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Everything posted by mmansfield68

  1. I love triangles, so yeah. Count me in.
  2. When told the reason for "Daylight Saving Time" an old Indian said "Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket." Revolution works the same way. It's not a revolution once the war has been fought. In the end, the 'proletariat' just has a new master. They also get exactly nothing, unless they are central in the 'revolution.' We have all studied the Russian revolution, modeled/written/wrought by Marx/Lenin. "Revolution", to the common man, only changes the master...it frees no one. Disaster. Every time.
  3. I have read them, ES posted them back in the day on the NpO boards - at the time when we in the Orders were still 'brothers.' I was just making a political pun. Don't get to use 'self-licking cone' very often. :ehm:
  4. Isn't a Revolution in perpetuity a self-licking ice cream cone? The answer is yes. Yes it is. The only problem with a self-licking ice cream cone is that eventually, you run our of ice cream. Cheers, Pacifica!
  5. GOONS were always aligned on the opposite side of the treaty web from my alliances (NpO & DT) throughout my CN career. Never espoused any great love for the alliance, although I have had some memorable exchanges with her members and some of her high ranking government leaders. I hate to see this, GOONS has been a major player here and brought a lot to the social/political landscape of Planet Bob. Cheers and best of luck to you all in your new homes, wherever that may be. GOONS
  6. ...so I was brushing my teeth... What is this really about? A micor war? Sheebaduhigabadoo...
  7. Nems sighting!!! :awesome: Grats on the treaty folks! :)
  8. Always the sexiest in a bathing suit, TOP! :awesome:
  9. Very frightening prospect. Not sure what we were thinking there...
  10. OOC: I have not, but I have tried some delicious coffee porters & stouts. Big fan. Big shout out to the signatories! :awesome:
  11. Coffee and beer are both securely snug on my list of top 5 favorite things. Cheers!!!
  12. Happy birthday Alpha Wolves! Side note: It took co-founder AL Bundy a year to find the CN forums. :P
  13. I agree Meth. Certainly not happy with the current state of things, particularly where sanctions are levied via Senate to tilt the balance of a conflict..
  14. When you raid blindly, there is always the opportunity to pick the 'exploding box.' Blind raiding invites multiple and sometimes devastating beat downs, so take your damned medicine.
  15. Some were wondering, but since you've spelled it out, not any more. Also, Grub wins the thread, he brought 'stick' to the fight. :ehm:
  16. All three of Ivan's creations have. The Moldavi Doctrine is instituted wherever its' namesake plants a flag.
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