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A Public Service Announcement from the Department of Spelling

Bob Janova


It's Grämlins, people. Or, if you can't find how to type ä, Graemlins or Gremlins. Not Gramlins.

And yes I know I'm not there any more but it still annoys me.

(If you were wondering what triggered this, it's the Karma reflection thread in OWF. :(( Feanor.)


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I believe it was Winston Churchill who once remarked that English-speaking people have the right to pronounce foreign words however they please.

Bearing this in mind, I have always typed it out as 'Gramlins'.

I will continue to do so.

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Your very name is a flagrant grammar mistake: it should read «L'impero romano».

In a certain way you thus reached "perfection"! :v:

I also blame Bob for having revived my nostalgia for the Härmlins.

CN wouldn't let me input the " ' " when I made my nation, so that one is a technicality (my original name for a long time on the VE forums was l'impero though). However, true to the theme of horrible grammar, it would actually be lu impero romano without a contraction anyway in the !@#$ dialect I grew up on.

In an oddly related note, Caesar is also spelled wrong in my nation name because the correct spelling was taken. So yea, it's a bit of a tradition at this point.

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Gramlins is wrong but Gremlins is right?

Yes, because as Delta says, 'Gremlins' is basically the same pronounciation, and it's the English word. It's not really correct (Grämlins isn't a real German word so it doesn't make sense to translate it like that) but it's close enough, and the domain name and IRC channel use it.

Gramlins is actually as bad as Gromlins, except people don't say Gromlins seriously.

I do hope OP meant Fëanor...

There is no umlaut in game or on his forum usernames.

You couldn't search for them ingame. You had to change the URL manually. Ingenious really.

While true, that was a happy accident, not the intention. You'd have to ask a founder but I believe it was just to make it a proper name not just a word, and to recognise the German origins of the alliance.

I hoped this was going to be another person going off about "rogue" versus "rouge"

Either I've become immune or there aren't so many people doing that one lately. That is also irritating, true enough.

If an alliance is created with a name that utilizes such a rare character, then they deserve to have their name spelled wrong repetitively.

It's not a rare character, it's a normal vowel in at least two western languages ...

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Bob, this longlost alliance deliberately chose a name that used a character not found on the keyboards of 95% of the membership of the game. There is a character that is similar in appearance to this character that is found on 100% of the keyboards of the membership of this game.

For people who had only a passing familiarity with this alliance and with the pronunciation rules of the German language, they're neither going to search for a way of adding an umlaut to their text, nor remember the approved swap-noun, they're just going to use what looks right. To blame them for this is to assume that people give a lot more of a damn about this particular defunct alliance than people in fact give.

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There is a character that is similar in appearance to this character that is found on 100% of the keyboards of the membership of this game.

What if my 'a' key fell off? Would I have to quit the game to preserve your statistic here?

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