all. that's what every alliance member should do if their AA is attacked.
  11. obligatory "here's cn wiki link" -> [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Blue_Balls_Accords"]http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Blue_Balls_Accords[/url]
  12. [quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1350871792' post='3043924'] Roll NATO [/quote] this! o7 NATO
  13. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1350865445' post='3043883'] Indeed. Yet again, Kaskus looking for attention by butting into a matter that is already being taken care of. [/quote] it's because they took care of it. GG though hereno.
  14. too bad my aid slots are full :/ otherwise i would've sent DoorNail some aid too.
  15. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1350689558' post='3043129'] Indeed sir, with a hat brim that matches my monocle. o_q [/quote] +1 Rogal point for Ogaden! you may redeem them for your wildest dreams, once you get to two that is.
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