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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order


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Creation of the Office of the Regent

As the Red Sphere grows and comes into its own, the New Pacific Order requires a reorganization of its traditional diplomatic, economic, military and internal organs of government such as to best create, manage and coordinate operations having to do with the Red Sphere.

I do hereby create the Office of the Regent. The Regent shall be responsible for directing all Imperial Officers on all policies having to do with Red, including but not limited to:

  • Military Affairs: the Red Protection Court
  • Internal Affairs: Trades
  • Economic Affairs: Tech markets and aid
  • Foreign Affairs: all matters pertaining to the Red sphere

The Office of the Regent shall take over the organizing of the Military-Economic Aid (MEA) program, as we expect to have a permanent program in place for our red friends. I do hereby direct the Regent to do the following: maintain the protection of all Red nations from tech-raiding, organizing trades for all New Pacific Order nations and Red nations, creating and managing the inter-alliance Red tech market, overseeing all developmental aid to all alliances, Red and otherwise, and managing all foreign and other affairs on Red, including representing Pacifica in multilateral agreements.

Hail the Red Sphere!

Hail the Regent!

Hail the Body Republic of the New Pacific Order!

Emperor Blackbird

New Pacific Order

Comrade Chuckles

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Mary the Fantabulous,

Imperial Regent

Reformed Neutral Menace

P.S. -

In recent months, the importance of Red Team unity, security and mutual prosperity has risen greatly, and I am both pleased and honoured to be placed at the head of the Order's interactions with our fellow Red alliances. With this, the Order reaffirms its dedication to forming healthy and solid relations with all alliances on the Red Sphere and continuing to seek approval from the former Karma alliances to join the Red Dawn economic bloc. We look forward to the coming months and stronger ties to our neighbours.

(Vlad said he needed a mention, so here it is.)

Edited by Mary the Fantabulous
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Oh you tease. I see "An Imperial Decree From the New Pa" and I get this :(

I figured this would happen. Part of an evil Pacifican plan to get everyone's hopes up and then dash them to pieces or some such thing.

Edited by Mary the Fantabulous
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