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GATO Announcement


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Good Evening,
I'll keep it very brief. The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization recently concluded our elections for the next term. The results are as followed:

[b]Assembly Chairman:[/b] TimLee
[b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] Arsenal
[b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b]Vercingetorix
[b]Minister of Defense:[/b] Wootmeister
[b]Minister of Finance:[/b] Kubla Khan

[b][u]39th Congress[/b][/u]
Empress Elizabeth
Esau of Isaac
Laslo Kenez

[center][img] http://rookery9.aviary.com.s3.amazonaws.com/6149000/6149362_61ed.jpg[/img][/center]

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1294074392' post='2562020']
Would've been interesting to see the results if those were all two-person races.

most of the races were actually close.

from what I see, we had about a 25% turn out at the polls. Kindof low, but it was the holidays.

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[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1294074530' post='2562021']
See TimLee, I could have done [i]that[/i], but you told me to go for something more original...

Oh well.
Is this the part where I or someone with a stache yells NOT ACCEPT?

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[quote name='Manis B' timestamp='1294074798' post='2562027']
most of the races were actually close.

from what I see, we had about a 25% turn out at the polls. Kindof low, but it was the holidays.
Yeah, close enough that those third-place candidates might have kept the second-place candidates out of office, depending on the specifics of the race.

Vote-splitting. :gag:

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1294075438' post='2562035']
Yeah, close enough that those third-place candidates might have kept the second-place candidates out of office, depending on the specifics of the race.

Vote-splitting. :gag:

Democracy isn't about binary choices.

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1294075438' post='2562035']
Yeah, close enough that those third-place candidates might have kept the second-place candidates out of office, depending on the specifics of the race.

Vote-splitting. :gag:

our elections are a little more complex than just "pick your favorite" For example - Magic, Greg, and Tim all ran on very different platforms. I see what youre saying from a numbers prospective, but from an issues perspective its really quite a dynamic thing.

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