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A New Chapter for Purple


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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1292194962' post='2537672']
Locke, RePePe, can we keep this to about the current inhabitants of Purple?
If you 2 wish to have a discussion take it somewhere else, if either of you feel you need some gaps filled in, come and find me.
Thank You
Blame Buds. :P

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None taken WANA, but I think you are comparing apples and oranges there. NPO dominates RED sphere still simply by weight of numbers. Purple has far more diverse groups and no one giant power like NPO, so you can't expect the same sort of agreements to arise out of different circumstances.

I'm also one of those people who didn't like the ODP going, but it was clear it was never going to fly. Now we can focus on building better economies and relations without that stumbling block in the way. Kudos to all those who put the efforts in to make this happen, I know I didn't do anything to deserve having my name on this treaty. -_-

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1292191591' post='2537622']
We are friendly with some. Some others we will not hesitate to rip apart if necessary though. I hope this clears things up.

Oh baby, rip us! :awesome: Seriously though, iFOK are growing on me and they seem to be a pretty cool group, they have proven to be working in the interest of the sphere just by coming to the table with PoP. Props to them.

PEACE is dead. Simple. This is not about colour "unity" - this is about colour prosperity, mostly through economic cooperation. Something we have been doing for sometime with our neighbours, something we will continue to do with PoP and non pop members.

I wish all alliances luck and look forward to working with you all.

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I drank the kool-aid over on purple for a long time and I used to be heavily into all that "Purple Unity" stuff, but as I got more involved I found that it was all just a bunch of people arguing along with a couple of people I got along with really well (Hi Dera, remember when we used to be on purple?) and some people I enjoyed talking to more often than not even though we had political differences (What's up Locke?). It's nice to see that this pact doesn't have any illusions about that. So yay for that I guess. I'm interested in seeing how 'apolitical' everyone can actually keep this. Other than that, my reaction stops at "Hey, you made an economic bloc. [url="http://nedroid.com/2009/09/acknowledged/"]How 'bout that.[/url]"

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Eco-blocs aren't the easiest to keep alive, but its good to see the sixth ranked team being proactive in keeping their numbers up.
[quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1292197434' post='2537721']
I drank the kool-aid over on purple for a long time and I used to be heavily into all that "Purple Unity" stuff, but as I got more involved I found that it was all just a bunch of people arguing along with a couple of people I got along with really well (Hi Dera, remember when we used to be on purple?) and some people I enjoyed talking to more often than not even though we had political differences (What's up Locke?). It's nice to see that this pact doesn't have any illusions about that. So yay for that I guess. I'm interested in seeing how 'apolitical' everyone can actually keep this. Other than that, my reaction stops at "Hey, you made an economic bloc. [url="http://nedroid.com/2009/09/acknowledged/"]How 'bout that.[/url]"

That comic is made of win :D

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292193653' post='2537647']
Am I mistaken, or isn't your PIAT with Invicta still active? If so, this is hardly the place to be throwing insults.
It's been gone for a while.

[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292193653' post='2537647']
And since purple started to turn nasty around when I left, I will take full responsibility for the occurrence; the love is gone because Locke is gone. :awesome:
Yes, this is probably true. :awesome:

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I'm glad to see this up and running.

The fact is that most of the "binding" portions of this treaty were already part of our individual alliance's mindset and rules for example "don't poison the well by raiding your home sphere". The important point behind all of us coming together to sign this is to show the world that although we may not be one big happy family we can respect each other and not play petty games. I don't expect iFOK to invite SNAFU over to Festivus dinner but there's no reason we can't work together on a trade circle and perhaps share a joke around the water cooler of the new PoP headquarters.

That being said, even those purple nations who are not members of signatory alliances should visit our centralized trade and economic forums, [url=http://www.prosperityonpurple.webege.com/smf_1-1-11_install/index.php]PoP[/url] and see that there's still plenty of love to go around on the purple sphere.

Edited by Stetson
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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292193653' post='2537647']
Opposite side? There was never any need for "opposite sides" on purple. If you felt "pinned down" for not being able to declare on the rest of purple, purple wasn't for you.

Am I mistaken, or isn't your PIAT with Invicta still active? If so, this is hardly the place to be throwing insults.

That said, I'm not in the least surprised, given the way purple turned since I left. Haf is quite correct in his likening of purple to white. I know how dedicated Invicta was to purple unity, so you all must have $%&@ed up something awful to make them consider moving. Guess "Purple is for lovers" doesn't really apply anymore, eh?

And since purple started to turn nasty around when I left, I will take full responsibility for the occurrence; the love is gone because Locke is gone. :awesome:

Oh lord catch up a bit Locke.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1292250739' post='2538438']
Oh lord catch up a bit Locke.
Oh, I'm quite caught up. If I wasn't, you'd be hearing nicer things from me. I'm aware Purple Unity isn't working on purple anymore; I'm also aware that you all $%&@ed up a perfectly good thing with bickering and mudslinging. This little treaty signifies that you're less committed to solving issues and more interested in putting a band-aid over it. You basically validated all the jeering and insults we put up with. There were little cracks here and there before I left, but now some of you seem to downright hate each other. If you'd all stop being children for five seconds and work out problems the way you'd strived so hard for in the past, you wouldn't be having this issue now.

May as well just put Purple Unity out of its misery now and stop the charades.

Edited by Locke
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Sounds bitter Locke...
PEACE was a beautiful project that worked for a time and then had to change, considering all the different aims its members had. PoP is honnest in its goal and tries to reach it. We are aware of our differences, we just want a stable and prosperous sphere. I dont see the need for comments..
As for Invicta, they left for its reasons and I think we had nothing to do about that (and we dont have that PIAT now btw).

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292252067' post='2538445']
Oh, I'm quite caught up. If I wasn't, you'd be hearing nicer things from me. I'm aware Purple Unity isn't working on purple anymore; I'm also aware that you all $%&@ed up a perfectly good thing with bickering and mudslinging. This little treaty signifies that you're less committed to solving issues and more interested in putting a band-aid over it. You basically validated all the jeering and insults we put up with. There were little cracks here and there before I left, but now some of you seem to downright hate each other. If you'd all stop being children for five seconds and work out problems the way you'd strived so hard for in the past, you wouldn't be having this issue now.

May as well just put Purple Unity out of its misery now and stop the charades.

Look dude you left when times got rocky, Why can't you step back and say ? " Hey cool good luck and congrats on working your tail off with what was left." Purple Unity WAS in bad shape, that is why NAC left ,we wanted a place where petty fights and disagreements where not took to OWF. It looks like it has taken shape and things are working out a little better these days. Dont complain when you are not there to fix it (I don't) It is great to see my old friends on Purple doing what it takes. Find another place to complain because this just makes you and me look bad.

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[quote name='Seipher Caim' timestamp='1292252916' post='2538447']
As for Invicta, they left for its reasons and I think we had nothing to do about that (and we dont have that PIAT now btw).
Your actions were directly connected to some of the reasons we left. Not sure, maybe you just don't know.

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[quote name='shavar' timestamp='1292253808' post='2538453']
Look dude you left when times got rocky, Why can't you step back and say ? " Hey cool good luck and congrats on working your tail off with what was left." Purple Unity WAS in bad shape, that is why NAC left ,we wanted a place where petty fights and disagreements where not took to OWF. It looks like it has taken shape and things are working out a little better these days. Dont complain when you are not there to fix it (I don't) It is great to see my old friends on Purple doing what it takes. Find another place to complain because this just makes you and me look bad.
It's not like I left because purple was going to hell in a handbasket; I had my own reasons that had nothing to do with purple (wanted to join a start-up alliance with friends and get away from big politics). And really, with the state Purple Unity (the concept mind you, not PEACE) is in today, I doubt I could have done a damn thing. I'll wager I wouldn't have been the only voice of reason there. Purple Unity would take cooperation and effort by all parties involved, and apparently they didn't care to do so any longer. Like I said:
[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292193653' post='2537647']Opposite side? There was never any need for "opposite sides" on purple. If you felt "pinned down" for not being able to declare on the rest of purple, purple wasn't for you...Guess "Purple is for lovers" doesn't really apply anymore, eh?[/quote][quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292252067' post='2538445']I'm also aware that you all $%&@ed up a perfectly good thing with bickering and mudslinging. This little treaty signifies that you're less committed to solving issues and more interested in putting a band-aid over it. You basically validated all the jeering and insults we put up with. There were little cracks here and there before I left, but now some of you seem to downright hate each other. If you'd all stop being children for five seconds and work out problems the way you'd strived so hard for in the past, you wouldn't be having this issue now.[/quote]
They aren't doing what it takes to fix things because this doesn't fix anything. "We may want to bash each others' brains in, but at least we can come together to get some trades working, right?" That's not the mindset of a healthy sphere. A lot of people don't see sphere politics as worthwhile, but they can be if you actually get something good going. This, on the other hand, is about as useful as Blunity in terms of working sphere politics, a mockery to the name. They'd be better off just not trying at all rather than spitting on the good name of what they used to have.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292252067' post='2538445']
Oh, I'm quite caught up. If I wasn't, you'd be hearing nicer things from me. I'm aware Purple Unity isn't working on purple anymore; I'm also aware that you all $%&@ed up a perfectly good thing with bickering and mudslinging. This little treaty signifies that you're less committed to solving issues and more interested in putting a band-aid over it. You basically validated all the jeering and insults we put up with. There were little cracks here and there before I left, but now some of you seem to downright hate each other. If you'd all stop being children for five seconds and work out problems the way you'd strived so hard for in the past, you wouldn't be having this issue now.

May as well just put Purple Unity out of its misery now and stop the charades.
No one is claiming Purple Unity Locke we are taking steps to further stabilize the sphere. Apparently you dont know both sides to the story but hey
snipe from the peanut gallery when in reality you dont know !@#$. If you look at POP youll notice IFOKs signature on it. That is a huge step all things considered from a year ago. Politically we arent in the same sphere as they are, yet IFOK and others on Purple were willing to reach across boundries to ensure things stayed cool on purple. It is possible to see purple on purple wars but a level of respect will be maintained during such conflicts and if that doesnt say something then you are blind. Hell Legion is signed there after they screwed people who were loyal to them by dropping them for some supposedly unsigned treaty. Yet you see their signatures on here as well. No we dont all get along and its not all unicorns and rainbows but those of us that have signed see potential and shall strive to see it utilized to its fullest extent.
[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1292254062' post='2538457']
Your actions were directly connected to some of the reasons we left. Not sure, maybe you just don't know.
Yep because we didnt kiss your ass and we told you how it was. See I can do that with BAPS OLYMPUS and even IFOK and they dont get all butt hurt and take their ball and run home. If we are to be succuessfull honesty is key and we understand were not perfect but were willing to work with that Invicta on the other hand was not. So please try and accept that you all screwed up as well instead of pointing damn fingers. I know I was pretty happy not having to deal with you anymore but on the other hand I was willing to continue to work with you regardless.

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