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NSO Surrender


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[quote name='Buffalo Niagara' timestamp='1299343392' post='2653543']
Olympus ended up with white peace and are paying the reps for NAC whom oA'd because we have the resources to do so (100 mill isn't that much anyways)...

I can't wait to see Invicta's peace terms...
Yes... honoring our binding treaty in a no-CB war with one of our closest allies is clearly a terrible offense. I will make sure we publicly repent of our sinful ways and beg for forgiveness. If our attackers can find mercy in their hearts, perchance we can only end up with double the reps that NPO got in Karma. Oh forsooth! Not doing [i]anything[/i] for over a year is clearly wrong, and we must swear off our evil ways!

More realistically, it's a sad measure of how CN is going if allies and enemies alike are eagerly waiting for "terms" in this war. Before, waging wars of aggression were terrible and needed to be punished. Well, enough people got punished, so the wars of aggression stopped. But now the NPO and allies get attacked because there's no wars, and we must be punished for not being aggressive. And then people wonder why this place gets smaller and smaller every year.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299122982' post='2650589']
I disagree, for several reasons. But we'll see.

Ever notice how while a war is going on everybody talks big, but the losers still inevitably surrender, and still inevitably pay when something is demanded of them?

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1299361727' post='2653771']
Ever notice how while a war is going on everybody talks big, but the losers still inevitably surrender, and still inevitably pay when something is demanded of them?
Well, I suggest you go out, buy a hat, put it on, then hold onto it.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299091342' post='2649761']
My word, you don't know when to give up. I didn't respond to your first bait out of respect of NSO, but seriously, you need to take your attitude and go away. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you don't like a certain protectorate we have. Yes, I [i]know[/i] you like the attention you get by doing this. Regardless, you don't know what you're talking about, for good reason. That being said, I'm now going to politely ignore your petty call-outs and move on. I suggest you do the same.

If you mean RV and his friends, then yeah, probably. There are those few on our side that don't like some of the coalition partners, and are simply trying to cause trouble. They are ignored for precisely that reason, so there is no effect on anything.

[quote]Welp, this is going to be one of those things where we simply let time run out and see who's right. But if y'all honestly believe that "This conflict was over before a single shot was fired", as Sardonic put it, you are either delusional or being lied to.

I have held my tongue for long enough. First off, "RV and his friends" are not trying to cause trouble; they just aren't looking at the world through a !@#$@#$ eye patch. They can see the reality, unlike yourself. There is no intent to cause trouble here. So lay off.

Second of all, if you want to claim that we have a chance at winning this war, then perhaps your own alliance could actually help us win this damn war then? I know it's a big favor to ask, but it would be much appreciated.
With your 11 offensive wars and 9 total nations in offensive war. That amounts to 5% of your total offensive war slots and 13% (I rounded up for a former ally) of your nations in offensive war. So, I beg of you Regnum Invictorum, please help us actually win this war rather than sitting there rotting in peace mode.

Edited by youwish959
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Unless if the OP was a reroll, I seriously doubt NSO would let a player who had joined at most 55 days ago into a government position.

[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1298992770' post='2648101']
Not only are the NSO fools, brash, and full of a bunch on incapables but they harbored a fugitive and those who played awhile ago knows what I am talking about especially you MCXA.
Name or it didn't happen.

[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1298992770' post='2648101']
-something about "borrowing" financial information-
Pictures or the spying never happen.

[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1299036192' post='2649136']
I love all you with no life make fun of internet spelling and grammar and still play CN CN SUCKS NOW back in the day when I started in 06 and played till 09 its was decent then but please judge me and give me your worst as you can make fun of me fun of my post insult cuz at the end of the day i have a life like i said i quit CN cuz its gay nowz and if you all can read you would have saw that. So NSO your all retarded for letting me in GOONS OF DOOM thank you for all that comforting !@#$ you did. On a liter note MCXA I made MCCF anyone back in the day would know that. I was DEFIUS!!!! The guy making micro alliances and robbing people by having them donate to the alliance bank then got caught and quit and joind GGA! HAHHAAHHAA I AM MEGA SPY 9! WOOTZZZZZ MAKE FUN OF ME!!! LAWLS YOUR ALL RETARDED!
Which psychiatrist would you like to visit? GOONS? NSO? I'm willing to cover all of the medical costs for you.

But please, [i]please[/i], continue your spying. You brighten our mood with your news.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1299365592' post='2653815']
I have held my tongue for long enough. First off, "RV and his friends" are not trying to cause trouble; they just aren't looking at the world through a !@#$@#$ eye patch. They can see the reality, unlike yourself. There is no intent to cause trouble here. So lay off.
Yes, there is. I've been putting up with RV for some time. It wasn't too bad until we acquired Jama as a protectorate, but then it went from annoying to sad. This thread is a perfect example.

[quote]Second of all, if you want to claim that we have a chance at winning this war, then perhaps your own alliance could actually help us win this damn war then? I know it's a big favor to ask, but it would be much appreciated.
With your 11 offensive wars and 9 total nations in offensive war. That amounts to 5% of your total offensive war slots and 13% (I rounded up for a former ally) of your nations in offensive war. So, I beg of you Regnum Invictorum, please help us actually win this war rather than sitting there rotting in peace mode.[/quote]
Well first, we're inbetween war cycles, myself included. Which means a chunk of our war ready nations are in PM waiting for the timer to tick down so we can exit and help out again. And by chunk I mean about 25% of our alliance. We have been fighting, and continue to do so. I could look at NSO's war statistics, or how many of you are in peace mode, and see how they compare, but I won't. Because that's a cheap shot. Because I know you're in here to fight this war, same as us.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299366700' post='2653838']
Yes, there is. I've been putting up with RV for some time. It wasn't too bad until we acquired Jama as a protectorate, but then it went from annoying to sad. This thread is a perfect example. [/quote]
You and me both. If you can't deal with RV like the rest of the cyberverse then I suggest you just ignore him.

[quote]Well first, we're inbetween war cycles, myself included. Which means a chunk of our war ready nations are in PM waiting for the timer to tick down so we can exit and help out again. And by chunk I mean about 25% of our alliance. We have been fighting, and continue to do so. I could look at NSO's war statistics, or how many of you are in peace mode, and see how they compare, but I won't. Because that's a cheap shot.[/quote]
You've been in between war cycles for quite the time. However, feel free to attempt compiling our statistics in such a manner that would make yourselves look good. You will soon find out it is not possible.

[quote]Because I know you're in here to fight this war, same as us.[/quote]
Then start acting like it.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299351620' post='2653617']
Yes... honoring our binding treaty in a no-CB war with one of our closest allies is clearly a terrible offense. I will make sure we publicly repent of our sinful ways and beg for forgiveness. If our attackers can find mercy in their hearts, perchance we can only end up with double the reps that NPO got in Karma. Oh forsooth! Not doing [i]anything[/i] for over a year is clearly wrong, and we must swear off our evil ways!

More realistically, it's a sad measure of how CN is going if allies and enemies alike are eagerly waiting for "terms" in this war. Before, waging wars of aggression were terrible and needed to be punished. Well, enough people got punished, so the wars of aggression stopped. But now the NPO and allies get attacked because there's no wars, and we must be punished for not being aggressive. And then people wonder why this place gets smaller and smaller every year.

Lets get a couple things straight. In the past NPO has used shaky CB's on other alliances and used their power to exert themselves into other alliances business. I know from personal experience when I shared some confidential information with a certain alliance and it found its way back to them...I won't name any names...^cough^INVICTA^cough^. HOWEVER, Olympus still gave NPO a second chance to prove that they have changed with the Scrabble Accords.

We had concerns and presented said concerns to the "Coalition Leadership", which fell on deaf ears. We had been involved in this conflict since the "Coalition Leadership" approved the pile on GOONS and ignored the rest of the alliances allowing them to counter on our nations. Strategically giving NPO a chance to catch a breath return to peace mode, get out of anarchy and return to the fight. I have just checked and only 5 nations of NPO are out of peace mode over 30k NS. That gives very little support to our already war torn nations after TWO cycles of war with full slots which for a small alliance like Olympus kills our banking ability quickly if our slots continue to be full regardless of our warchests, (insert meatshield comment here...which Olympus VOWED to NEVER BE).

For the first two cycles I was staggered and full aid and war slots, loosing over 75% of my nation personally in defense of a treaty partner that couldn't even answer or even discuss my alliances concerns on the progress and future execution of our "plan".

I have no issue loosing everything for an ally that respects my alliance and our opinions. I would go to hell and back for them, and we have proven that in the past and will continue to do so in the future, but from the beginning our allies are told we expect to be treated as equals when it comes to each others defense. That was not happening.

IF NPO/Coalition Leadership cared just a bit about our issues or at least addressed them, Olympus would still be in the trenches with you all. It is also a sad day when friends and allies turn their backs on logic and ignore friends and allies. Then when said ally acts in their best interests and follow their beliefs because there is no communication, they are burned at the stake.

As far as my comment about Invicta's peace terms, I was speaking in reference to your comment about us paying NAC's terms being high and unreasonable and we should have waited and worked with Invicta to get an exit strategy to get everyone out rep free. I am sorry for the confusion.

With that I will take leave of this conversation, and bid NSO as well as Invicta, and our allies still fighting, SNAFU and NPO the best of luck.

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Buffy, you were a part of the NATO leadership that forced us to declare on SOLID. You really have no right to complain about the NPO interfering in other alliances' affairs when you've interfered far more with us than they ever attempted to do.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299378023' post='2653989']
Buffy, you were a part of the NATO leadership that forced us to declare on SOLID. You really have no right to complain about the NPO interfering in other alliances' affairs when you've interfered far more with us than they ever attempted to do.

First are you speaking of the War of the Coalition? ...if so Solid declared on Valhalla, NATO moved in on Solid through Trident and if I'm not mistaken Invicta was a member of Poseidon at the time, so you were obligated through your Poseidon treaty which was MDoAP with Valhalla and through Purqua with NATO which was MADP to come along via treaty.

In addition at that time I was not government in NATO at that time. This was after the issue with NPO occurred actually as QH replaced me in Finance and her name is on the NATO DoW...

Also a treaty obligation is no where close to the NPO interfering in NATO's ELECTED government because something told to Invicta in confidence as you were such a close friend to BOTH NATO and NPO, and my head being called for on a platter over it to the point to me having to step down from my elected position. Huge difference..but thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299363723' post='2653790']
Well, I suggest you go out, buy a hat, put it on, then hold onto it.

I'm a hood person. Used to use hats, but kept forgetting them places. Can't lose the hood.

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[quote name='Buffalo Niagara' timestamp='1299380515' post='2654022']

First are you speaking of the War of the Coalition? ...if so Solid declared on Valhalla, NATO moved in on Solid through Trident and if I'm not mistaken Invicta was a member of Poseidon at the time, so you were obligated through your Poseidon treaty which was MDoAP with Valhalla and through Purqua with NATO which was MADP to come along via treaty.
We were not obligated by Poseidon. Poseidon is a non-chaining MDOAP. The Purqua MADP was activated, that's why we hit SOLID.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299366700' post='2653838']
Yes, there is. I've been putting up with RV for some time. It wasn't too bad until we acquired Jama as a protectorate, but then it went from annoying to sad. This thread is a perfect example.
[color="#0000FF"]I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. You know how much the approval of Invicta means to me. But I'm afraid I simply cannot abide. I've always been an honest man. I simply cannot lie, no matter how I try. A respectable trait, but the drawback is I've no tact. No restraint. With me all you can expect is pure and unwatered truth. It can be a bitter taste to those unaccustomed, as you would appear to be.

It is a simple fact that there is not much to say about Invicta that could be categorized as "nice." Sure, you're loyal to the NPO. Loyal friends aren't all that common. But you're ineffective, and you're useless, and your simple being just makes the work of your betters so much more difficult. Surely you cannot blame me for my frustration?[/color]

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I would only say that anyone who thought there was some kind of window for this side to have evened out this war by having the upper tier come out of PM and fight is quite spectacularly wrong.

DH and company would never, ever have declared in the first place if the end was in the slightest doubt. I suppose you thought that alliances like TOP were just going to twiddle their thumbs when all the upper tier on this side attacked.

Some of you also must not have fought much warfare in the 100k+ range. Those 10k+ tech nations going against the 5-6k tech nations on this side do about twice as much damage, so fighting 3 of them isn't very easy. I lost 65k NS in a cycle vs 4 MK and 1 UMB, 3 of which had 11 or 12 thousand tech.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1299395423' post='2654215']
I would only say that anyone who thought there was some kind of window for this side to have evened out this war by having the upper tier come out of PM and fight is quite spectacularly wrong.

DH and company would never, ever have declared in the first place if the end was in the slightest doubt. I suppose you thought that alliances like TOP were just going to twiddle their thumbs when all the upper tier on this side attacked.

Some of you also must not have fought much warfare in the 100k+ range. Those 10k+ tech nations going against the 5-6k tech nations on this side do about twice as much damage, so fighting 3 of them isn't very easy. I lost 65k NS in a cycle vs 4 MK and 1 UMB, 3 of which had 11 or 12 thousand tech.
This man is correct. It's completely incorrect to say that we had some sort of chance that we've since lost. "Oh, but the NS was even!" Yes, but we were badly outnumbered where it counts. For better or for worse, it is what it is.


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[quote name='Buffalo Niagara' timestamp='1299376695' post='2653974']*whinging*
Olympus had a more direct say in what was supposed to happen than most of the rest of us. You complain about communication, but I didn't see much from you.

You fought well and contributed more than a lot of others have, and that's the only reason I've bothered to hold my tongue, but don't go spouting this line of !@#$%^&* and expect to not get called on it.

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Olympus had a more direct say in what was supposed to happen than most of the rest of us. You complain about communication, but I didn't see much from you.

You fought well and contributed more than a lot of others have, and that's the only reason I've bothered to hold my tongue, but don't go spouting this line of !@#$%^&* and expect to not get called on it.[/quote]

The only time our communication with the coalition was low, was on March 3rd. At that point in time we were only speaking with NPO. If you didn't see much communication from us, then you weren't looking close enough.

Edited by President S O
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[quote name='Draztikus' timestamp='1298992909' post='2648107']
What is this I don't even

Pretty much this. Also, hi, Draztikus!

This guy's exit is so amateur that I am tempted to believe it's legit. If this was a serious attempt to stir the pot by making crap up then I would expect someone to be a bit more thorough in an attempt to be convincing. However, if I were to do such a thing then I would consider doing it this way to make it believable. Who knows...

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299386150' post='2654104']
We were not obligated by Poseidon. Poseidon is a non-chaining MDOAP. The Purqua MADP was activated, that's why we hit SOLID.
Sorry the leadership in NATO decided to activate a MADP which imo should have been activated without discussion but I have a different view than most when it comes to treaties.

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1299396123' post='2654227']
Olympus had a more direct say in what was supposed to happen than most of the rest of us. You complain about communication, but I didn't see much from you.

You fought well and contributed more than a lot of others have, and that's the only reason I've bothered to hold my tongue, but don't go spouting this line of !@#$%^&* and expect to not get called on it.

I have been inactive in the war planning but stayed informed of what my alliance was doing and how we were treated. I have let our elected government handle the communications rather than have 8 people represented there from our small alliance. However doesn't mean I can't be upset about the way some have treated us.

That said, I'm not here to drag folks through the mud, but I won't allow the sacrifices made by our alliance to be either.

Good luck to all still involved,


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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1299433847' post='2654515']
Seriously, none of this is helping.
I disagree, this is helping paint a perfect picture as to how NPO treats their allies.

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