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Everything posted by supercoolyellow

  1. What a nice and completely insincere platitude you have there. If members of NPO were sad that this war was happening, then NPO wouldn't be going out of its way to hit TPF. Everyone outside of Occulus sees though this Elegarth.
  2. Even the most one side war is still a war
  3. You are dong the Admin's work Mastabady.Accolades upon you.
  4. What if I told you that even if he has been disloyal in the past, that it was a very long time ago, and that even so, his point is still valid?
  5. So many Occulus posters just don't get it. What's at stake is how much can NPO's allies can trust them. TPF has burned multiple times and have shown unfailing loyalty to NPO. Instead of rewarding TPF with even token respect, NPO has led Occulus to go out of their way to attack TPF just for the sake of fun. NPO's current set of allies are going to look at that and think "why would we want to burn for that." You would think that NPO would have learned from their shitty leadership of the Equilibrium War, that how they conduct themselves in one war has great repercussions on how they fare in the following. I guess they will have to be taught twice, and the lesson will probably come at the hands of several of NPO's current allies. You're no longer invited to our birthday party :((
  6. Took you long enough to gather the balls cockulus. Our foresight is almost as big as our egos. :smug:
  7. There is a culture about CN right now where being aggressive on the OWF is bad for you. It is a shame.
  8. What's that you said? You're in a love triangle?
  9. I hate you guys, but don't want to see you go.
  10. Would have watched but I was busy watching New Girl on Netflix instead.
  11. I don't know what you're talking about.
  12. Most people who join MI6 were never asked. People join MI6 because they want to be part of the most active alliance in CN.
  13. Where there is more freedom there is the law of supply and demand. Where there is less freedom, the law is abolished for the "greater good." To act as if someone is a noob for allowing supply and demand take place, is painfully ignorant.
  14. But you can believe a movie actually exists right? Dude, you're just jealous that they'd rather join us than join you.
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