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Rogal Dorn

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Everything posted by Rogal Dorn

  1. it was a good fight Viridia, best of luck to you o7
  2. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1342051991' post='3008531'] Aw hell, my comments made the papers. Now people will know how crazy I am. [/quote] rofl mael, you crazy sob mel your article was hilarious
  3. [quote name='lordliam' timestamp='1341864393' post='3007436'] Roll Tetris. o7 [/quote] where do i sign?
  4. shoutout to Superfox1 from VE, he was the only viridian that consistently fought back against me so far
  5. np good sir, i wanted to ensure the highest quality work for you fine gentlemen as you begin on your endeavor. p.s. when i made this post in mind i had just watched the snobby dudes on ace ventura 2 and i thought it was funny to type this just like they talked.
  6. woohoo! glad to see this announced. best of luck to you gentlemen in the future! o/ Anarchy Inc. [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Anarchy_Inc.]Anarchy Inc. wiki page[/url]
  7. [quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1341555004' post='3004642'] At what point do you realize that anyone that peruses the owf and follows terms like this doesn't deserve to be here. Do you think alliances send these terms out to their members or something? At least it isn't standard practice for alliances at war to take up space announcing individual surrender terms knowing exactly that the audience they're trying to reach doesn't know !@#$ about the medium they're using. [/quote] move along deinos... go do something like improve your war machine or the lackthereof.
  8. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1341372898' post='3003053'] okay someone tell me what an edp is. [/quote] i have no idea what the difference is from an mdp other than they call it an "eternal dp" O.o eternal dp.... and this is ccc we're talking about... edit. since people thought i was serious, it's "extended defense pact". [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105306]link for reference[/url]
  9. the sloth dre4my lizzy hammad also timlee, lanore, letub sad to see you gents arent in gov atm but sometimes breaks are a necessity.
  10. Let us fu.. (woops wrong quote) Let. us. fight! o7
  11. congrats to the recipients of these awesome awards
  12. [quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1340803265' post='2998316'] What?! Dave93 is [i]back[/i] in TIO? Well, good to know the whorehouse door still revolves [/quote] ahahaha
  13. [quote name='Nikita Ilyich Lenin' timestamp='1340772180' post='2997945'] I must say the Pacifican counter offensive of VE is beyond impressive. [/quote] i agree
  14. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1340682462' post='2996482'] BFF honors a clear statement made in a previous announcement, [i]billions shocked[/i] [/quote] inorite, i wonder what legion/MCXA's plan was. "lets DoW ODN and force BFF to hit us! yeah, sounds good to me!"
  15. [quote name='Chuck Normis' timestamp='1340682267' post='2996463']We did a double take because we were fairly certain that they didn't defend their allies.[/quote] ahhh, i laughed so hard.
  16. updated.. again D: [quote]dave war 21 Davecon 3 War 7 Defcon 3 war 5 OverZealous war 3 Fungicide 2012 - 3 Dave's not here War 3 Dave vs Busters 2 Davehouse War 2 Daveshroom Affair 2 MK-CSN War 1 Great War 7 - 1 noCB 2.0 - 1 Davegate 1 Dave's Summer War 1 Centipede War 1 Gopher War 1 War of Great Diversion 1 Big Brother War 1 Viet-Dave 1 lame ass war 1 Great Dave War 1 lolsf 1 War of Preemption 1 Rain Man War 1 My Peacemode is Better Than Yours War 1 Dave's Jock-Itch 1 war of many fronts 1 Everything Must Dave War 1 Peace Mode War 1 What Is Going On War 1[/quote] I renamed the war page from "MK-CSN War" to "Dave War". this is [b]not[/b] permanent/final but just reflects the majority votes in the poll thus far by the cn community. If the majority changes by a good margin then it will be renamed (and all former links will redirect so no links will be dead) However if the majority doesnt change then it will just be "Dave War" heh. p.s. I didn't vote for "Dave War" just fyi, I voted for "OverZealous War".
  17. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340511352' post='2994148'] I'd just like to point out that there are technically 6 seperate wars going on right now and not 1. [/quote] there's 3... pre-empting people into the same conflict doesnt make them new wars.
  18. current polls show... [quote]dave war 18 Defcon 3 war 5 Davecon 3 War 4 OverZealous war 3 Fungicide 2012 - 3 Dave's not here War 3 Dave vs Busters 2 Davehouse War 2 Daveshroom Affair 2 MK-CSN War 1 Great War 7 - 1 noCB 2.0 - 1 Davegate 1 Dave's Summer War 1 Centipede War 1 Gopher War 1 War of Great Diversion 1 Big Brother War 1 Viet-Dave 1 lame ass war 1 Great Dave War 1 lolsf 1 War of Preemption 1 Rain Man War 1 My Peacemode is Better Than Yours War 1 Dave's Jock-Itch 1 war of many fronts 1 Everything Must Dave War 1[/quote]
  19. first off forgive me, i've been up a hella long time atm When selecting "Alliance" and you type in for example, "LoSS", and you select "exact phrase" and search it doesn't just give you the exact phrase. It gives LoSS as well as Colossus. Yes i know "loss" is in colossus but isn't "exact phrase" mean that it should only search for "loss" and not everything containing "loss"? I assumed like google typing in quotations would make it search for only things in quotes but that didnt work either. any chance this is a bug or... am i just being too anal at 6:20am? URL when you hit search with "exact phrase" from the drop down on the right is: (and yields 227 results) [code]http://www.cybernations.net/search.asp?searchstring=Alliance&search=LoSS&anyallexact=exact&Strength1=&Strength2=[/code] yields the exact same results as when you select "all words" from the drop down on the right. (yielding 227 results, again) [code]http://www.cybernations.net/search.asp?searchstring=Alliance&search=LoSS&anyallexact=all&Strength1=&Strength2=[/code] I tried in Chrome, FF, SRWare Iron and Opera but none of them did the search function work properly. >.< thank ya
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