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30k NS Raid Target


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[quote name='CaptainCracker' timestamp='1293578204' post='2556598']
Before more alliances gets their shining armor and high hats on, the said nation is under protection of Darkfall. Protection will last until Sabra(nation owner) is out of tech, or attacks a nation that is not a member of the Darkfall alliance.
If the nation is attacked we will do something about it.
[/quote]Get a protection notice in his bio, more legit then a post on the 10th page of some bawwing owf topic.

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[quote name='CaptainCracker' timestamp='1293581115' post='2556654']
just to make it clear, we don't give a s¤#¤t about morals or schmorals. Sabra is a member of our community, and will continue to be(he's our f-f-f-f-friend). Touching him will mean touching all of us(and not in that nice way, around that certain spot some of you might know off)
Then get him off None and there wouldnt be an argument. If he is a member of your community then fly your communities AA pretty simple solution.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1293582602' post='2556687']
Then get him off None and there wouldnt be an argument. If he is a member of your community then fly your communities AA pretty simple solution.

Simpler solution: You don't raid him.

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[quote name='jammar' timestamp='1293581619' post='2556665']
Get a protection notice in his bio, more legit then a post on the 10th page of some bawwing owf topic.



You can't expect people to know that he is protected, when you are "announcing" his protection like this.

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[quote name='jammar' timestamp='1293581619' post='2556665']
Get a protection notice in his bio

Pretty much the moral of the story here. If you wish to protect an unaligned nation or a one-man AA, get him to put a protection notice in his bio lest he should have an 11 page thread posted about him full of moralists and raiders waving their dicks at each other.

Let this thread serve as a lesson to us all.

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[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1293581145' post='2556655']
Your post (first and last sentences in particular) brings me back to my point earlier of overlooking the attitude and behavior of your friends while bashing the people on the other side for behaving similar. Also, I don't believe I've been "!@#$%* and moaning" so we can skip over that part which brings us to another misunderstanding. Again, I don't believe I've brought up anything about his play style not being valid, I just pointed out how obvious a PR stunt it was. If it's not an attempt at a straw man argument and you're just not addressing me, I request you do so in the future if you're quoting me so I can properly respond.

eh fair enough I was getting a little general and not all directed at you specifically.

I find it hilarious that the raiding crowd will cry bloody murder about their rights being trampled on if somebody tries to stop them from raiding, and never acknowledge that the reverse works just as well, they have to trample someone elses rights to raid. I've accepted long ago that that's just how CN is, but it doesn't stop my point and laugh reflex from kicking in whenever the raiders start crying.

For clarity, all my raiding objections are IC based, OOC I really have no position on the issue. It may or may not drive people away, all the evidence is anecdotal, and goes both ways. I my self got more interested in CN world politics because I was raided early in my life. It dragged me onto my alliance forums and got me involved. Then again we also see plenty of people who rage quit when raided, so who knows?

But this thread, this thread is just hilarious. So much anger, over an issue that was redundant anyway. It turns out darkfall was protecting him in the first place, a fairly logical assumption considering how much cash and tech hes shipping them. People generally object to their cash flow getting jumped.

I've got a consolation prize suggestion.... Tech raid the OP!

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I can't believe how pissed off people can get OOC. It's pretty humorous. I believe I already stated all I needed to say, and Typoninja clearly understands my position on the matter and clarifies that VE knows what this alliance is about. It's also hilarious people think this is a PR attempt when it is obviously going to piss tons of people off.

Well whoop-dee.

This part of his post covers it very well

[quote]I find it hilarious that the raiding crowd will cry bloody murder about their rights being trampled on if somebody tries to stop them from raiding, and never acknowledge that the reverse works just as well, they have to trample someone elses rights to raid. I've accepted long ago that that's just how CN is, but it doesn't stop my point and laugh reflex from kicking in whenever the raiders start crying.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1293591821' post='2556828']
eh fair enough I was getting a little general and not all directed at you specifically.

I find it hilarious that the raiding crowd will cry bloody murder about their rights being trampled on if somebody tries to stop them from raiding, and never acknowledge that the reverse works just as well, they have to trample someone elses rights to raid. I've accepted long ago that that's just how CN is, but it doesn't stop my point and laugh reflex from kicking in whenever the raiders start crying.

For clarity, all my raiding objections are IC based, OOC I really have no position on the issue. It may or may not drive people away, all the evidence is anecdotal, and goes both ways. I my self got more interested in CN world politics because I was raided early in my life. It dragged me onto my alliance forums and got me involved. Then again we also see plenty of people who rage quit when raided, so who knows?

But this thread, this thread is just hilarious. So much anger, over an issue that was redundant anyway. It turns out darkfall was protecting him in the first place, a fairly logical assumption considering how much cash and tech hes shipping them. People generally object to their cash flow getting jumped.

I've got a consolation prize suggestion.... Tech raid the OP!

I can remember countless occasions when raiders (and raiding alliances alike) did things to the cries and bawws from your section of the world (See: CNARF). The only difference between your obnoxious bawwing back then, and the obnoxious bawwing you see now is who has the power. Sure, raiders are still relatively numerous in today's Bob, but lets be realistic; the policies and precedents in place in Cybernations are now firmly set against them. I for one wish that more nations joined this game so that WarriorConcept's posturing and grandstanding didn't get rewarded by such anger but this is the world that has been built around me, because I haven't had enough power to change it and we all have to live with what we've been given now.

Also, I'm not sure if "Hey, we were protecting him but never posted it and he has nothing in his bio" really means the discussion beforehand was "redundant" because that standard of proof would be unacceptable to any Raiding alliance leader who they brought it to. The raid may stop there, but Darkfall's inability to post their own protection shows that this nation really couldn't have been all that important. As for the initial protection, I've already outlined my thoughts on that and it hasn't changed.

[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293596544' post='2556902']
[b]It's also hilarious people think this is a PR attempt when it is obviously going to piss tons of people off.[/b]

That made my point for me.

Edited by Balder
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[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1293597402' post='2556915']
I can remember countless occasions when raiders (and raiding alliances alike) did things to the cries and bawws from your section of the world (See: CNARF). The only difference between your obnoxious bawwing back then, and the obnoxious bawwing you see now is who has the power. Sure, raiders are still relatively numerous in today's Bob, but lets be realistic; the policies and precedents in place in Cybernations are now firmly set against them.


Yes raiders were totally cool for doing mass raids. That definitely made them very "cool". You should really not forget we're in the OOC section here as well. OOC I could care less since this is a game, IC I'm playing the game the way I want to play it and you know what, it's helping me enjoy CN instead of !@#$%*ing about it like most people do here every single day.

And truth be told, on a personal level I do really dislike tech raiders who only talk crap from being able to smack down a smaller nation by teaming up with 2 others and don't have the balls to actually challenge a similar nation to a 1v1 match. If I can help some people out then I will try to, it's not for PR or anything but because I actually do enjoying helping people when I can. I know people will twist try to twist that to make it seem like posturing or going for even more PR, but whatever, that's just my position.

Edited by WarriorConcept
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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293604423' post='2557096']
Yes raiders were totally cool for doing mass raids. That definitely made them very "cool". You should really not forget we're in the OOC section here as well. OOC I could care less since this is a game, IC I'm playing the game the way I want to play it and you know what, it's helping me enjoy CN instead of !@#$%*ing about it like most people do here every single day.

And truth be told, on a personal level I do really dislike tech raiders who only talk crap from being able to smack down a smaller nation by teaming up with 2 others and don't have the balls to actually challenge a similar nation to a 1v1 match. If I can help some people out then I will try to, it's not for PR or anything but because I actually do enjoying helping people when I can. I know people will twist try to twist that to make it seem like posturing or going for even more PR, but whatever, that's just my position.

After all the high fives you used to get from the raiding communities, I wondered if the service you performed was an almost pro-raiding deal (getting rulers to peace out faster so the attacker can move on to others). I'm glad to see I was wrong. If you need any help, let me know.

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The funniest part of this thread were all the people going "I'd raid him if I could" and "oh, he doesn't have raid protection in his bio, he's so dead, everyone is going to raid him now". But he's still sitting there happily with nobody raiding him.

Edited by MrMuz
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