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Joe Stupid

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Everything posted by Joe Stupid

  1. Dajobo, we've been friends for quite a long time, it's great to finally see you get this position. You deserve it old friend. Random it was great working with you for the short time that we did. Best of luck in retirementland.
  2. [quote name='Pollard' timestamp='1356052364' post='3066487'] Sith Lord? Joe and Kirsten haven't posted here in a while :v [/quote] Our mere presence is enough
  3. MK's foreign policy is simple. Fear. The same reason people won't attack them right now. Someone else needs to do it, and that person is usually MK. Remember how long the build up to Karma was? Because people we in fear of NPO. Same thing now. Otherwise someone would have just signed a few important treaties, then stepped up to the plate. !@#$ i wish this place was more like that
  4. [quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1355921082' post='3065781'] Go get 'em Kaskus, show no mercy. [/quote] Please join them, as Kain said. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1355936025' post='3065859'] So wait, you are part of the reason there is an issue between Kaskus and NSO and yet you run to Kingdom of Hyrule instead of fighting alongside Kaskus? WTF... [/quote] Isaac, and his lack of all things knowledge was the starting point of this whole shindig. But without him this war might not have happened. Shamed he ducked out though. [quote name='Rokula' timestamp='1355938964' post='3065889'] o/ Kaskus Make those racists in the NSO burn. Cybernations does not need anymore boneheaded racist scum skinking up our game. [/quote] I laughed hard at this. [quote name='Rokula' timestamp='1355962684' post='3066094'] I app'ed to NSO a long time ago, I was denied because NSO has a policy of not letting reptilians or other foul beasts(sic) in. It was a injustice , and still hurts me to this day. So on behalf of all of us persons who just happen to be hatched from eggs I demand an change in your policies regarding membership of us scaled ones. Thanks. [/quote] I laughed even harder at this.
  5. Every time i feel that hope is lost, something like this comes along and restores my faith in Bob. Good show Kaskus.
  6. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1355705795' post='3064774'] Makes a change from fighting him from 120k NS down to 25k NS. Not done that in nearly 3 years... [/quote] They just dont make wars like they used to
  7. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1355537092' post='3063941'] [color=#0000ff]I know of the frustrations NSO had with your alliance. You were always cowardly, and when we were targeted by our enemies you slithered away and made excuses. You are using NSO as a tool for your goals. They will get nothing in return. Those who ally to you never do. You use them, and then expend. So quite your self-righteous nonsense. I know your playbook. I was there when it was written.[/color] [color=#0000ff]I feel for those who have allowed themselves to be deluded into believing there is a different NPO. They're in for a rude surprise.[/color] [/quote] I'm going to quote this and come back to you in a few months.
  8. This is cool. I've never really communicated with NPO, Ray and Dilber had that covered. I guess i better get to know you guys.
  9. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1355377805' post='3063236'] We have a MDOAP with NPO. You're being stupid. [/quote] This clearly went over your head, and several others as well. Kudos.
  10. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1355376928' post='3063222'] lol - glad your IA was alright with this one [/quote] Haha. Was literally about to say the same thing.
  11. [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1355162578' post='3062417'] I nominate Impero for his foresight. I also nominate Rayvon because the Sith have been too quiet building those war chests. I wonder if he'll have the barnacles to spend it in 2013? [/quote] You better watch out for our barnacles.
  12. This is one hard pill to swallow. Just talking to him the other night about AR-15's. Jack was never one to rest in peace. Give em hell buddy. God !@#$@#$ dammit.
  13. [quote name='Letterkenny' timestamp='1354675425' post='3060474'] The New Sith Order is absolutely for you my friend. EDIT: I clicked on this from the new topic page... I'm pretty sure this in the wrong forum unless you meant an RP alliance of some sort if that is a thing, which I'm not a part of. My bad if that is the case. [/quote] I'd listen to this man.
  14. It should say, we have become slightly less democratic. Congrats guys.
  15. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1353373181' post='3054710'] NG being rolled in 5, 4, 3... See 2 people can play this game [/quote] pft we'll moldavi you anyway
  16. It's sad to see it come to this, but TOP has made their choice.
  17. This is sexy. I like it alot. Friends and allies making babies.
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