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UPN Government Announcement

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As war keeps raging across the cyberverse time doesn't stop for no man and so it is that normal alliance business still needs to be continue. Therefore I've got a couple of announcements to make on behalf of the United Purple Nations.

UPN has had a triumvirate of two (yes, abuse of the english language duly acknowledged) since January. Due to the importance of the role we've taken our time to select a 3rd Trium because hasty decisions are usually bad ones. The 3rd Trium of the UPN will be [color=purple]Tecumseh[/color], a wise, shrewd and long-standing member of the alliance who is clearly the very best for the job.

We've also selected a new Minister of Internal Affairs. [color=purple]Husker[/color] has much previous experience in alliance governance and will as the title entails be setting out reforms to improve the internal workings of the alliance and maintaining them. We're looking forward to the future.


Anyway, back to the war and shoutouts to iFOK, R&R, GOD & CMEA, we couldn't be having all this fun without you!

The UPN Government:
Altheus- Trium
Robster- Trium
Tecumseh- Trium
Minister of Education- Roy the Mighty
Minister of Envoys- The Stig
Minister of Finance- Dobs2504
Minister of Internal Affairs- Husker

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I'd like to 2nd Alt's shoutout to RnR, CMEA, GOD and iFOK -- all of whom I've had the chance to joust with. It's been fun.

And I very much look forward to working with Altheus and Robster to keep UPN moving forward.

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