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Everything posted by mmansfield68

  1. JB, It's then, not than. You damned nincompoop. Some other idiot sandwiched your post (above) to emblazen it forever. Idiots, like birds, flock. As you were, gentlemen, and ladies.
  2. And punctuation, missed one comma, some lower case letters and a question mark.
  3. I am Black Sphere, but by God I wish I were Maroon sphere for the sole purpose of voting twice (because I'm cool like that) for the Busch! [sp?]
  4. Sad but necessary. Best to all parties. 🙈
  5. Best DoW on these boards in a very, very long time. All of the qualities of a sound, fun and informative DoW without all of the unnecessary fluff, pomp and circumstance. Bravo, Red Asses, Godspeed! o/
  6. Good to see my first Emperor (Tygaland, NpO) is still rattling sabers, good luck STA!
  7. Cheers to an awesome history and a true credit to Planet Bob over the years, as once a friend and once a foe. Sad to see you go. o/ TOP!
  8. I used to be an ambassador to Legion for NpO back, God, way back in the day. Like 2007. Good to see you guys again. It's gone so quiet here I sometimes can't remember who's still around. Cheers ladies and gentlemen!
  9. Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted. -- Anonymous
  10. We always ruled the Blue sphere, but blue sphere dominance was just one of our many hobbies, not necessarily an over-arching "be-all-end-all" as I recollect. Power and influence are completely useless if not exercised and demonstrated. Electron Sponge understood this, and demonstrated this. You, Grub, understand this, and have demonstrated this as well. Cheers Polaris/Oculus!
  11. True, and an Electron Sponge sighting would spark the Armageddon.
  12. Nordreich, this is one of those (many) times where I wish I was a member of your awesome alliance.
  13. It's almost like sweet irony, except that it isn't irony at all.
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