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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. I think I talked to you a couple times. Good luck out there.
  2. I knew they had a Rok treaty but I wasn't sure if that was canceled before hand or not. Good to know.
  3. A quick check with the wiki reveals the following alliances were cancelled (and not re-signed with later): Nueva Vida, Genesis, New Polar Order, Siberian Tiger Alliance, Ronin and Global Order of Darkness. Here's a link to the original announcement as well: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93121
  4. Thanks Hereno. I thought you had left this world. Welcome back. obligatory hail ve and hail dear leader goldie
  5. FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DESK OF THE BELOVED CZAR IN SERVICE OF OUR DEAR KAISER Let it be known that he who is known as "Knights111" as committed treason against The German Empire and our Kaiser. We call upon our allies to begin economic and military sanctions until he surrenders and admits to the supremacy of the Kaiser. Anyone who supports him shall be similarly treated as a traitor. Hail the Kaiser.
  6. That is irrelevant. All that matters is that you tried to usurp the sovereign authority of our dear kaiser. Perhaps a couple days of nuclear destruction shall allow you to atone for your sins. Your best chance of surviving is to surrender to the forces of the German Empire. Continue to resist and we shall destroy you. All Hail the Kaiser. - Czar Baltus
  7. I am glad to be in service of the Kaiser today. As Czar, I believe that our national security is of the utmost importance. I request all friends and allies of our empire to apprehend this "Knights111" so that he may answer to his crimes of treason against the crown. May the Kaiser have mercy on his soul for we shall have none.
  8. It seems that this "Knights111" fellow is trying to usurp the throne that rightly belongs to the Kaiser. I suggest His Majesty's Government investigate this man.
  9. Color politics has been dying for a while now. inb4 NG and TLR join Chestnut
  10. What's up Rush? Glad to here that TLR is doing well. Are you still retired?
  11. You guys had a good run. Sad to see an old bloc go but it was bound to happen.
  12. How long until Nikolay is in charge? Congrats to the new gov and congrats to Os who seems to be slowly moving towards what is probably a long overdue retirement.
  13. Drafting the cancellation as we speak. Congrats to the latest in a long series of oppressive tech hungry tyrants.
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