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New Polar Order Announcement


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I am Sartorius. I used to be a Member of the New Polar Order but now I am getting attacked for being a spy. I did leak information, but I was commanded to do so by my direct superior. Whatever after my first 60 days in this game I found out, that being hated by a group mindles followners who would never question their Emperor is much more fun than anything else I have done in the last 60 days. (For Polar I hunted ghosts :gag: )

Well, I am sentenced to ZI. Although this is my first post, I have seen other people coming on these boards crying about the same treatment. This is [i]not[/i] what I want to do.

In Polar they taught me to fight hard. I don't want to win. I don't want to save my infrastructure - but I want to piss them off.

1. Thanks Polar for sending me all that money - and no you will not get the 150 tech in return! If I were the Polar nation attacking me, I'd be pretty pissed off knowing that the Cruise Missile is financed by my own alliance. Just Saying.

2. Yes Polar, I am a noob for buying infrastructure during a war. The reason I am buying infrastructure is because my "punishment" is ZI. I don't want to get ZIed, because that would mean, that you cease the attacks on my nation - thus I am buying infrastructure. Of course, this is very costy, and I'd stop immediately if you promise to keep on with the attacks.

3. I received a message with codes and img tags (etc.) and was given the link to the CnTel Forums. I didn't even know what these Forums are prior posting. I of course monitored what happened and realized pretty quickly it's a "save heaven for spies". Well for $%&@s sake it's not. It leaks not only screenshots but also IP - Adresses. If you are a spy and in the New Polar Order, don't post there. Post here :D

4. I am a "convicted spy" so I actually want to commit that crime in order to feel guilty. I don't care whether these screenshots are imortant or not, but maybe some of you can do something with it. I am sure some Members of said alliance play the game with 2, 3 or even 4 faces. If you want an honest friend - I'd go elsewhere.

I think this one is classy. They really make you believe it's true when you join them.

Other people are "more realistic"

And again other people have very smart plans!

Also, interesting arguments about people who discuss the New Polar Order:

Here is the mindless followner I was talking about:

This one is cool, too:

And mompson is our king - making a graphic shooting both - MK and TOP. I bet 50 tech that it happens the other way round.

about the recent situation:

This one is my favourite: UUUH WE CANCEL A TREATY BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE UUUUH kindergarten, much??
severe consequences, please.

And Nueva Vida, please don't regret your decision. It was the right one:

Oh and why you shouldn't leak on CnTel anymore :D

4. NOW you can be mad at me! Oh and don't say I haven't warned you:
To: Wraith From: Sartorius Date: 12/21/2010 6:35:17 PM

Subject: Peace
Message: Hi Peasant of Random,

I don't want to be mean - I mean fooling the big nations into tech deals and thus financing wars against you with your alliance comrades money is mean already. But surprise, I have the next dark and mean plan set up to go. Tell the Emperor greets, and he has 24 hours to declare peace. Otherwise I'll help to make his government more transparent! I think I like the evil side, and being mean makes much more fun than following without questioning.


I mean, it was an attempt worth it. I knew that you won't accept. But your answer...come on

To: Sartorius From: Wraith Date: 12/21/2010 8:11:44 PM

Subject: RE: Peace
Message: You honestly don't know who I am, do you? No, there will be no peace. There will be no peace until the Emperor has mercy on you or your nation is a smoking pile of pixels.

For an outside that sounds like you are part of some evil cult. Don't take the game sooo serious. It's laughable.

Edited by Ordinator
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Most of this tends to go on within most alliance communities, but not announcing the NV downgrade is something that I'm surprised that NV went along with.

Edit: Until it showed up on the Wiki, anyway.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1293019504' post='2549862']
Most of this tends to go on within most alliance communities, but not announcing the NV downgrade is something that I'm surprised that NV went along with.
Ermm...clarification, it was our call and we normally dont post treaty cancelations and downgrades on the OWF......

@ OP

Big blunder mate.....but i like the Nueva Pussie screenshot :wub:

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[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1293020402' post='2549877']

For the ones to lazy to do it them-self.
How did you get the 6842 number? That was the only bit I was stuck on.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1293020934' post='2549883']
How did you get the 6842 number? That was the only bit I was stuck on.
Go to the URL the OP linked (http://img696.imageshack.us/i/randomcntel1.gif/) and then the Direct link is found to the right.

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I didn't have much use for this post until I read the part about Alfred being a mindless follower. Having spent years with the guy in RoK's foxhole, he's anything but that. Enjoy the ride down to ZI.

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[quote name='Vladimir' timestamp='1293026495' post='2549936']
Weakest log/screenshot dump we've seen here in a while. If anything such things paint a positive picture of the alliance you are targeting, since they're clearly up to nothing worse than some minor foreign affairs banter.

If anything it makes them look better for getting this idiot out of their alliance lol

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