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A Public Service Announcement from the Department of Spelling

Bob Janova


It's Grämlins, people. Or, if you can't find how to type ä, Graemlins or Gremlins. Not Gramlins.

And yes I know I'm not there any more but it still annoys me.

(If you were wondering what triggered this, it's the Karma reflection thread in OWF. :(( Feanor.)


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Wow I forgot all about that alliance. But what was the point of that weird character anyway?

You couldn't search for them ingame. You had to change the URL manually. Ingenious really.

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Gramlins is wrong but Gremlins is right?

Probably because 'ä' is pronounced closer to 'e' than 'a' and because Gremlin is the common English spelling of the term that the alliance is based off of, whereas Gramlin is meaningless as well as likely to result in bad mispronunciation of the name.

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If an alliance is created with a name that utilizes such a rare character, then they deserve to have their name spelled wrong repetitively.

I very rarely agree with you, and the fact that I do now is causing me to seriously reconsider whether I am actually correct.

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You couldn't search for them ingame. You had to change the URL manually. Ingenious really.

So the name intentionally contained an obscure vowel character, and now Bob's annoyed at people's phonetically incorrect attempts to write it in standard English? Gramlin please.

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For all you kiddoes out there in TV land it's alt+132 ä. If you can't remember the code, "e" is closer because the umlaut brings the vowel sound to the top of the throat, giving the "a" more of an "eh" than the sounds associated with an English a. If you're all technical about it, "ae" is better because the umlaut started out as a tiny e over the letters until it was abbreviated to two dots.

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Will the VE Dept of Spelling be charging Impero, or does the Lord get free service?

Actually we have changed the rules of the English language to go along with the way he posts. For example, I would reference you're post, not the old and outdated 'your post'.

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If an alliance is created with a name that utilizes such a rare character, then they deserve to have their name spelled wrong repetitively.

He isn't asking everyone to get it exactly correct, just adjust it properly.

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For all you kiddoes out there in TV land it's alt+132 ä. If you can't remember the code, "e" is closer because the umlaut brings the vowel sound to the top of the throat, giving the "a" more of an "eh" than the sounds associated with an English a. If you're all technical about it, "ae" is better because the umlaut started out as a tiny e over the letters until it was abbreviated to two dots.

for me it is alt 0228. actually it appears to be both so nevermind...

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Bob, you know I find spelling to be offensive. Thus, I must disapprove.

Your very name is a flagrant grammar mistake: it should read «L'impero romano».

In a certain way you thus reached "perfection"! :v:

I also blame Bob for having revived my nostalgia for the Härmlins.

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