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SkyNet and you, A possible future scenario for your Alliance

New Reverie

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This system is intriguing, nice name too. I do love the fruits of labor being successful. I hear you on that part indeed as I work with forums and among other things on the internet to help folks out. Nice features you have here. I was wondering if it would be possible to try out this system of yours? I do love testing things. Hope to hear from you in the near future.

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I'm not sure since I never used it (I did hear of it) but isn't this [i]basically[/i] NORAD 2.0 ?

Nonetheless, it looks great and I would love to play around with it. Good work.

Edited by KingEd
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Read the original post, and that along with the addition of the screen caps, I must say, I am more than impressed. Quality work at it's finest. Can't stress that enough. As Centurius has said, This looks like a damn fine fit for Nueva Vida. I know we would be interested in having a more in depth conversation with you.

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64Digits is tiny, but our origins are as programmers. What we need right now more than anything is someone who can help recruit, but I don't think your system will be out of place in an alliance like us. It would probably be easy to find assistance for this project if desired, we do have many skilled programmers even with our microscopic numbers.

Yeah, I can't really say much here that can make up for the fact that we are tiny, and our forums are basically a desert right now. I'm looking for people who want to help change that, but I'm not going to lie about our current state. Logistics for us is not the biggest issue at the moment, but I can at least promise you that you will be kept busy if you are looking to help in other departments as well. I do know that once this alliance gets going, your system will not be put to waste.

So, yeah. I don't really expect you to take up this offer from this nobody alliance over here in the corner, but there's no reason I shouldn't post this here and hope for the off chance that it might actually go somewhere.

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[quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1291083168' post='2526191']
I knew I'd seen it before. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=14295&hl=skynet&st=0

I assume admin said it was cool. And by cool I mean legal. Because legal or illegal it's pretty sweet.
That topic is the source of one of my favorite quotes of all time:
[quote name='Doitzel' post='390360' date='Feb 12 2008, 2:20 PM']You are a liar and an instigator, L33t_G33k. It is truly a pity that you cannot muster up the dignity to leave without releasing private NPO information or collectively insulting the whole of the Order.

Enjoy the afterlife.[/quote]

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1291081351' post='2526163']
Curious, is the purpose of skynet to let you control an alliance and learn all about them bank info war info etc and then like in the movie have skynet turn on the original users to help wipe them out? Or do you just realllly like that name?

I had the same thoughts. Regardless, it does look awesome and if it does what you say it does then it would be an asset to the alliance that ends up with dibs. Good luck on further development.

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I hail from The German Empire and to the extent of my knowledge I have never heard of this before. We in TGE would love to work with you on this project and be taught how it works. I think this could be the start of something groundbreaking New Reverie.
Check us out at www.thegermanempire.net I seriously hope you will consider us. Our other leadership has been informed and seemed very excited about the prospect of Skynet.

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I'll play the role of the un-informed and under-educated man, here. I play Cyber Nations and use the functions the game provides me. I am on a level playing ground with everyone else, as far as actual game mechanics are concerned. Then SkyNet is introduced. This appears to be basically a game add-on. Those using it properly, it would seem, would have a significant advantage over those who do not. Given that it's not available for all to use or upgrade to, this has the potential to shift the balance of power in the game. Don't take that as a compliment. SkyNet can have long term serious repercussions on the game, itself. Don't get me wrong, it looks fantastic. Looks like the type of addition many of us would have loved to have seen from admin. But, a program this significant built into the game and becoming part of the game itself, yet not readily available to anyone who would like to use it is wrong and would drive away players. I don't understand how admin could or would support this without it being available to all.

If I'm misunderstanding, someone please explain it a little more clearly. I can't see how this is any different than admin, himself, adding something to the game and saying only alliances x, y, and z can use it. Not sure I'd continue to play under those circumstances. Again, it looks great and I would love to see it tested and made public, with confirmation of admin's approval. Otherwise, I'd like to see SkyNet shut down. I'll send my son from the future to shut it down if that's what it takes....

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New Reverie, we peaked in different eras, so I doubt you know me, but I know you and your work. It will be good to see a return of a mind like yours; I hope you aren't teasing us again ;)

I think any alliance can benefit from SkyNet, and I know every alliance with any vision wants SkyNet. For me, the question is of practicality. Cult of Justitia, for example, is comprised of 28 nations, mostly large and nuclear. I would be tickled pink to have access, but simply put, would it be wasted on such a small organization? In your opinion, what is SkyNet's best application environment?

[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1291086557' post='2526234']
Anyway, how can assure us you arent gathering information for NPO or something of the sorts?

Read the OP, NPO already has a system like this implemented. NPO used SkyNet until just short of the Karma war at which time they upgraded or replaced SkyNet and started running [a program that I will refrain from naming]. New Reverie had been a [i]persona non grata[/i] at NPO for almost two years by that time, so any upgrades to SkyNet or replacement for SkyNet was done without New Reverie.

In short, this is not a plot. NPO doesn't need New Reverie to trick you all into handing over your alliance information, they already have it.

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