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CN Awards: process


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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1293573462' post='2556531']
MK sent all their members to vote for themselves in every poll for every award despite what the award was actually for. This skewed the results. The poll results are confidential, but MK members aren't shy about saying they voted for themselves.

ODN wasn't that active in winning this particular poll, but 2-3 years ago, anything that mentioned ODN or another orange alliance saw a huge influx of orange nations voting for ODN and other orange alliances. One of the reasons I stopped paying attention to polls here several years ago was ODN won everything.

I agree that "hack" was the wrong word, but I wasn't sure which one would be more appropriate.
So those other alliances with 500+ members who voted for their alliance still couldn't win? I guess they really didnt' deserve to if they were out voted by a 150~ member alliance.

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The Academy as proposed is way too large to be more than a giant mess.

If you reduced it to 2 per sanctioned alliance and 1 per unsanctioned in the sanction race it might be more manageable, but even that is a lot.

Either way I think a pure vote is better.

Edited by Azaghul
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Dear god, does anyone besides SCY actually care enough about the CN Awards to justify this giant kerfuffle? I've always seen them as a fun little sideshow rather than some totally objective, proportionally weighted, be-all-and-end-all set in stone gospel account of the achievements of the year. Trying to make it so cut and dry is going to suck any remaining interest from the event.

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I don't get why SCY is in charge of this. I mean, sure I appreciate the effort but to mostly ignore the previous poll where the majority wanted the process to stay the same doesn't sit well.

The fact that some people think the awards should be changed because MK was too active and voted for themselves is ridiculous. We had 150 members last year and many of them didn't even vote in these polls. We were a small fraction of the OWF voters.

Keep the process the same, it's what most people wanted.

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It's funny that Fernando thinks because we've got enough active players to actually vote, that somehow an entirely open, democratic process is somehow rigged. I mean really, let's get to the crux of the issue. You just want one of our 26 awards. :smug:

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1293577264' post='2556583']
Or to shake things up, only allow micro-alliances to be on the academy with one rep per alliance :awesome:

The definition of micro i guess would be any alliance not in the sanction race. Thoughts?

I like this idea.


BTW, pink alliaces should get 5 reps :ehm:

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1293604010' post='2557088']
Proposed academy:

Kzoppistan - vice chairman
Ashoka the Great - chairman


What, and no Rebel Virginia?

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1293616667' post='2557200']
What, and no Rebel Virginia?

I doubt he would want to be involved in such a thing...not to mention, the council should contain an odd number of members.

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Really, we don't need an academy; Sir Paul's awards should be a separate affair from these, and he's got academy pretty well covered. And I like what Banksy said:
[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1293572904' post='2556525']
There are 12 sanctioned alliances. 28 non-sanctioned sanction race alliances. Even [i]without[/i] the micros entering, that will mean there are [i]92[/i] representatives. Last year there were 400-440 people voting in the final round of voting (depending on the thread). So all you've done is reduce the pool of voters by 1/4 for 50% of the vote.

By doing this, you have completely removed the entire point of an academy. An academy is supposed to be made up of knowledgeable and impartial people. You've just reduced the number of people who can vote in some sort of quasi-democracy. If you had an actual academy, you would choose ~10 well known people who could be relatively impartial. By choosing these people based on an alliance, all you've done is make it clear that people should vote with their alliance and with their biases, rather than impartially or, shocking as it is, individually like in previous years.[/quote]
Let there be the ordinary CN awards like we've had every year, and the academy awards for those who prefer a more impartial vote less susceptible to vote floods. Both systems have their merits, but when you mix them you just get a mess.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293626946' post='2557254']
Really, we don't need an academy; Sir Paul's awards should be a separate affair from these, and he's got academy pretty well covered. And I like what Banksy said:

Let there be the ordinary CN awards like we've had every year, and the academy awards for those who prefer a more impartial vote less susceptible to vote floods. Both systems have their merits, but when you mix them you just get a mess.

I'm with you. Yes, the system is kinda broken. But only because the whiners can't muster the numbers to beat a 150 member alliance. An OWF poll is based on... -drum rolls - ...OWF activity. Get your members active and you'll easily beat MK "flooding the polls" as you lot so eloquently put it. The solution is pretty easy but yet some of you prefer whining about this and that being biased. You're all ridiculous.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1293573462' post='2556531']
MK sent all their members to vote for themselves in every poll for every award despite what the award was actually for. This skewed the results. The poll results are confidential, but MK members aren't shy about saying they voted for themselves.

ODN wasn't that active in winning this particular poll, but 2-3 years ago, anything that mentioned ODN or another orange alliance saw a huge influx of orange nations voting for ODN and other orange alliances. One of the reasons I stopped paying attention to polls here several years ago was ODN won everything.

I agree that "hack" was the wrong word, but I wasn't sure which one would be more appropriate.

You're just mad because OUT 07-08 was superior to the rest of the game combined.

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