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Celebrating Five Years


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[center][size=5][b][font="Century Gothic"]New Pacific Order[/b][/size]
[size=2]2006 to 2011 and beyond...[/font][/size][/center]

[center][size=3][b]Five Years[/b][/size]
Written by Lord Lookin

Two thousand and six, twenty seventh of Jan,
We came to CN with an audacious plan.
To conquer the world, to be masters of Bob
With Emperor Ivan we soon finished the job

Two thousand and seven with Dilber and Moo,
We beat jealous enemies and all the while grew.
Through rebellion and Great Wars we refused to play dead,
Seeking One Vision and mastery of Red.

Two thousand and eight: another tough year,
Our enemies gathered, driven by fear.
Once more we fought on against one or the other,
Gained many allies but lost our dear brother.

Two thousand and nine was the toughest of all,
Teeming masses of hate joining bad Karma’s call.
Deserted, deceived, betrayed and outnumbered,
But as we went down we beat them by the hundred.

Two thousand and ten – rebuilding by steps,
Under great Cortath’s reign we soon paid off reps.
We rose once again so mighty and strong,
Once again proving our enemies wrong.[/center]

[size=3][b]A message from Pacifica[/b][/size]
Written by Letum

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the Pacific's arrival to this realm. The day when an elite group of revolutionaries, hunted for their ideology, reformed their ancient Order in a new land. In a short period of time, these revolutionaries came to define the very structure of the world, and form a dominion unmatched before or since; a Francoist civilization that stood as a shining beacon of order within a chaotic world.

It is only fitting that today, five years after that event, the Order's band of revolutionaries once again finds ourselves under assault, this time over our very identity. Indeed, there can be no higher praise for the Order's significance to this world, than that the forces of chaos would spend such time an effort, all in vain, just to see us gone.

[center]The very existence of Pacificans is something these barbarians live to see erased. [/center]

In a way, that is ironic, as their very political power is fueled by intolerance and the perpetuation of a bogeyman. Their very identity has been defined by opposition to the Order. Their political processes are no more than inferior imitations of what the Order has pioneered. Their lives are an endless struggle to fill the jackboots that will always be too big for them. One gets the sense that without the Order to oppose, they would collapse like a house of cards. And indeed, their omnicidal cry of “everything must die” is indicative of just such an end.

But it is likely, that at some subconscious level, the more rational of their warlords recognize the ultimate futility of their act. The Order's civilization cannot be erased. Far greater men than you have tried, and will try in the future – and they have all failed. Our hearts, our minds, and our ideology are immortal. In the seven years since Comrade Franco's revolution, and the five years in this world, the Pacific has always stood as a bulwark against the chaotic nature of barbarism; and now the world can see that we were right, all along.

The concept, the ideology of chaos and destruction that we oppose, has never changed. Whether they decide to call themselves Doomhouse in this incarnation, or something different in the past and future, the darkness in their hearts will forever remain the same. Such people want a world with no rules, where they are free to act on their grandiose fantasies of wanton slaughter and destruction. Where they can escape from the trappings of reality and bring everything down for their own amusement.

In the end, they will never stop living in fear. Living in fear of a civilized world, that inhibits their antisocial instincts. Living in fear of a world where they can no longer claim the power to exercise their sick fantasies as a “right”. Living in fear of the Order that will always be just around the corner. It is this fear and impatience that has led such forces, time and time again, to cast away all pretenses once they feel they have the upper hand. But no matter how many times they try and employ ruthlessness as a shortcut to power, they will never be able to match our greatness.

[center]Every time the Order has been struck down, it has risen stronger than ever.[/center]

Our history is always one of conflict. We have been born in it, defined by it and strive towards endless revolution for it. We always relish the chance to pit our ideology against the darkness of the world, and laugh at the futility of their efforts to extinguish this light.

And of course, the Order itself is never shy to use its force in the name of that ideology. Even though the Order ranks last in terms of net reparations, having sent out 8 times more than it has collected, we nevertheless recognize our contribution to the eventual avalanche after the start of the Armageddon War. We remain, to this day, the only alliance in our grouping to have collected a meaningful amount of reps, overshadowed as it might be by the over 1 million in tech imposed since the Order abandoned its position of power.

And though our acts have been excessive at times, they too are overshadowed by the true nature of what our Pax Pacifica has been holding back. Where Chaos would focus solely on destruction, looting and exploitation as a tool of foreign policy, the Order has instead been noted for its political methodologies, so hurtful (and at times unfair) towards individual figures, yet lighter and less stifling for the populace of alliances. Where Chaos would seek to hide its intent behind a veil of immense hypocrisy, exemplified in their usage of the exact same two opening war moves they opposed in this planet's last two conflicts, the Order has been honest and forthright about its role in the world.

But the Order expects no credit. We are not bothered by the misrepresentation of what we have done right, nor reminders of what we have done wrong. We have no need for history to praise our positive impact, nor do we want it to turn a blind eye to our faults. Only those who will meet an eventual end need to worry about living on through history, and the Order is immortal.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs — Victory in spite of all terror — Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.

We shall live to see our sixth year.
We shall live still in another five years.
We shall live on after this world dies.
We shall live on beyond remembrance.

Pacifica hereby initiates the celebrations for its fifth birthday, under the glow of a thousand nuclear suns.

Deal with it.

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Thank you Doomhouse & FAN for your hard work in improving our image, increasing the activity of our members, and teaching those who joined us after Karma how to fight in a good war. Your present has made this anniverary very special.

We'll try and return the favour. Maybe.

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