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Anti-Pacificanism: Opiate of the Masses




A spectre is haunting the Cyberverse -- the spectre of Pacifica. All the powers of the old Cyberverse have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: idealist and opportunist, warmonger and peacenik, coward and feared.

The Order is not even out from under the yoke of Karma's imperialism, and already the printing presses buzz to warn the ruling classes of the danger and the town criers busy themselves amongst the downtrodden with tales of drunkenness and cruelty.

To the experienced politician this is neither new nor surprising. For generation after generation the ruling elites have used the spectre of Pacifica to scare their members into obedience, threaten their allies into subservience, and beat their opponents into ruin. Anti-Pacificanism is thus sold to the great mass of the population as a pain-killer, both domestically and internationally, so that any injustice may be ignored as either necessary for the great mystical cause or the fault of the spectre itself -- through its action to cause it, its lack of action to prevent it, or its 'imperialist' interference in acting to prevent it.

Cognitive dissonance is thus avoided, but what we find at the end is a population of drug addicts awaiting their next hit, and a ruling cadre eager to provide it lest the wool begin to fall and reality set in. It proved a significant problem, therefore, when Pacifica disappeared from the scene to rebuild, and cracks began to appear in the war consensus. Actions could no longer be blamed on the spectre, and slowly the underlying structures of the world began to reveal themselves; as forces turned upon one another and decadent leaders ran their alliances into the ground.

Yet even then, with Pacifica itself nowhere to be seen, the spectre was reeled out. Critical thought was shouted down as recreating it, the actions of opponents were shouted down as embodying it, and the actions of friendlies were justified by contrast to imaginary crimes of days past. But this was little substitute for the opiate which had proved so effective, and one by one the downtrodden began to see through the fear used to control them, examining and questioning the world around them.

It was therefore to be expected that, upon news of Pacifica emerging from the decaying Karma labour camps, the old powers would jump at the chance to reharness the opiate and pump it back into the blood stream of the body politic. But too much time has passed, and too much has happened. Too many leaders have shown themselves as corrupt and opportunistic, too many alliances have demonstrated their hunger for power and cowardice.

Karma has indeed ushered in a new era, but not the one it imagined.


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Pretty much what one would expect to flow from your pen.

What is unexpected is that I find myself at a similar conclusion, albeit for different reasons.

As the Karma War was drawing to a close and Nordreich was about to announce its Reformation, I was encouraged by the sheer number of people who said it was time to let go of the past. "Letting go" was not just a buzzword that was floating in the ether. Alliance leaders, some of them among those leading the Karma coalition, had said this to me in direct reference to Nordreich's re-appearance.

You may or may not recall that we announced without a protector. Such was our initial optimism with regard to this brave new world and its promise.

This optimism did not last long.

Nordreich let go. We established cordial relations with former adversaries. We worked with them to ferret out spies and APs who would goad us into war. We did more than this, of course, but this is hardly the place for a laundry list.

At the end of the day, though, none of it seemed to count for much. As the person who was then leading the alliance and who had spearheaded these efforts, this was a tremendous disappointment. But, upon reflection, not much of a surprise.

With reference to Pacifica....

As I have said to several of your members both publicly and privately, if Pacifica is serious about reclaiming a place in the sun it must demonstrate the change it claims to have brought about within itself. If I recall correctly, your former Emperor said as much not that long ago.

When there is evidence of this change -- and yes, I understand it's difficult under the current circumstances -- I will be among the first to publicly commend you for it. In the meantime, I reserve the right to be extremely, and publicly, skeptical.

However, I will not do to you what others did to Nordreich, namely, say one thing and then do another. I have experienced quite enough of that for one lifetime, whether of the real or digital variety.

Unfortunately, mine is a minority opinion.

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I too, like Ashoka, endorsed the spirit of Karma. I had hopes that some of the alliance's leading the crusade actually believed in the principles they were spewing. However, this turned out not to be the case. Once alliance such as TSI, who were peripheral and done no wrong, were being forced to pay reparations while alliances such as Valhalla got off free it became quite clear Karma was not about justice. It was not about putting an end to the cycle. It merely was about satisfying petty grudges. Karma did nothing to stop this. I knew eventually other injustices would be occurring. I was shouted down, but eventually we saw the likes of Athens raiding fifty man alliances and MK shielding them from the consequences. I could go on and list other examples, but that would be unnecessary. My point has been proven. Karma was the war that changed nothing.

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Ashoka hits the nail on the head for me. Like my own alliance the onus is on yourselves to prove that any change has indeed taken place, It is hard path believe me but the only one open to Pacifica.

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Most of the time I find your 'eloquent' essays to be rather dry and fanciful nonsense. In this case, I can agree with most, if not everything, you said, notably the fact that people are already buzzing to their hives with news of the coming Pacificans.

With that said, though, I do not agree the implication (or perhaps I inferred too much) that Pacifica is, once more, a specter that will haunt its former enemies. I would argue that, in this case, the antithesis would be the more probable and well-supported claim. Pacifica was taken down once before and her former allies lay in shambles again because of this recent war. Though I'd never rule out the likelihood of Pacifica exacting its own sense of justice on 'Karma', I do find it improbable that you will have the same fear factor as you did last time.

However, history has been written by the victors and much of it is written by NPO. Your tenacity and resilience is something that should be admirable in both camps, so we shall see what happens once terms are up.

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You've expressed a rather fair and accurate representation of Pacifica's role in this new world Vladimir. But it makes one wonder, if your aware of the precarious path being spread for you to walk upon. Why continue to call all this attention to your Order, it would be far more prudent to lay low and simply let time take it's course to wash away the stains of public opinion. I'd even use my ally NoR whom have risen beyond old hatreds by avoiding needless attention grabbing antics and alarm raising comments. No doubt, Pacifica would benefit from such a doctrine of political operation?

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I'd even use my ally NoR whom have risen beyond old hatreds by avoiding needless attention grabbing antics and alarm raising comments. No doubt, Pacifica would benefit from such a doctrine of political operation?

NoR decided to find a place within the norms of Planet Bob. It doesn't appear that the NPO wishes to do this.

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You've expressed a rather fair and accurate representation of Pacifica's role in this new world Vladimir. But it makes one wonder, if your aware of the precarious path being spread for you to walk upon. Why continue to call all this attention to your Order, it would be far more prudent to lay low and simply let time take it's course to wash away the stains of public opinion. I'd even use my ally NoR whom have risen beyond old hatreds by avoiding needless attention grabbing antics and alarm raising comments. No doubt, Pacifica would benefit from such a doctrine of political operation?

Can't play the martyr that way.

(what an ill-suited role to set their heart upon though)

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NoR decided to find a place within the norms of Planet Bob. It doesn't appear that the NPO wishes to do this.

Conforming, norms, none of them are necessary. They might be prudent given an individual/entity and its bargaining power, but not essential in any scenario. It is non conforming and imprudence that are the impetus that changes anything. In absence of said impetus, it is simply status quo.

To those that say Lady Pacifica is the demoness arisen to devour your young, well, unsheathe your swords and man the ramparts, or cower. To deny her the desire to feast is not an option, nor is it an option to deny you the desire to protect your young.

If Pacifica or anyone else for that matter wishes to play the role of super-villain, more power to them.

To muzzle anyone and everyone that thinks different, tries different, by drowning them out with words, is an affliction that has spread and is eating away at the very fabric of the world here. Are we men, or cookie cutter clones?

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