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[quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1295972436' post='2600273']
Considering most everyone condemning the DoW in this thread hailed the TOP DoW last time like nothing else, I think the cries of hypocrisy in this thread are well... Hypocritical.
I'm pretty sure mk hailed the TOP dow the strongest.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295974662' post='2600356']
And come on people, what is so inherently wrong with this? Nearly every alliance in the planet falls into the category of people NPO tried to disband, arose from ashes of alliances forced to disband by them, or people NPO cronies tried to disband that their association with NPO enabled them to attempt.

Many people got some version of revenge on NPO by returning the favor in Karma. Here are four alliances who have every right to deserve revenge, and are now making NPO pay for their crimes of 2+ years disbanding alliances, imposing viceroys, and banning gov members.

There are no morals in this game other than what suits your side at that particular moment. This thread proves that completely.
They did that already they took their money and said the slate was clean. What was wrong with this? You whine on about stuff they did then ask whats wrong with doing this to an alliance who paid their dues already?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295974337' post='2600349']
I'll echo what Pip said and say you should ask what Xiph would have done to NPO if he and others had their way. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with 'shmishbandment'.

[quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1295973733' post='2600325']
I don't believe you've had too many heart to heart conversations with your boss about what he would do with NPO if he got the chance. If you had, you obviously wouldn't be toting this sense of righteousness. Not that I have any complaints about Xiphs love (or lack thereof) for big P.

Maybe you should go have a heart to heart with Xiph about my relationship with NPO. I'm sure there are at least three or four people that will read this post, Xiph himself most likely, and I hope they have a really good belly laugh.

Edited by Viking
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1295974890' post='2600368']
[b]They did that already they took their money and said the slate was clean.[/b]
I have to agree with this, I thought karma was enough of a beatdown to satisfy everyone with an axe to grind but yeah it seems some are using ''history'' as a convenient excuse.

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For those claiming there are no politics involved in this DoW, you are gravely mistaken. Read the OP and you will see that this war is being fought for what could objectively be the best rationale for war in this game, maintaining power. Some may see this as evil but it is no more evil or wrong than any other CB (fabricated or not) since the beginning of this game. MK, FAN, GOONS, Umb have no assurances that NPO won't go back to their former ways and have no desire to give them that chance.

The fault here lies solely with NPO's unwillingness to join a conflict that had direct implications on their ability to ensure their own safety. Welcome to the world of realpolitik.

The long and short of what I am saying is, shut up and fight.

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We will bring balance to CN. At some point we will be beaten down, and those responsible for toppling us will be lauded as heroes and the cycle will be begin again. This the great reset, where the old order of alliances will crumble and through their remains, including some of our own, that lie on the charred ground new hopes will sprout, unrestricted by the ridiculous morality and egotism that is strangling CN. Until then have fun.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295975282' post='2600383']
For those claiming there are no politics involved in this DoW, you are gravely mistaken. Read the OP and you will see that this war is being fought for what could objectively be the best rationale for war in this game, maintaining power. Some may see this as evil but it is no more evil or wrong than any other CB (fabricated or not) since the beginning of this game. MK, FAN, GOONS, Umb have no assurances that NPO won't go back to their former ways and have no desire to give them that chance.

The fault here lies solely with NPO's unwillingness to join a conflict that had direct implications on their ability to ensure their own safety. Welcome to the world of realpolitik.

The long and short of what I am saying is, shut up and fight.

Here's the thing, though... after the dust settles, do you really believe someone's not going to come for you? You've just proven to the entire Cyberverse that you are more than willing to attack someone out of the blue. You have to be willing to acknowledge that, not only might someone get the same idea about you someday, but that they absolutely will do it to you.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975433' post='2600389']
Here's the thing, though... after the dust settles, do you really believe someone's not going to come for you? You've just proven to the entire Cyberverse that you are more than willing to attack someone out of the blue. You have to be willing to acknowledge that, not only might someone get the same idea about you someday, but that they absolutely will do it to you.

I have the feeling that they don't care what happens after this.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1295975586' post='2600395']
I have the feeling that they don't care what happens after this.

As long as they get there power they probably won't. If Pacifica falls it will just be years of stagnation.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975433' post='2600389']
Here's the thing, though... after the dust settles, do you really believe someone's not going to come for you? You've just proven to the entire Cyberverse that you are more than willing to attack someone out of the blue. You have to be willing to acknowledge that, not only might someone get the same idea about you someday, but that they absolutely will do it to you.

I would welcome that, the sooner the better. Power needs to be constantly shifting from one side to another. I am sick of waiting one year between conflicts so that everyone can reposition their pawns. I'm also sick of decisions being made based on how well the OWF will receive it because of this stupid unwritten moral code everyone appears to abide by.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975433' post='2600389']
Here's the thing, though... after the dust settles, do you really believe someone's not going to come for you? You've just proven to the entire Cyberverse that you are more than willing to attack someone out of the blue. You have to be willing to acknowledge that, not only might someone get the same idea about you someday, but that they absolutely will do it to you.

Get out of peace mode and attack someone in Doomhouse

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1295975586' post='2600395']
I have the feeling that they don't care what happens after this.

I think you're probably right... at least on an alliance level. And ultimately, I guess that's ok. There's nothing anyone can do about that, if this is how this particular faction wants to end their time here. I wish that, rather than forcing consequences on the rest of the planet, they had not done so, but it is what it is.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295975164' post='2600377']
Maybe you should go have a heart to heart with Xiph about my relationship with NPO. I'm sure there are at least three or four people that will read this post, Xiph himself most likely, and I hope they have a really good belly laugh.
Oh, I'm sorry that I gave you the impression that I cared. I just thought it was funny you were so enraged by our ~purposed acts~ when your own alliance leader wants to do what we are doing and so much more.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295974662' post='2600356']
And come on people, what is so inherently wrong with this? Nearly every alliance in the planet falls into the category of people NPO tried to disband, arose from ashes of alliances forced to disband by them, or people NPO cronies tried to disband that their association with NPO enabled them to attempt.

Many people got some version of revenge on NPO by returning the favor in Karma. Here are four alliances who have every right to deserve revenge, and are now making NPO pay for their crimes of 2+ years disbanding alliances, imposing viceroys, and banning gov members.

There are no morals in this game other than what suits your side at that particular moment. This thread proves that completely.

Except that NPO already paid for those crimes.

I come from an alliance who suffered more than most under NPO. The fact that I, and many GATOans, think this is wrong should show you something.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1295975690' post='2600397']
I would welcome that, the sooner the better. Power needs to be constantly shifting from one side to another. I am sick of waiting one year between conflicts so that everyone can reposition their pawns. I'm also sick of decisions being made based on how well the OWF will receive it because of this stupid unwritten moral code everyone appears to abide by.

The problem with that train of thought is that it makes you a villain in this world. If you're cool with being the bad guy, more power to you. But in this world, behaving that way DOES make you the bad guy.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975767' post='2600403']
I think you're probably right... at least on an alliance level. And ultimately, I guess that's ok. There's nothing anyone can do about that, if this is how this particular faction wants to end their time here. I wish that, rather than forcing consequences on the rest of the planet, they had not done so, but it is what it is.

Someone else has said this already, but that's what happens when you put a bunch of, shall we say, "socially challenged" people in charge.

And I'm resisting the urge to tell you and STA "I told you so."

Guess I couldn't resist. ;)

Edited by Corinan
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[quote name='Pangui' timestamp='1295975661' post='2600396']
As long as they get there power they probably won't. If Pacifica falls it will just be years of stagnation.
Yes because we didn't spend all of the past year twiddling our thumbs. Every war that had a chance of igniting a spark ended up going the way of the martyr. Such a fun world to be in.

Edited by Epiphanus
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[quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1295975830' post='2600405']
Oh, I'm sorry that I gave you the impression that I cared. I just thought it was funny you were so enraged by our ~purposed acts~ when your own alliance leader wants to do what we are doing and so much more.

I don't care if they roll you or you roll them. Just pointing out that you had the chance to do this when GOD said you should, instead of being complete cowards about it. You were scared then and hedged your bets, now you're just opportunists.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975923' post='2600407']
The problem with that train of thought is that it makes you a villain in this world. If you're cool with being the bad guy, more power to you. But in this world, behaving that way DOES make you the bad guy.

And what is so bad on being the bad guy here? How boring would this place be, if all just wanted to play the roles of Batman & Spiderman?

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975433' post='2600389']
Here's the thing, though... after the dust settles, do you really believe someone's not going to come for you? You've just proven to the entire Cyberverse that you are more than willing to attack someone out of the blue. You have to be willing to acknowledge that, not only might someone get the same idea about you someday, but that they absolutely will do it to you.

Indeed...where is your issue?

I don't get it...

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295976023' post='2600411']
I don't care if they roll you or you roll them. Just pointing out that you had the chance to do this when GOD said you should, instead of being complete cowards about it. You were scared then and hedged your bets, now you're just opportunists.
When was that exactly?

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1295969747' post='2600171']
Doomhouse, you're in Doomhouse not C&G. This is a Doomhouse DoW not a C&G DoW.
I was referring to your constant !@#$%*ing about my past bloc/side. You haven't had enough time to really build credentials for crying about Doomhouse.

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