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An Announcement from the Crimson Guard


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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1297677378' post='2632767']
I don't know anyone who is currently on the AA, the closer friends of mine who founded it with me aren't there (most of them have departed the Cyberverse or have been banned), and nobody informed me about this (except Kevanovia, who mentioned yesterday that some guy was reforming it.) I don't really understand why Weezy didn't use some other name.
Omg someone using an unused AA that you use to have an alliance on!!! What ever are you going to do!?!?!

in all seriousness, I wish you luck Weezy, I hope this works out for you.

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[quote name='Dave93' timestamp='1297683370' post='2632859']
Omg someone using an unused AA that you use to have an alliance on!!! What ever are you going to do!?!?!

in all seriousness, I wish you luck Weezy, I hope this works out for you.


Also Weezy, I hearby present you with the TIO medal for pissing Francesca off:

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[quote name='Weezy' timestamp='1297679675' post='2632814']
Mishandled DoE?

Our DoE was what I wanted it to be, exactly that, an Declaration of Existence. What else was there to say?

Whiny diplomatic strategy?

I am a (foul mask name) on their forums, banned from their IRC, when requested government through in-game I was sent the MoIA.. who has no say over peace/reps/wars. Exodus, who then held discussions with them, could come to no resolution with the Minister of War and the attacker. I figured, hey they'll read this or someone will tell them, they'll eventually get the right person and I'll be able to get this resolved diplomatically.


What makes an alliance a winner exactly? Sitting at the top of the charts wasting space? I'd rather be a nobody.

Do I really care if you like the way I do things?

Not so much.

I don't really know how \m/ operates but if you were throwing this kind of attitude at them it's no wonder they banned you.

The whiny attitude which Crushtania referred to is the fact that you come to the OWF to complain about being attacked and the fact that your attackers ignored your non-existent protectorate (as evidenced by the post by your protectorate saying they're not protecting you) and desiring equal treatment despite the fact that you were basically the same legal status as an unaligned nation, open for raiding.

And yeah the fact that people are lol'ing at your situation (I would bet money you brought most of this on yourself based on your posts in this thread) as opposed to congratulating you, etc, makes this a failed DoE.

And no, you'll never be anywhere near as good as o/ MHA \o

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[quote name='Dibbun' timestamp='1297685063' post='2632868']
I don't really know how \m/ operates but if you were throwing this kind of attitude at them it's no wonder they banned you.[/quote]

They almost certainly banned Weezy for doing a gov log dump of a very sensitive \m/ leadership crisis. It's no wonder that \m/ are making life difficult for him. I'm not sure that I'd ever forgive Weezy if I were in \m/'s shoes.

Wearing a dead alliance's clothes is a quick and dirty way to setup an alliance, Weezy.

It'd be really funny if someone went to war with this alliance for mis-appropriating a former alliance's name, flag, and charter as their own. Does the original Crimson Guard have any allies or friends who're ready to take up arms over this thievery?

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[quote name='Sup4l33t3ki11a' timestamp='1297684155' post='2632863']

Also Weezy, I hearby present you with the TIO medal for pissing Francesca off:

Oh !#$@ this !@#% I see how it is. :mad:

If weezy gets one, I should at least get three. :smug:

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Weezy, Cg is dead and should of stayed dead. Please don't bring about the fail of the first CG again, please.. Owai. I think you've already proven how much derp this alliance is going to have when Marx hit you.

I just feel sorry for any body you rope into this. D:

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1297677378' post='2632767']
I don't know anyone who is currently on the AA, the closer friends of mine who founded it with me aren't there (most of them have departed the Cyberverse or have been banned), and nobody informed me about this (except Kevanovia, who mentioned yesterday that some guy was reforming it.) I don't really understand why Weezy didn't use some other name.

I made the graphics stuff for you, so if you don't like or don't approve them using it feel free to don't allow the use.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1297707883' post='2633099']
Ohh man, would've been hilarious if you had PC for a protectorate..y'know..what with the \m/ thing. :awesome:

Anyway, good luck Weezy. o/

LOL! I considered it, but :wub: AzN

[quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1297709299' post='2633127']
Weezy, you have my blessings. CG was an awful alliance, I have no doubt you will have fun with the name. Good luck to ye.

Thanks Kev-o. :wub:

As for the rest of ya... love you too!

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297673111' post='2632727']
I was waiting for someone to ask this.. lol..

Well All day i been chasing \m/ gov around, and getting the normal different story from everyone of them.. There MoIA says he isn't sure of the clearance on this attacks, and that Marx or any member of \m/ are allowed to nook raid any nation they wish for practice.

If you or your alliance protect that nation, you must screen shot the exact moment that nation changes there bio to reflect this if you don't have this screenshot, then screw your alliance.. < -- That was marx and stubbs wording to me in a much more disrespectful manner when approached about the deal after dealing with the first gov that knew nothing.

So Weeezy was indeed protected by us at 2:33am of the day of attacks, the attacks didn't come in till 2:42pm, or somewhere around there.. M claims they didn't see the protection in the bio, and cause we don't have a screen shot of the exact moment his bio was changed, then they will continue to "roll Weezy" Until Someone talkes to merrie, who well you can't get a hold of..

And all was asked of them at first before being told to go F((( my alliance was to give the kid peace.. He hasn't fought back, and he has ate 2 nooks in the process. Just for \m/ LuLz.

Anywyas if anyone wants the proof. I don't log dump on the owf, but come find me in irc, i will provide there disrespectful logs. Anyway weeezy, with you DoEing your alliance, and having another protector. That relieves us of protecting your single nation. Though I will continue to try and find merrie to gain a resolve to you being a target for LULz.. Good luck with the CG.

learn how to do diplomacy next time instead of slinging threats of war. enjoy your ban in #\m/ good sir

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[quote name='Weezy' timestamp='1297672213' post='2632708']

Greetings Planet Bob,

I come before you today to declare the existence of the Crimson Guard.

I don't like long boring announcements so.

We're the Crimson Guard. We exist now. You can find our forums [url="http://crimson-guard.co.cc/forums"]here[/url]. Our IRC Channel is #CG. Other boring stuff is in our [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Crimson_Guard_(2nd)"]Wiki[/url]

tl;dr for the rest of this thread - Another Micro? Yes. This will end well. We know thanks for your support. Protectorate? Yes. Check out the post below.

Oh yea, I almost forgot, while I'm here...

\m/, if you're reading this...I am banned from your IRC channel and your forums, mind sending over a representative to #CG, [u][b]that has authority to resolve[/b][/u] the attack against my alliance?

it was only a matter of time till the OO fail in you resurfaced

burn 'em down \m/

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