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Rogal Dorn

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Everything posted by Rogal Dorn

  1. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1344066609' post='3018410']Obligatory complaint about how long this took, etc.[/quote] yep, took quite a while.
  2. [quote name='kingzog' timestamp='1343952886' post='3017987'] The joke stopped being funny about five years ago. Congratulations nevertheless. [/quote] wow, you showed them!
  3. im angry there is no atanatar in this lineup!
  4. love these RIA announcements, i always look forward to reading them best of luck to you delta and congratulations on the new Gov lineup! o/ RIA
  5. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1343701560' post='3017154'] Could be worse, could be a skippy war.. [/quote] %&*^$ me! I never even thought of the possibility CS!
  6. This is sad to see, it was an honor to fight beside you guys in the DH-NPO war, i wish you gents the best of luck in your new home. o/
  7. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1343587099' post='3016753'] A good day indeed. Glad to see this treaty upgraded. o7 Argent o7 Imperia Also congrats on your first OWF announcement Rogal [/quote] thanks scorp! Argent We might see some half-dragon half-bears running around here before long [quote name='Saniiro Matsudaira' timestamp='1343587313' post='3016755'] Looks like Rogal Dorn took a second job. Congrats to you both. [/quote] rofl, they've got me working double shifts [quote name='Dre4mwe4ver' timestamp='1343587503' post='3016756'] Nice treaty for a couple of nice alliances! o7 Argent and TIO (esp. Rogal, Stagger and Scorp. Did I forget anyone?" [/quote] dre edit. condensing replies
  8. [CENTER][IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090420122440/cybernations/images/d/d2/Argentnukesymbol6.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120507233733/cybernations/images/thumb/e/ed/Flag_of_TIO.png/388px-Flag_of_TIO.png[/IMG] [SIZE=5]The Pillage and Plunder Pact[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=3]Preamble[/SIZE] Argent and The Imperial Order (TIO), reaffirm their mutual desires to pillage and plunder together so long as they shall sail. [SIZE=3]Article 1: No plundering each other[/SIZE] Argent and TIO agree to not pillage each other. [SIZE=3]Article 2: Share the plunder![/SIZE] Argent and TIO agree to be civil and share the plunder of their spoils with one another if the other needs to buy more rum, cannonballs or other supplies. [SIZE=3]Article 3: I spot booty![/SIZE] If one of the signatories spots or hears about some booty in one form or another they must share the details as fast as a parrot can carry it. [SIZE=3]Article 4: I got yer back![/SIZE] Argent and TIO agree to pillage any enemy that attempts to plunder their riches or women .When one signatory is off plundering with another one of their other friends and is pillaged as a result then the other signatory can plunder said pillaging alliance if they so choose, but are not required to. [SIZE=3]Article 5: Let’s plunder![/SIZE] If either alliance plan on going off and pillage and plunder a foreign land, the other signatory is strongly encouraged but not required to come along. [SIZE=3]Article 6: Set sails[/SIZE] Should the signatories agree to set sails due to irreconcilable differences, this pact will end after giving 47 hours’ notice to the other signatory. //Signed// For Argent, Yosh (mrgregory), Emperor Foxchild (Keishii), Regent Lowsten (James Spanier), Minister of Foreign Affairs Otter (Aeternos Astramora), Minister of War Iamthey, Minister of Finance For The Imperial Order, Scorponok, Imperial High Commander Stagger Lee, Imperial External Commander Galvatron, Imperial Internal Commander Klinker, Imperial Officer of Internal Affairs Rogal Dorn, Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs President SO, Imperial Officer of Finance Apocalypsse, Imperial Officer of Defense edit. my first owf announcement
  9. Good fights guys and gals. edit. also, first.
  10. and nothing interesting was revealed because all of it is from 2011. im shocked. oh wait that last bit was sarcasm, im not really shocked. edit. oh wait, alyster, can you call me rogal dumb one more time before you go? it's a hell of an insult
  11. happy birthday RIA! i always like your topics, so much fun to read!
  12. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1342848136' post='3012859'] And you only have your ripped abs and charisma to impress Mia, Mia does it again. o/ Mia [/quote] o/ Mia!
  13. im mindlessly hailing. o/ Pacifica o/ Ai also, to spite pansy i'll put this one on the wiki! bwahaha!
  14. congrats Feuersturm i've always had a lot of respect for you. Hopefully you'll be around for a good while longer o/
  15. [quote name='smontag' timestamp='1342582869' post='3011431'] link is right here http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=382410 please attack me [/quote] welp. looks like i'll be ghosting GATO to fight you ya nub.
  16. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1342472789' post='3010840'] Its about time for this. Also, I like how the text of the treaty is simple and to the point. [/quote] qft on both accounts!
  17. Thanks to all the gentemen / wimmins hailing us [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1342285080' post='3010145'] bit harder to take a POW from us than that hey there Scorp, I was looking for your hippy ass last night on IRC \ also for those of you quoting Splice...believe me when I say he's not whining lol. He truly is flattered XD maybe we'll take [url=http://www.mobiletoones.com/downloads/wallpapers/celebrity_wallpapers/preview/21/p24582-1245821712.jpg]you guys[/url] to the NPL prom instead of [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/216/fugly2.jpg/sr=1]LoSS[/url] [/quote] Scorp's been very busy with RL lately unfortuantely. however, you can find the rest of us TIO gov hanging around with the squiggly & sign in #tio. the gov roster on [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Imperial_Order_(2nd)]our wiki[/url] is up to date if you're looking for specific people. I wish i was that cherry right about now
  18. [quote name='SpliceVW' timestamp='1342278027' post='3010118'] Mayhaps. But, does anyone else find it humorous that a 150 nation alliance would need the aid of another 150 nation alliance to battle a 25 nation micro alliance? I'm a little flattered. [/quote] damn right you're flattered, this [i][b]IS[/b][/i] TIO we're talking about here. they're classy fellas.
  19. [quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1342278743' post='3010122'] This makes me so happy. o/ Polarbearia [/quote] damn skippy it makes you happy!
  20. [img]http://i.imgur.com/mTH7u.gif[/img] here comes godzirra
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