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[quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1295943800' post='2599590']
I might be fighting on pacifics side in this war, but please crush them!

I don't believe you are fighting on Pacifica's side. These are (for the time being) to completely segregated wars.

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[quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1295943503' post='2599573']
Then don't do it for us. I know you hate us. Hell, we hate you too! I can freely admit it! But this is bigger than that. See, the thing is that there is no smear campaign. We just don't like you. You may find that after BiPolar the number of anti-TORN posts has decreased Before, we thought you were cowards. Maybe MK just didn't give you the chance to surrender early this time, or maybe you didn't want to be seen as cowards again, or maybe, just maybe, you really did want to fight for your friends to the death, but at any rate, you fought. We hate you. We pitied you a little bit due to what Polar did to you, even as we enjoyed seeing you take damage. We respect you, if grudgingly, for the beating you gave CnG. We... kinda might need you unless something unexpected happens. At any rate, if actual diplomats are today putting forth effort to court your side, it'll be in IRON, maybe TOP, and maybe a sprinkle of Valhalla even though they kind of hate us for a reason I don't really understand but whatever. So don't do it for us. Do it for your allies, if they come in on our side. And if not, then don't. I suddenly realize it really is that simple. You're not the decider. I mean, sure you have influence. But unless I'm mistaken, you don't have many external allies.
Are your arms tired from all that digging?

Good lord, man.

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[quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1295943800' post='2599590']
I might be fighting on pacifics side in this war, but please crush them!

Well, we didn't want you to be on it and it really sucks.

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I admit I'm a bit medicated and dizzy after a day laid up with a cold, fever, and migraines (which I, Duncan King, suffer from and which kept me from assisting my alliance with formulating their war strategy), but I'm having trouble seeing what exactly NPO did to Doomhouse to merit this DoW. It seems like you're attacking them for not attacking anyone, which seems counter productive. It also appears that pot has met kettle and Doomhouse is spinning a top.

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1295942505' post='2599529']
Its more of a factual statement than an appeal. You are kidding yourself if you think duckroll (IRON, TORN, Valhalla especially) will have any place in the new regime. Fear-mongering aside lets just be blatantly honest, a multipolar world is significantly better and more secure for you than a unipolar one. I don't expect you to change your mind though.

You're kidding yourself if you think that TOP would [i]ever[/i] stand idly by and let anyone bully IRON. It's also gut-bustingly funny how you're trying to pretend that life under the NPO's dominance is so peachy and that NPO is some sort of saintly alliance to all and sundry. We all know from experience that this certainly isn't true, so cut the act, mmkay?

[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1295942682' post='2599539']
Actually I believe MK worked to allow TORN peace in Karma.

[b]While IRON and Valhalla are probably screwed[/b], I think TORN will be fine.

How about no?

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1295944135' post='2599603']
I admit I'm a bit medicated and dizzy after a day laid up with a cold, fever, and migraines (which I, Duncan King, suffer from and which kept me from assisting my alliance with formulating their war strategy), but I'm having trouble seeing what exactly NPO did to Doomhouse to merit this DoW. It seems like you're attacking them for not attacking anyone, which seems counter productive. It also appears that pot has met kettle and Doomhouse is spinning a top.
It's not the dizziness medication. Lots of us perfectly sober people had exactly the same reaction.

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Bah… I am a bit sad, as in reality this political simulator game degenerated to a simple click and click again game. As said by Farnsworth: [quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1295936617' post='2599159']I consider this a sad, regrettable day in the history of Planet Bob. International affairs loses legitimacy and intrigue when this sort of behavior prevails.[/quote]
This is an expected declaration, although I thought that the “moralists (hello Bob et al.)” will actually waited for the other war to end and then fabricate a CB, but meh…it doesn’t matter. Any one being a Pacifican should be prepared for a fight for existence, I know I am. Concerning FAN, they do what they think best and personally I don’t blame them. I am hoping that they still have the same ability they had in the past, thus will make this war entertaining. So a toast to an eternal war.
Also please, in order to at least make these forums bearable, stop trying to take the moral high ground, it was tiresome a couple of years in the past, it is more now.

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[quote name='savethecheerleader' timestamp='1295941598' post='2599494']
Then take it. If an Duckroll remains uninvolved, it could very likely be the deciding factor for one side or another. I realize that you've not had the occasion to do so thus far, but I doubt I am alone in saying that it would be incredibly foolish not to support NPO in this war. If IRON and company let grudges from the BiPolar war keep them from acting, how long do you think your old enemies will permit you to exist peacefully? Face it, if Doomhouse and PB emerge victorious, their vengeance will have been far from sated by the blood of the Orders.

Just like we hunger for the blood of TOP right?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295941561' post='2599492']
[color="#0000FF"]Like I said, I don't blame you. You have more reason than anyone to hate them, but honestly, you are next. I may be a rare breed, but I am capable of working together even with a hated enemy to put down a mutual threat, and then go back to business. Granted, you did try that an NpO did screw yo over. So, whatever. If you want to let hatred get in the way of rationality, who am I to get in your way?[/color]

You've convinced me! Let's go fight for NpO!


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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']
New Polar Order's (...) allies have gone to great lengths to protect a single alliance from damage (...) The alliance they shield, the alliance they cling to, and the alliance to which they entrust their safety and prosperity - The New Pacific Order.
I'm always happy to learn unexpected things about myself. Do you have anymore revelations for me, mr. frog?

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295940564' post='2599427']
Old friend take this lesson you preach to heart in the coming days.

I'm not sure if "old friend" is a justifiable tag for someone you've talked so much trash about behind his back.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295944492' post='2599623']
We don't really have anything against any of Duckroll so the "you're next" rhetoric is funny.

Yeah because if you win this war, I said IF, you will just sit, hold your hands and sing kumbaya my lord. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1295944135' post='2599603']
I admit I'm a bit medicated and dizzy after a day laid up with a cold, fever, and migraines (which I, Duncan King, suffer from and which kept me from assisting my alliance with formulating their war strategy), but I'm having trouble seeing what exactly NPO did to Doomhouse to merit this DoW. It seems like you're attacking them for not attacking anyone, which seems counter productive. It also appears that pot has met kettle and Doomhouse is spinning a top.

A reason was given bit you seem to have missed it. We don't like them.

Also men do not have migraines, while it is typically the term given even to men for vascular pain im the brain it is referred to as a cluster headache for a male in the medical books.

See, today, you learned two things.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']

What utter rot.

If you're going to flush our heads down the toilet and steal our lunch money, then at least have the decency not to wrap it up in this nonsense.

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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1295944552' post='2599629']
I am curious, Crymson, what is TOP's beef with Pacifica? You are allied with MK and so you will roll with them, that is expected. I am just interested in what has caused all the vitriol I have seen coming from you, Feanor, et al.

Is this guy serious? Crymson, is he serious?

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295944624' post='2599634']
Yeah because if you win this war, I said IF, you will just sit, hold your hands and sing kumbaya my lord. :rolleyes:
Nah we'll just wait a year and hit you orders again. CB or no CB.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295944624' post='2599634']
Yeah because if you win this war, I said IF, you will just sit, hold your hands and sing kumbaya my lord. :rolleyes:
No, we'll probably be too busy coming for you to hit Duckroll!

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