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Everything posted by Pondoland

  1. [quote]Everything that's been said over the last 29 pages[/quote] So, reading between the lines, you all secretly love us, right?
  2. Apologies for the late reply. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1297787398' post='2634470'] You don't get to put on an AA without also putting on it's history. It simply doesn't work that way. If you aren't prepared to put on that history and all that comes with it, you shouldn't put on that AA. It's really as simple as that. [/quote] Well that's fair enough - when I signed up for the NPO I signed up for the history. But That's just what it is - history. Sorry if that sounds overly dismissive but personally I'm not going to spend my time on CN dwelling on the past. [quote]Yes, there are many newbies. But they do not rule the alliance, they are not the officers, they are not the emperor. You may well be victims of those who do run the alliance, but on the other side you were not forced to join that alliance, or to stay with it. You may have been ignorant when you first joined, but then again there is a concept of 'due diligence' and if you didn't do yours, harsh as it may sound, that is on you. [/quote] Correct, we don't run the alliance, but we all have a voice and a say in the running of Pacifica. We certainly don't see ourselves as the 'victims' of a bloodthirsty ruler. If I felt that way, or felt that the NPO leadership was leading me down a path I didn't want to go down (once I had acquainted myself with our history) then I would have left the alliance pretty sharpish. Plus, in the words of the song; 'I believe that newbies are the future.' [quote]Simply mouthing the words like they are a magic formula doesn't work, surely that much is clear by now? There are very deep, very real, very justified grudges here, and insincere formulaïc throw-away apologies only make things worse. If you don't truly feel the need to apologise, if you cannot articulate exactly what you are apologising for, if you don't feel the need to take concrete steps to redress the wrongs that were committed before opening your mouth like that, then you shouldn't bother. [/quote] That much I will concede - I obviously failed to appreciate just how strong and deep-seated these feelings are. In effect I apologise for my apology. Mind you, can I really be the only newbie who fails to appreciate the depth of feeling and, dare I say it, fail to hold the same grudges, be it within or without the NPO?
  3. I wholeheartedly concur with Qazzian’s response. I’m a relative newbie to both CN and the NPO, but if what I read about our past actions is true, then I would have willingly joined the forces of Karma if I had been around at the time. But I wasn’t. To be brutally honest – to me all that history means nothing. The NPO of back then is nothing like the NPO you see today – there are many ‘newbies’ within the Order who’d much rather put the past behind them and go forward with the NPO with a clean slate. That said – if you want someone to apologise for Pacifica’s past mistakes, then as a Pacifican I apologise. Can we move on now? As for our perceived arrogance – yes, we do hold ourselves aloof in the OWF. Reading the level of trolling, the same old dredging up of the same old historical grievances and the same ‘NPO = evil’ stuff gets tiring after a while. And yes, sometimes we snipe back, despite knowing full well that we shouldn’t. Conversely, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well my couple of nonsense posts have been received by the majority of those who were kind enough to read them. It shows that ‘the other’ isn’t always the rabid troll one fears it is. We might win this war or we might lose it, but whatever happens I hope that our detractors see that their ‘other’ isn’t actually what they fear it is. Okay – enough of being serious – can I go away and write some more nonsense now?
  4. Excellent - free vacation! Frozen city eh? Not worth packing my speedos then? Maybe my fur-lined ones...
  5. [quote]An abnormity, I will start an expulsion process as soon as possible. Bring the ropes… [/quote] Like I said in my disciplinary hearing - 30M in aid and I stop posting this nonsense. [quote] That...mankini...eurggh, I need some bleach for my eyes so I will be dropping by at the nearest Pacifican supermarket to pick some up. Despite this Pondoland is probably the best NPO poster, you should all take a leaf from his book. [/quote] Aw shucks - you are far too kind - thanks for being a lovely Human being (although as a Pacifican I am contractually obliged to hate you and all you stand for.)
  6. I'm glad to have amused and/or mentally scarred you Please send all cheques to the New Pacific Order and make them payable to The Pondoland Warchest Fund. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1297281537' post='2627166'] No, this isnt funny, and I have a better sense of humor than you. [/quote] I think you'll find I have a very refined and sophisticated sense of humour - just ask my proctologist.
  7. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1297266986' post='2627017'] You should have linked us to the order form for flags and tattoo designs. [/quote] I would, but not even I am allowed to buy those yet - not until I've ZI'd at least 5 Doom House nations, and by the way my battles are going, my skin will be way too wrinkly for tatoos by then.
  8. Actually no, I feel very good - typing out this cobblers and getting it out of my head is pretty cathartic you know.
  9. As a gesture of goodwill and to show that we [i]really have changed[/i], the New Pacific Order is opening it's stores to you, the good citizens of Planet Bob! The Over-Priced Tat division of the Pacifican Manufacturing Corps is pleased to announce the release of the following items - coming soon to a store near you at knockdown wartime prices! [b]Swimwear [/b] Gents, whether you're hitting the tropical sands of Pacifica or wading through radioactive sludge, you want to look your best. But with the beaches thronging with loyal Pacificans, each decked out in their regulation NPO swimwear as they flock to the refugee transports, how do you stand out in the crowd? The answer is simple – the [b]New Pacific Order Mankini[/b]! Made from the finest quality industrial-grade lycra-style leatherette and bedecked in the yellow, black and blue colours of our beloved empire, the NPO Mankini not only keeps you looking stylish, but also marks you out as a true patriot! The NPO Mankini is available in a wide range of sizes, ensuring a flatteringly tight and revealing fit regardless of girth. It also boasts a handy storage pouch, located just in front of the groinal gusset for ease of access. Holds anything from your car keys to those spare rolled-up socks, battle reports to infantile penis jokes and comes in a variety of volumes, from modest to elephantine (for the correct length of pouch, please state NS when ordering). [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae220/jp1885_photos/mankini.jpg[/img] Ladies! Just because you are female, don’t think we’ve forgotten you! Want to look good on the beaches, but don’t want to expose yourself to the slovenly gaze of those lecherous teens lurking around the other side of the treaty web? Well worry no more, for we are proud to offer for purchase the latest in women’s beach apparel – the all-in-one, one-size-fits-all [b]NPO body suit[/b]! Constructed from the most cost-effective agricultural sackcloth available, the NPO body suit comes from the drawing boards of the most talented fashion designers Victorian Britain has to offer. Its patented UV technology means that, while the rest of your body will remain pale and pasty, your wrists and ankles can have that bronzed, all-over tan without the fuss of having to disrobe! [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae220/jp1885_photos/bodysuit.jpg[/img] [b]Military Hardware [/b] Defending Pacifica but want to show the funnier side of unremitting nuclear warfare? Then why not purchase one of our hilarious war-themed bumper stickers! Brighten up your nation’s forces with these brightly coloured, camouflage-ruining, luminous stickers. Each pack contains 10 randomly-selected signs, bearing such side-splitting slogans as: “How’s my invading?” “Pacifican soldiers do it in squad formation” “My other bomber’s a Tupolev Tu-160” “I came out of peace mode and all I got was this lousy cruise missile” Have your enemies rolling with laughter before you kill them and steal their infrastructure! [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae220/jp1885_photos/tank.jpg[/img] Available from all good retailers (select ‘Mass-produced Crap’ from the drop-down list in the resources menu) now!
  10. Welcome to the pleasure dome, Sith brothers! o/
  11. My slice of birthday cake may be a little radioactive, but it's still delicious - happy birthday comrades! o/
  12. [quote]I'm happy to report that the Cult of Justitia outbid the Cult of Justica on the property,[/quote] You know, this is the umpteenth time I've facepalmed today - To hell with it, I'm off to bed.
  13. [quote]it's 2011 and someone said "For teh lulz".[/quote] What can I say? I'm a sucker for nostalgia ROFL
  14. My feeble attempt... [img]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5133/5390427080_5bb3a203ac.jpg[/img]
  15. [quote]The OP was a tragedy, but I dig your self-loathing sense of humor. Please post more often.[/quote] Careful friend, words like this will only serve to encourage me... [quote]Ignore the humorless types, Pondo... This line alone was worth the price of admission.[/quote] You are too kind - far better if the humorless types ignore me! [quote]A better mental graphic that no picture could ever portray [/quote] Written from personal experience I fear - my first and last day as a children's entertainer. [quote]Not laugh-out-loud funny [/quote] Not even a chortle? My powers are growing weak...
  16. [quote]I kind of like you and kind of hate you. Can't decide which. [/quote] Toss a coin?
  17. Given the prophesies of doom regarding the end of CN, I’d like to suggest ‘The War to End All Wars’
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