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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1295981022' post='2600602']
It being a few years ago now, and my not being bothered to go back and confirm what you say. I'd say that if you weren't involved fully then you most certainly got the ball rolling.
[color="#0000FF"]So, you wish to hold me accountable for the actions of others? But enough of that. It's in the past. I am a man who lives in the present, and I've stood for virtue for many years since my time in the NPO and continue to so to this day. Either way, does my having been in the NPO in the past at all invalidate what I have said?[/color]

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[quote name='USOFAA' timestamp='1295982136' post='2600624']
If i was NPO i would pick one target like MK. I would ask all my allies to pick that same target and i would nuke them to there was nothing left to nuke. You could make one alliance a micro in NS if you all did that.

(MK has allies)

(good ones)

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[quote name='USOFAA' timestamp='1295982136' post='2600624']
If i was NPO i would pick one target like MK. I would ask all my allies to pick that same target and i would nuke them to there was nothing left to nuke. You could make one alliance a micro in NS if you all did that.
But then you would be just as bad as MK - No... [i]worse ![/i]

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[quote name='USOFAA' timestamp='1295982136' post='2600624']
If i was NPO i would pick one target like MK. I would ask all my allies to pick that same target and i would nuke them to there was nothing left to nuke. You could make one alliance a micro in NS if you all did that.
They could try that, but after the initial war declarations the vast majority of their nations will lose the ability to pick which nations they will fight due to constant nuclear anarchy.

Edited by der_ko
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[quote name='Necromancer V4L' timestamp='1295951333' post='2599796']
Nations of Bob, remember what has happened here on this day. This must never come to pass again. Though it will be a hard thing to prevent, we can not allow those in power to act unjustly! We, as citizens of Bob, must be the voices of reason! You cannot stand idly by and allow this pattern to continue, you must stand up and proclaim "NO."

I see now the error of my past, condemning Vox Populi. How could I have been so ignorant?

The trite melodrama in this post is almost too much to bear.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1295943137' post='2599562']
ML not really, but then nobody except Duckroll really knows anything about ML. [/quote]
Actually, we've fought ML twice (NoCB and Karma) and have quite a bit of respect for them as a result of those encounters. Other than TOP, ML was probably the most competent opponent we've fought.

Any problems we've had with IRON, Valhalla and TORN were pretty much settled with our problems with TOP as far as I know. We aren't friends, but we have no problems co-existing with them.

[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1295958200' post='2599946']
Waiting on Ramirus declaration of perma war against Doomhouse for preemptive strike. :smug:

[color="#C0C0C0"][size="1"]Credit: Andrew[/size][/color]
Clever, clever.

Edited by flak attack
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295982480' post='2600637']
(MK has allies)

(good ones)
Oh i never said they did not. And i really could careless about this war. To me its a whole other front from the one i am in. But no matter how many allies the alliance they picked had. If they were able to stagger 3 on every Member of said alliance out of Peace Mode it would not matter yes they would take a beating but said alliance would be in same shape.

No alliance could take a full stagger from NPO IRON and what ever other treaty's they have and walk away in the same shape they walked in. I am just saying if i ran NPO what i would do they can't hope to win vs all of you but they should could hurt one of you.

And its nothing VS MK if i had to pick one for them it would be GOONS lol. But it would seem MK was the main force behind this, I am a newer player i was not around for the (Evil NPO) That i hear about. In the time i have been around NPO has done nothing to make me dislike them. Like GOONS on the other hand raided me that was fine but when i fought back they sent more nations after me saying i could not fight back. Meh what ever its in the past but you all get the point.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295953023' post='2599836']
More important than the power is how and what you will do to obtain it, if you need to go against your own principles and become what you used despise to obtain it, power will have no value.

Then it's a good thing for the Orders that they never had much in the way of principles, eh?

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1295983368' post='2600669']
Why is IRON attacking with NPO?
I not saying they would i just happened to look at NPO's treaty's. Oh never mind lol that is a NAP OK NPO and The Legion.

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[quote name='not adolf hitler' timestamp='1295962627' post='2600010']
That description you provided only applies to the medieval era and before. Last I checked it is 2011, which is not located in the medieval era and before.

Last I checked, NAH, nobody is actually dying here.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295983670' post='2600683']

These are delicious!
Have you just made Pacifica eat it's Parents Crymson?

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1295980270' post='2600573']
That isn't what he said, though. He said we should have hit NPO sooner when there wasn't already a war going on. I trust I don't need to explain why this wouldn't have made any sense from a strategic standpoint.[/quote]
I didn't realize that alliances should only declare war if they're guaranteed to win. My bad. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1295928233' post='2597911']
Brilliant Political Move.

I'm real glad I fought for you guys during Karma. I suppose this proves there is no right side. You always become the monsters you fight.

WTF...<_< I agree with someone from NSO...

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