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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1294295099' post='2565518']

Nations would pick up the signature of two more nuclear warheads being fired. One was on a trajectory towards the Maritime Republic of J Andres, and the other was headed towards the capital of Nod.

Above the Atlantic Ocean, the [i]Witness[/i], a powerful ELINT satellite picked up an event setting just above the orbital defense grid. Dropping a ping to Temple Secundus' Strategic Command Agency (SCA) - a request for human interaction to verify the event, its powerful array of sensors focused on what it determined was an SLBM launch due to its thermal bloom - focusing in on a tragedy in the making with the cold stare a scientist would give to amoebas in a petri dish.

Meanwhile, at Temple Secundus proper, operators at first were stunned at the revelation - immediately rushing to and fro to deal with the incoming crisis. The Executive Minister said nothing, simply staring at the image of the missile as it soared over the Atlantic towards East Africa. He seemed depressed, his form slumping in the chair he would often frequent - deep in thought.

"Calibrate azimuth sweep angle!"

[b]<<Commencing elevation scanning>>[/b]

"Calculate heading and approach vector...."



"Oh lord, no..."


"That's it, we have confirmation..."


"It's headed towards Addis Ababa."

The woman looked towards the EM, seemingly apathetic. She began to panic - was this the onset of a suicidal depression? Was he simply giving up, giving into the end?

"My Lord!" General Michaelson, the Executive Minister's second, rushed to the hulking form in the chair, "This slight is insufferable! Sarnungian sympathizers launching an ICBM! We must retaliate at once!"

The helmeted head of the Executive Minister looked up at the brash, comparatively young man before him. Even behind his fearsome helm, the corners of the bulletproof visage seemed to droop in sorrow, "My boy, have you learned nothing? Should the light of the vengeful be cast upon the innocent- all will suffer... and I will not beset the Nodic people with a tragedy worse than has already begun. Please, you must leave. Get to the blast shelters in the Undercity."

"You old FOOL!" Michaelson raged, throwing out his hands to place a sidearm upon the forehead of the EM's Cranial Protection Suite (CPS), "I grow tired of the useless sermonizing of a dry old man! These monsters deserve the wrath of a thousand suns!!! Would you deign yourself to dance in a dream world along with the butchers that caused this massacre?!?"

Michaelson was heaving, everyone in the Control Center grew silent. A few turned to look at the armed guards at the entrance, as if imploring them to intervene on their Minister's behalf. A few of the younger girls at the consoles began to weep softly, noticing that the guards did nothing, merely standing behind their Commander complacently. The Executive Minister, as if seeing this as well let out an audible sigh before swiveling his chair away.

"You would kill ME? A man who has deigned to show you the truth? Your actions have already murdered me, my son. Do what you have already started."

Michaelson shook his head, his eyes in a rage. He was a man of honour, a man not dulled to the sentiments and needs of his people - yet he was also a man of wrath, willing and able to do whatever was needed in order to ensure the safety of his people. His hand clenched painfully against his weapon, releasing and clutching rythmically. He noticed the barrel of the heavy pistol was shaking, and placed another hand over the other for support.

"My life for Addis Ababa, my Lord," was all he uttered before a series of dull cracks echoed throughout the chambers. At long last, the Executive Minister was dead.

The room was silent, save for an uncomfortable clank as one of the guards shifted the weight on his foot. Both armored monstrosities looked at Michaelson, his eyes still wide, weapon arm still outstretched towards the crumpled form of the former Nodic leader. His shoulders heaved upwards and downwards, harsh breaths escaping his mouth. The silence was immediately broken by a loud sob from the women at the communications consoles, which set off a chain reaction of sorrow. The EM doted all of them during his tenure, many looking at him as a father figure. He had known many of them on a first name basis and always went out of his way to show them kindness.

"My Lord?" one of the armed Elite Cadre Bodyguards addressed Michaelson. There was still work to be done to save their great nation.

"Belissarius, Dalcassius... send word to the rest of the Nodic Militancy that we are in a state of open war against Monaco. Give the respective commanders full authority to carry out whatever Orders they deem necessary to keep Nod safe. I will remain here and activate the SCA's defensive and offensive protocols."


"Yes, My Lord."


The Executive Minister is dead, a burst transmission would be sent to India to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nyani Oshibutu. (OOC: Feel free for others to intercept this message easily)

Two nuclear weapons would be launched towards the general location of the Monacan Missile launch. A group of 5 nuclear weapons would be set to detonate over Monaco. The rest of the Nodic arsenal, both terrestrial and maritime would go active to deal with retaliation strikes.

The AMC would immediately begin flying Combat Air Patrols over Nodic Airspace.

The MNC would begin moving naval forces towards the Atlantic. Missile defense systems would be operational, nuclear weapons free if required on a case-by-case basis.

The NMC would begin to mobilize to defend the homeland, especially against retaliatory strikes. All defenses outlined in the Omega Imperium Doctrine would be in effect. Disaster control efforts would be carried out.

EDIT: Changed from 4 nukes launched to seven, as per the whole avenged sevenfold for Kane and his descendants biblical !@#$.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Unnatural clouds got you down? Sun not shining so brightly? Just got those end of the world blues?

Well come on down to Vaahrok's winter wear emporium! We got just what you need to survive the coming winter of doom!

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This message is advertised by the Vaahrok Winter Wear emporium and spa; Dome 38275, Tarant, Antarctica.

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[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96500"]From here[/url]

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1294205231' post='2564009']
Rajapaksa smiles wide, sitting upright, almost looking a little imposing for a moment. "Seeing as Sri Lanka already holds a defense pact with the Kingdom of Cochin, and relations in general are quite good, there is no reason why I should say not to such a treaty. If our three nations work together well enough, there will be little that could threaten us seriously.
However, there's some little, really small questions: What would we name such a treaty? And how would we define the 'Indian Ocean' exactly?
And perhaps there's other issues I did not think of yet that you can think of, Ladies and Gents?"

"My, I am sure that the Executive Minister would be honored to have our nations-" Nyani was interrupted by odd behavior to at her side. Pausing for a moment, she begged the pardon of her company and turned to Jessica. The woman in white turned to hastily speak into Nyani's ears. The normally calm and well spoken Nyani let out a yelp of surprise before covering her mouth with a gloved hand. She shook her head, placing blonde locks in her clutching hands.
"Excuse my intrusion, Highness, President.... Ma'am"[/i] the normally silent Jessica spoke, [i]"But as of this moment, the Nation of Nod is in a state of nuclear war with Monaco, and all who would seek to prevent the righteous wrath that is our nation's right. As of this time, it would be an ill gotten alliance should your respective nations decide to side with us in this endeavor... perhaps,"[/i] her soft voice faltered for a moment, [i]"-perhaps, after this war's conclusion, we will consider this pact. We have been formally instructed to appeal for asylum within the Kingdom of Cochin in the interim, and humbly await your response."[/i]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94077&view=findpost&p=2563732"]And especially from here[/url]

As Holtmeier and L'Héraut walked to either side of Admiral O'Donnel, the normally white lights illuminating the corridor shut off, immediately turning red. Alarmed, L'Héraut threw her Officer's cap to her side, shouting into her mic,

"Who gave authorization for General Quarters?!?! What is going on? Lieutenant Holtmeier!"

The captain turned to look at her subordinate. He had raised a compact Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) at the Irish Admiral, "Captain L'Héraut," Holtmeier spoke through gritted teeth, "I have just been informed that our Nation has begun open warfare against the Rogue Nuclear state of Monaco. In REPRISAL-" she raised her voice to drown out L'Héraut's objections

"-IN REPRISAL for a full blown nuclear strike against Addis Ababa proper. I do not need to inform you of the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in, Commander. As such, I find it is my duty to formally apprehend any and all potential enemy personnel for the duration of this war."

L'Héraut paused for a moment, looking past O'Donnel. Holtmeiers actions were one thing, but they were according to protocol. But still...

"Lieutenant Holtmeier, I will not allow this Admiral to be assassinated by any member of my crew.... Nevertheless," she leaned in towards O'Donnel, quickly patting him down for any other unannounced weapons, quickly finding his pocket knife, "a nuclear strike against our nation is just as credible as a full blown Declaration of War, Sir. As such, I find my Lieutenant to be acting in accordance to the edicts of the Executive Ministry. I apologize, but we cannot permit you to debark [i]The End[/i], nor can we allow you to move freely. For the duration of this war, you are to stay in my private quarters.... I'm sorry."


Group Gamma would begin to turn about, heading towards Monaco. Should any vessels impede their approach this time, there would be no mercy.

Edited by Executive Minister
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**Genesis Central Command, Athens**

For the 6th time in the last few weeks Genesis had moved to a Priority Alert, almost with a sigh the Commander of the shift turned to the screen however now they noticed something different.

Launches from Nod had been detected, after watching the situation a while longer it became obvious the missiles were heading for Monaco, luckily passing over the Federation.

"Lieutenant initiate counter-missile operations"

The Lieutenant behind the control panel gladly complied. As the missiles came in range Genesis would try to do what it was supposed to do, take down strategic weapons against the mainland or allies. With incredible accuracy satellites would pinpoint the location of the missile after which ground systems would fire. The Commander was well aware missiles could still pass especially considering the small amount of defenses that were at the location to take them down however this could be their lucky day.

As soon as the defensive operations had commenced a report was forwarded to Imperial Command for further review.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1294330123' post='2565891']
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96500"]From here[/url]

"My, I am sure that the Executive Minister would be honored to have our nations-" Nyani was interrupted by odd behavior to at her side. Pausing for a moment, she begged the pardon of her company and turned to Jessica. The woman and white turned to hastily speak into Nyani's ears. The normally calm and well spoken Nyani let out a yelp of surprise before covering her mouth with a gloved hand. She shook her head, placing blonde locks in her clutching hands.
"Excuse my intrusion, Highness, President.... Ma'am"[/i] the normally silent Jessica spoke, [i]"But as of this moment, the Nation of Nod is in a state of nuclear war with Monaco, and all who would seek to prevent the righteous wrath that is our nation's right. As of this time, it would be an ill gotten alliance should your respective nations decide to side with us in this endeavor... perhaps,"[/i] her soft voice faltered for a moment, [i]"-perhaps, after this war's conclusion, we will consider this pact. We have been formally instructed to appeal for asylum within the Kingdom of Cochin in the interim, and humbly await your response."[/i]
Both Sri Lankans stared at Nyani in disbelief.
"I...Ye gods. This is insane. Completely ridiculous."
"Yet it happened. Ms. Oshibutu, once this is over, Sostra will do whatever it can to help Nod rebuild, whatever state it may be in."
"I agree with Laura. Sri Lanka will help you however we can. We'll stay out of the matter at the time because of your request, but once things calm down, we'll help with rebuilding and cleaning up, regardless of whether you wish to ally yourselves with us or not. That I promise."

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1294332240' post='2565923']
Both Sri Lankans stared at Nyani in disbelief.
"I...Ye gods. This is insane. Completely ridiculous."
"Yet it happened. Ms. Oshibutu, once this is over, Sostra will do whatever it can to help Nod rebuild, whatever state it may be in."
"I agree with Laura. Sri Lanka will help you however we can. We'll stay out of the matter at the time because of your request, but once things calm down, we'll help with rebuilding and cleaning up, regardless of whether you wish to ally yourselves with us or not. That I promise."

Nyani began to openly weep behind her hands, Jessica turning to comfort her.

[i]"We appreciate your sentiments, Mr. President, Ma'am,"[/i] Jessica almost whispered to the Sri Lankans, before turning to the King of Cochin.

[i]"If you would please excuse my Mistress... if it is not against your will, I would recommend that she be allowed to rest for the moment. I fear the news has hit harder than I had expected."[/i]

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1294330123' post='2565891']
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96500"]From here[/url]

"Excuse my intrusion, Highness, President.... Ma'am"[/i] the normally silent Jessica spoke, [i]"But as of this moment, the Nation of Nod is in a state of nuclear war with Monaco, and all who would seek to prevent the righteous wrath that is our nation's right. As of this time, it would be an ill gotten alliance should your respective nations decide to side with us in this endeavor... perhaps,"[/i] her soft voice faltered for a moment, [i]"-perhaps, after this war's conclusion, we will consider this pact. We have been formally instructed to appeal for asylum within the Kingdom of Cochin in the interim, and humbly await your response."[/i]

"What? That is unbelievable," Kerala Varma said shocked at the tragedy that has befallen this newest of allies. "Yes, of course we offer you asylum in Kingdom of Cochin and we shall provide any help that you seek. Though several of our humanitarian assets have been sent to Holy American Empire, we shall try our utmost to aid you in your hour of need. As regards this pact, yes, if you so choose so, we shall continue this discussion on a more peaceful day. For the moment, please know that the prayers of me and my nation is with you."

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All military units within New Cadia were informed that the nation's DEFCON was raised from 5 to 1 instantly due to the rash decisions made by the Nation of Nod. Missile defenses of all kinds were set up across the country should the worst be assumed to happen. Mock-up shelters were set up in schools and deep-basement office buildings to prepare for any possible strike.

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[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96591]Continued from this[/url]

The Patrol Craft 10 was flying over the frigid waves of the North Pacific when a faint magnetic signature began to come into view. "Beihai air central, we have a magnetic signature, its not one of ours or one of our allies." the craft captain said cross checking it against the information of the major Pacific naval powers (UFE, Greater Pacifica, Selenarctos, Ursalia).

"Roger, move in and use the thermoscope, if its a nuclear reactor, you are clear to force it to surface."

"Confirmed control, moving towards the target, estimated time to thermoscope range: twenty minutes."

A transmission was sent to the Admiralty which had been operating in Tranquil Lake, that they had located a potential target.

A combined naval/ coast guard squadron of littoral combat ships and fast hydrofoils was deployed from Fort Beihai towards the target area so that helicopters would be in range to conduct a boarding part to inspect the submarine once the P-8 was moving towards getting it to surface.

Soon a thermoscope would confirm a nuclear reactor thermal signature, however faint. "Missile one away." the fire control officer said.

A two stage missile was launched into the sea, upon hitting the ocean a torpedo was released from the missile, it was sent with a high explosive proximity detonation charge as it approached the submarine causing an area effect explosion which would rock the submarine forcing it to surface or take a direct hit from the aircrafts weapons.

Meanwhile a transmission was sent to the rest of the Tranquil Lake participants.

[quote]Have engaged enemy submarine in the North Pacific. We propose a splitting of resources into three sectors: North Pacific, South Pacific, Southern Oceans and adjacent Indian and Atlantic Oceans.[/quote]

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Of the 300 000 RA soldiers currently in Japan, 100 000 of them would be equipped with proper radiation and survival gear, either from the RA's own stock, and/or bought or rented from the UFE and Korea, and afterward they would be prompted deployed to Korea itself, in order to aid with rescue and recovery operations, assuming they would be allowed in. From the Mid-East RA, some 150 000 soldiers would be equipped with the same variety of equipment, plus a few hundred tons worth of supplies, and then promptly dispatched towards the HAE. From Ecuador, 50 000 troops would also be fitted with survival gear, and deployed to the HAE. RAF assets in Ecuador would be given full clearence to commence search, and other, operations in the HAE, with permission of course. From Gibraltar, the CVBGs currently stationed at home would be deployed to the Atlantic in order to patrol for rogue submarines. The RN's SAG would remain based in the Mid-East.


"If I'm hearing you right, in addition to retaliating with nuclear weapons, they're in a state of war with Monaco?"

"This appears to be the case sir."

"While I can't blame them for this, we've done the same thing before, we will be following our usual closed entrances state... Which halts any attempt at an invasion on their part, unless they feel like sending in paratroopers."

Due to the actions of Nod, the RA's DEFCON was lowered to 2, ad all units would be placed on alert. The RN's sub fleet would be sent to patrol the Suez's entrance.


"As per standard policy, the Suez and Gibraltar have been closed off to both Monaco and Nod. That is all."

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England has engaged and destroyed one rogue submarine in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Sadly, HMS Astute went down with all hands in the battle.

The Royal Navy will continue its ASW operations in the North Atlantic and will contue to hunt and destroy these rogue submarines as and when they are found.

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To England;

We have sent troops to aid you in Plymouth as stated before. If you request any further aid we will provide it.

Ezequiel José.[/quote]

España DEFCON is raised to level 2. Military command puts out the warning to all bases around the globe, including the Antarctic base(s).


[b]Public Statement[/b]

"España stands [i][u][b]firmly[/b][/u][/i] behind our English Allie. Any attacks on England will be considered an act of war on España."[/center]

Edited by Ezequiel
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In response to the horrible atomic attacks around the world, the Marscurian Siberian Education Association showed [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixy5FBLnh7o"]the following film[/url] in all classrooms, so that children could better survive a possible atomic strike on Marscurian Siberian soil.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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During the Era of DE Occupation, the Chinese people had learned the significance of nuclear fall out. Some of these people still remembered that training and though the newer regime had brought about a lessor threat of engagement in a nuclear conflict due to its political and diplomatic mechanization, many still began to take actions out of concern for a new round of nuclear fall out from events throughout the globe.

The consumption of canned goods and non-perishable food items went up significantly throughout China. Farmers nearest these events began to check the soil routinely for radiation.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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With Korea refusing offers of help, the Hospital Ship CNS Susmita along with the remaining teams of Radiation Cleanup Teams of Strategic Command have been sent to Nod to assist in its disaster recovery. The airlift which had started for assisting HAE has now been expanded necessitating Reserve call up of civilian airliners for assisting in the logistical effort. While the warships of Royal Cochin Navy are patrolling Indian Ocean to prevent further submarine attacks, the Auxiliary Support Fleet and Naval Reserve call up of merchant marine shipping are transporting aid in large numbers to Nation of Nod. Special scrutiny are being placed for the aid convoys in case any rogue submarine traveled in formation with the massive freighters to evade past the detection systems.

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The Monacan missile hit with devastating efficacy. The moment the weapon was launched, the people of Addis Ababa were doomed. All Nodic preparations, even in spite of the Sarnungian EMP terror attack of the past were rendered useless - fate was whimsical, it seemed.

As the weapon neared its apogee, the end of the midcourse boost stage, it was apparent that the S-117 Sentry was ill suited to attack such a depressed ballistic trajectory. Several of these high powered missiles shot up into the sky, only to come crashing down - missing by mere meters their targets and impacting harmlessly against the surface of the cold earth. Soon, the Monacan SLBM was well within the S-117's deadzone - and dead it was.

The next component of the Never Again Doctrine was quickly inacted, a battery of T-280 'TRANSCENSION' Hyper Velocity Surface-to-Air Missiles. These weapons fared better, yet were ultimately fooled by the anti-intercept subroutines that the incoming threat possessed - they had also failed.

It was said that in their last moments, the Operators within the Strategic Command Agency (SCA) were placid. Many had come to grips about what was about to happen - many had attempted to send burst transmissions to loved ones, hopeless and futile attempts at saving their beloved. They were quickly shot down in their seats for treason. Others simply slumped in their chairs in an almost comatose state - shocked that all they had worked towards was lost in an instant. They had been reared and trained to defend Nod from the one threat that its great Nodic Militancy could not handle - and they had failed. Ones in positions such as theirs had to be on 'point', steadfast in their duty and successful in their tasks 100% of the time. Their enemies? They only needed to be right once.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_LlK0S_Sc8"]Assault in the Control Room[/url]

"What do you you mean, you won't fire the weapons?!?!" Michaelson screamed, almost shrieking at the young woman sitting at the desk infront of him. Everyone within the SCA's secondary command and control center was stunned. The normally calm and collected General looked insane.

"We've experienced the pain and sorrow of nuclear attacks, yet we are inflicting the same suffering on them now!"

The other [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BridgeBunnies"]women[/url] within this SCA terminal were silently agape at their sister, a young, idealistic woman. To see her stand up to General Michaelson, second only to the Executive Minister himself, was astounding. Yet in their own minds, they knew she was right.

"Will anything be set right if we fire them? Or if more innocent men, women and children keep losing their lives? Is this justice? Don't you realize what these attacks on each other are giving birth to? Do we want even more sacrifices?!?" she concluded, staring the silent, heaving man in the eyes from her seated position.

"You are nothing but an irritant! A pest!" he said, shoving the woman aside to take her place at the primary launch enablers. He had already given the launch codes required in order to deploy the weapons, yet this woman had refused to carry out the attack.
[i]*I can still make things right before the end!* he thought, his eye twitching.

"Do you really think the people of Addis Ababa will believe that?!?!? Of course they won't!!!!!! Nobody will!!!" he screeched over his shoulder, "HURRY! Commence targeting input, location: Monte Carlo." [b][0:40][/b]

"No! You can't!"

"Shout all you want, but its too late now!" Michaelson cried.

"Is this what you really want? You'll wipe them out! Completely!"

"What's the delay?! It'll all be over when we finish this! HURRY!" he shouted the woman down again, forcing her compatriots to move their fingers on displays previously left idle. [b][0:45]
"Nooo!" the young girl cried, throwing herself upon the large form of Michaelson. While she was woefully mismatched she had the element of surprise, managing to pin him to the console as she cried out to her subordinates.

"Get out of here, quick! I'll hold him off! Get to the shelters! HURRY!" her grasp was waning on a furious Michaelson. It was just as she was thrown off by an angry back hand did she hear the sound of the compartment being sealed - from the outside.[b][0:55][/b]

Saying nothing, Michaelson shot the girl with his sidearm. Finalizing the firing routines himself, he walked to the door. Finding it locked, her picked up the gasping girl, hurling her into a console, "You !@#$%*!"[b][1:05][/b]

Seven missiles were launched. Whosoever slayeth Cain or his descendants will suffer vengeance seven times over. Two would strike the last known position of the firing submarine, the last five would impact Monaco and the surrounding sea-side.
[b]<<This just in, demolition efforts of the foreign weapon have been successful due to the courageous actions of our brothers and sisters within the SCA. However- damage from the fragments of the remainder of the ICBM is deemed a significant hazard. Residents are urged to calmly prepare to follow Ministry approved 'Hostile Event' procedures. Everyone is instructed to remai->>

[/b]"What tomfoolery is this?!?!" the man said, slamming his fist into the remote, "how can these preparations hope to defend us against a nuclear attack? Are they mad!"

He turned, looking at his frightened wife and children, "We must depart at once! Pack whatever you can carry, we are leaving for the Undercity!"

"Momma!" a young boy tugged on his mother's sleeve, "I don't wanna go!"

"We'll be safe there, dear. Please.... listen to your father! Go pack your school bag! And wait in the living room with your little sister."


The scenes in downtown Addis Ababa were chaotic. The normally composed and rigid Nodic citizen was out in the streets, wide eyed, frightened and confused. Traffic into the city quickly became nonexistant, but even that couldn't prevent the wide spread panic and gridlock that soon choked the streets. The Undercity had been sealed off - only a paltry 1,000,000 out of the normal 12,000,000 members of Nod's capital had made it into the underground caverns that honeycombed the Entoto rock and mountain formations the surface city was built upon. These 1,000,000 would have a bittersweet fate- while many would be able to survive the horrendous shock of such a blast in its depths, others would still succumb to the comparatively 'clean' weapon's radiological effects. It would not be until months had passed that they would see the sun again - most would die in the coming days and weeks, as preparations for such a massive underground dwelling had only been made for the spartan life of a Nodic soldier, not a civilian in the long term.

Klaxons and air raid sirens blared within downtown Addis Ababa. Abandoning their vehicle to gridlock long ago, the family trekked towards the neared entrance to the Undercity, near Bole International.

[b]<<We have no way of knowing where the incoming weapon fragments will land. Early estimates indicate the impact zone to be nearby Khartoum. All citizens are urged to seek shelter immediately for precautionary measures. Remain calm and orderly, and obey the instructions of our Brothers within the Militancy, and Sisters of the Monastic Order of Medicine. Their instructions are paramount for your safety.>>[/b][/i]


Rioting soon broke out near the sealed exits of the Undercity - many began to riot and attempt to force their way into the Undercity's cavernous entrances. Many lives were lost to the reluctant bullets of the Nodic Security Force (NSF) and local contingents of the Nodic Militancy. Reports of militants and security personnel committing suicide and fratricide were widespread - it seemed the very fabric of the Executive Ministry's power over its people and armed forces was being torn asunder, despite the lies broadcast over the public address systems of the city.

"Brother! What do you mean there is no more room! There is plenty of room!" the man was furious, and in an almost crazed state of mind. After finally enduring the horrors of the journey, they had arrived at Bole, only to find a crowd scrambling against a number of armor clad figures near the entrance.

"Don't be a fool! Would you condemn all of us for your own selfish gains? Back I say! Back!" was all he got in reply from a brusque mannered Elite Cadre Sergeant, "You there, seal the door!"

[b]<<This shelter is full. Please proceed to shelter number 32.>>

[/b]"Please, Brother! At least take my wife and children! I beg of you!"

The guard turned, leaning towards the man, "Ergeron, I'm sorry.... no exceptions... do not make this harder than it already is. I can give you my own cyanide packages if you wis- WE HAVE A RUNNER!"

Shots rang out on the crowded street, yet more began to rush the guards, clamoring to get in.

[/i]It was indeed a low point within Nodic history. For all its snide remarks and boastful attitude, the people of the Nodic Capital were really no different from the animals that lived outside of Nod's holdings. Those that managed to escape the confines of the city fared little better. The 10 megaton blast would level the entirety of Addis Ababa, for miles around scenes of unspeakable barbarity and selfishness soon drowned out all the good that was managed to be wrought out.


[i]Christina De Falco looked at Addis Ababa one last time before departing with the rest of her Air Wing. She had little time to spare before the minimum safe distance could be achieved with her Krieg A-1 Fast Close Air Support (FCAS) craft.

"Enough, we are to rendezvous at Adahunat forward airbase for immediate counter-retaliatory attacks against Monaco. Death Crusader squadron, move out... that means you, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80873&view=findpost&p=2187371"]Angel One[/url]" she ordered.

But the most terrible, darkest Nodic secret? The avowed, and righteous Nodic Militancy had immediately pulled out its most valuable assets from the capital the moment the SLBM launch was detected in the ocean. Relatively few of the members of the 'Militant Order Under the Executive Ministry' had stayed behind to die alongside their cherished leader, rendered a rotting corpse by the homicidal Michaelson long before. Remnants of the Nodic forces would later cite an extremely heavy prescence of Nodic personnel and equipment near the outlying regions of Nod as the reason for the rather remarkable low Militant casualty rates attributed to the nuclear attack.

[i]"Yuh... you're crazy... and so's your logic..." the young woman cried out meekly, laying in a pool of blood on top of the console. Michaelson said nothing, simply staring at the screen before him, his eyes dancing to follow all of the data streaming in.

"Why torment yourself? How long have you been saying, 'eventually', 'some day'? How long have you been walking around with your thoughts clouded by that brand of sweet poison?" he growled, turning to her.

"They're right there! Our enemies are still out there! Why would you even suggest we not fire?! We must destroy them NOW, before they have a chance to retaliate!!!! Why won't anybody understand that?!?! The enemy must be ANNIHILATED!"

He pulled out his pistol again, as the ICBM neared Addis Ababa, "Do you know what'll happen? After they find out you've treated me like this?!?! Do you?!"

"I think you... you're a monster... a monster that deserves to die.... right here with me," was all she could gasp before she was hoisted by the armpit and shot through the abdomen for a second, third and final time.[/i]

Michaelson would never make it out of Addis Ababa. Horrifically, neither did the news of his prior murder, that of the Executive Minister, see the light of day either. Both he and Michaelson would be lauded as martyrs for their 'decisions' to stay behind within the capital until the last.

"Please, don't stop, honey!" the man was on a sheer rock face, clamoring upwards towards the mountainous valleys of neighbouring Entoto valley and the forest covering it. Hundreds of others had turned to such a desperate measure after shooting began at the Undercity entrances. Like a sea of insects, they climbed up and up, but already it was too late. Those with a keener eye could already see the glow of an object in the distance.

"I miss Anthony! Where is he mother!!!!" a young girl sobbed into her mother's arms, who strained to hold the infant.

"Your brother's in a better place now, dear... the others near the entrance have seen to that," she replied, glaring at her morose husband.

"Rebecca, please!"

"I know, Ergeron... just, I need a moment."

The two gasped, watching an older couple as they lost their footing a few paces ahead. They came down the side of the mountainous buttress, crashing into others down towards the throng of newcomers below- no one did anything to stop the couple as they plummeted to their deaths, lest they fall themselves. Wincing, the young woman put her child's head to her breast, and continued upwards without looking back.

A loud, thunderous screeching sound was heard, drowning out everyone around them. It was similar to what one would hear as a large aircraft took off, yet it shook all who beheld it to the core. It was unyielding as it followed the large plume of smoke that streaked towards them.

"What's coming!? What's coming!?" a squeaky voice was heard over the panicked screams and cries around them, "are we going to stay here forever?!"

"Jessica, please! Everything will be alr-"[/i]


A momentary silence suddenly choked out the once thriving city-state of Addis Ababa as the missile struck dead center. One of the last things anyone within a 20 mile radius would see was a brilliant fireball that seemed to engulf the capital, sending shadows everywhere the undisintegrated eye could see. The hemispherical ball of energy expanded until it seemed it could not devour anything more before it ruptured, sending out seas of fire, light and debris for miles. A horrific screech - as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in unity was heard as the atmosphere around the blast radius was instantaneously torn asunder. Creation had decided to undo itself, and it did so in a horrendous fashion. Menagesha National Forest was set alight, Entonto National Park reduced to cinders, the Aba-Samuel Fresh water reservoir boiled until dry. Over 10 million Nodic citizens perished in the Monacan strike... yet how many would die in the coming months was yet to have been seen.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Moscow and all other major cities in Slavorussia have declared a state of emergency and are beginning to evacuate residents from major population centers. Metro stations in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities which were built deep with the intend to double as nuclear bomb shelters have been set up as the military’s main rally points.

The Strategic Rocket Forces have moved to Alert Status 2 while the other branches of the military have moved to Alert Status 3. Three mobile Topol-M missile launchers have been moved to secret locations in the western foothills of the Ural mountains for protection while the fourth is awaiting orders.

Prime Minister Medvedev have control of Cheget with secondary authority over the country’s nuclear missile arsenal going to Deputy Prime Minister Putin and Defense Minister Zaitsev if the Prime Minister is killed or incapacitated.

The majority of the government has already evacuated Moscow and gone to top-secret bunkers in Arkhangelsk and the Komi Republic.

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Corporal Steinhaller sat at his desk in Bern, monitoring his radar station. He was the only one on watch for the night, and was bored stiff. His job was to monitor the Atlantic and Indian ocean, looking for nuclear launches towards nations. He was just one small part of the hunt for the rogue submarines. He took a drink of his coffee, and kept his eyes fixed on his screen. He thought he'd let himself close his eyes, just to let them rest for a second. A feeling of warmth and comfort washed over him as he rested his chin on his arms, and closed his eyes.

The klaxxon in the room blasted the Corporal awake.

"Multiple missile launches detected in sector 54," the computerized voice repeated. Steinhaller sat upright and highlighted all the missiles and looked at their trajectory.

"My god," he said, "those people did nothing!"

He got on the phone and called his superior to inform him. His superior called the next high up man, until the head of Radar Command, Albert Smits, contacted Tyr von Lübeck.

"Herr von Lübeck, we have disturbing news. A radar station in Bern has reported that the Nation of Nod has launched seven nuclear missiles, all with a trajectory towards Monaco."

"Can we do anything about it?"

"No, I'm sorry. Our ABMS covers Gothia only."

"Goddamn it. God !@#$@#$ damn it. I just knew someone would jump the gun. If this breaks Europe out into a full scale war, the other Triums are not going to be pleased. And, unfortunately I cannot do anything while they are both away. All I can do is send a memo, and wait until Sunday. I don't have the authority to close the Danish straits, that again, takes the other Triums."

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Dublin, Ireland, Kingdom of Ireland - Live News Broadcast -

"Earlier this evening the King's personal guard, commonly known as Patrick's Shield have surrounded the Royal palace in Dublin. Rumors are circulating that the Royal family is being moved to a secure location in the Kingdom as nuclear strikes continue to hit around the world. The most recent nuclear strikes have hit the Kingdom's ally, Monaco and with no word about the loss of life as of yet, security throughout the Kingdom has been ramped up. Our analysts have estimated that the Kingdom has gone to Defcon 3 but that has yet to be confirmed by the military or the Royal spokesman. Efforts to reach the Palace have been unsuccessful. Though, with civilians being issued radiation suits, gas masks, and other items used to secure their bodies from toxins, chemicals, and radiation it is no doubt, in this reporter's mind, that the Kingdom of Ireland is once more on the brink of war." The reporter paused, a sudden break in the newscast "This just end, ladies and gentlemen for the first time in the Kingdom's history, civilians have been ordered to seek shelter in bunkers deep underground as ordered by Home Defense Field Marshal LaRue. As rumored earlier, and now confirmed, the Kingdom of Ireland's King has been ushered away to a secure location as the nation prepares, hopefully needless, at the possibility of being attacked by nuclear weapons. Has the world gone mad? Dear god, let us hope the Kingdom's military is ready to take on this senseless violence."


The Kingdom's military personnel would send data from Operation 1919 to their base in Miami, Florida, Empire of Pravus Ingurou. They would take some extra time to ensure the data was update. It would take approximately three - four hours for all the information stored on the hard drives to be updated, and then another eight - ten hours for the information to be transferred over. The Kingdom's submarines would be sent out of port, staying submerged, to avoid the chance of a direct nuclear attack. Carrier battlegroups, not already on alert, would be put on standby so they could be deployed at a moment's notice.

The Kingdom's North American ally would be notified of increased precautions in the Kingdom, and recommendations would be forwarded for them to take likewise precautions with regards to their base in Scotland.

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(Rome, Capital of the Western Athenian Federation)

When reports of the missile launched had reached Imperial Command they were quickly forwarded to both Athens as Rome for the rulers to decide how to proceed.

Valerio ran into the Roman Command Center as soon as he heard the news.

"Status?" He asked as he saw his entire staff busy.

"Your Highness, a single nuke has hit Monte Carlo, ground forces at the border have reported effects from the hit, preliminary forecasts expect wind to spread moderate fall-out to our border regions"

Valerio sighed as he looked at the screens.

"The world has gone mad and we have to watch. Start evacuating civilians and relocate those who can not move out of cities to shelters. Extend the state of emergency to the entire Western Federation and get me Athens on the line"


With now a state to blame for nuclear strikes the entire Federation was taken to Alert Condition Alpha. Shortly after the Westen Federation did the Eastern Federation would declare a state of emergency and every city in both federations were ordered to commence evacuations. Resistance in the north had to wait, saving the civilians was priority now. The parliament was moved to bunkers in the countryside, the Monarchs and the Council of Magistrate would be taken to the Imperial War Cabinet. The latter was deep enough to offer protection against most nuclear strikes should they come.

Finally 2 messages were send out.

[center][quote][b]Code Black Message - Maximum Encryption[/b]

[left]TO: Hellenic Joint Forces
FROM: Imperial Command

All forces are to prepare for a nuclear war.
State of Emergency has been declared.
The Second Fleet is ordered to head for Cimei Naval Statioin, UFE. Future orders along the way may follow.
The Air Force will fuel all available aircraft and prepare those in storage to cover potential losses.
The Army will mobilize to be deployed to hostile lands on another continent.
This is not a drill.[/quote]

[center][quote][b]Code Black Message - Maximum Encryption[/b]
[left]TO: Submarine Commanders, Hellenic Navy
FROM: Imperial Command

Commence General Order 23.
All Submarines will remain submerged for an indefinite amount of time.
Submarines will surface at fixed times every 7 days for future orders.
Ballistic missile submarines will prepare nuclear weapons for launch.
Maintain stealth at all costs at all times.
This is not a drill.[/quote][/left]
Noone would die from the actual blast however effects from fall-out would become known in the upcoming days. It was expected around 2,000 people suffered from radiation effects. Of these 500 would die in the upcoming months.

Edited by Centurius
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The Departmento Munitorum went into full swing as news of the nuclear attacks against filtered into the war room.

A single message would be declared before England dropped into a state of wartime readiness.

"England stands by its allies in Athens firmly and will back any course of action taken against NON. They have prooved to the world they are no better than the terrorists who initiated the first strike, and should be treated as such.

England has been denied the right to exercise it's justice against Monaco in a court of law infront of an international tribunal.

Any further attacks against England from this point onwards, will be blamed on the NON for further provoking these terrorists by killing their families.

By order of:
The Administratum
The Triumvirate
The Senate
The National Assembly"

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