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A Nutty North Korean Announcement


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Greeting. It has been long time since last announcement written by Park Hwang-Bo. No worry! I return to bless you with my excellence England, which I study in great earnest at Kim Jong-Il School for Mental Retard. Before I continue with announce, Kim Jong-Il has decide to allow you access to top secret document that outline true facts about North Korea.

[center][img] http://www.metergallery.com/photos/watan_ideo_band_4.jpg[/img][/center]

Think North Korea is strict and regimented? The band above is North Korea's most rowdy girl band, called "Loyal Women for the Purpose of Spreading Musical Benefits to the Glory of Kim Jong-Il". The play such upbeat numbers as "Song of Praise of Kim Jong-Il" and "Song of Adulation of Kim Jong-Il" and even "Song of Exaltation of Kim Jong-Il". Their music has been condemned by older North Koreans as "controversial" and "not enough praise". See? North Korea isn't as authoritarian as you thought.


Our school uniforms are very important. We did much research in many informative documentaries, such as Sailor Moon, to decide their design.
Furthermore, we have the most advanced technology. The students here are writing a report on whether Kim Jong-Il is as good looking as Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or Jessica Alba. But that student in the back was playing "Pop Pamela's Boobs" on Armor Games, and had his screen covered with wrapping paper. We don't tolerate misbehaviour in North Korea.


North Korea boasts many victories in international sports.

We have won the FIFA World Cup 267 years in a row, and we have won all the Gold medals in the Olympic games since it was first started in North Korea.

The woman above, Kim Nam-Chow, is fighting to get the ball from the visibly weaker and more stupid Frenchwoman on the left. This is because if she loses the game, she'll get her balls cut off. We call this motivational strategy, the "Win the game or you'll get your balls cut off" strategy.

As you can see, North Korea is the leader in education, sports and music. Despite our obvious superiority in all of these fields, Kim Jong-Il has noted more success. North Korea has always struggled with having too many loyal Communists whose NS has been crushed by American imperialists. Now, we are proud to enjoy an Average NS of 15,000.
"That is not a milestone," you may say. "Ours is far higher."
To which I reply, "Is your alliance constantly under threat from foreign devils? No? Didn't think so."

So we all demand your congratulations and praise.

That's all, everyone. And remember,


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