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Everything posted by supercoolyellow

  1. The Purple Nova Accords I would like to note that it has been a pleasure working with Cobalt Wolf and the rest of TSO to make this happen.
  2. Dajabo, you're one of my favorite leaders to work with. [ooc] enjoy your all the time ou now have :) [/ooc]
  3. This is fun :P Edit: Also, I think Pacifica needs to recognize they have red privilege.
  4. While under Peggy I would have agreed, but UPN is the kind of alliance you can always count on. So no, it's not always a good move. Best of luck STA, and best of luck to our good friends in UPN. Except Robster, he sucks.
  5. Pretty big move. I won't wish you luck, because I don't know the direction you plan to go, but I hope where ever you go, the trip there is fun.
  6. I thought we got everyone off :S Edit: Off the AA, off the AA.
  7. Same here, if I had to rank in order of only since 2009, I would put it this way. 1. MK 2. NPO 3. NpO 4. Umbrella 5. TOP
  8. So, what exact event does DBDC name as its birth? DBDC didn't come around the way most alliances do.
  9. BTW, I am definitely down for a tournament.
  10. I'm going to make this thread more interesting. How much of this is true? : http://s4.zetaboards.com/CNtel/topic/10243951/1/#new
  11. On behalf of SNX I will accept your apology for not declaring war on us.
  12. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'm actually enjoying this thread.
  13. SPATR disagreed the imminent SNX-DBDC odp is all.
  14. You guys have some great protectors, so I wish you the best of luck on this new chapter.
  15. I'm down to play. friend request sent.
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