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SkyNet and you, A possible future scenario for your Alliance

New Reverie

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I don't exactly know how skynet works, but I'm assuming it works in the following way: Milcom inputs targets in the system after which members request targets and attack those.

Is this on a basic level correct?

It does look fancy btw.

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[quote name='New Reverie' timestamp='1291110037' post='2526453']
there are formulas for how skynet assigns targets based on a number of factors. This ranges from number of wars the enemy is in, staggering, tech, infra, and other variables.

Personally I don't really like this.
IMO it is a good system for assigning targets for the NPO of 2007, however we now live in 2010 and target assignments should be based on availability of the attacker the number of attackers available and other factors that would be difficult to model in an algorithm.
An alliance should use Skynet as a decision support tool instead of an operational tool it is presented here.

I'm not saying this is awful, but in the WotC MK proved the side with the best assignments could do some serious damage instead of the side with just the most nations.

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Thaone has a point, but I'm going to reserve judgment one way or the other until I've had a chance to see it up close. A brief functionality sketch with a couple of screenshots is unlikely to deliver a fleshed out picture. I will say, though, I thought some of your answers were doubleplusgood and I'm sort of rooting for it to be as awesome as advertised simply because now I'm invested and want to see you succeed.

It admittedly helps that in the interim since my last post it occurred to me that I have a couple of projects on the table right now for which you would very likely prove to be a strong asset to the team. I'm a lot more open to the idea of giving somebody a job when I realize I have one available, and I did like your answer to the "bribing your way into a position" question. It doesn't hurt that it was our Head of IA pestering me about you, so I suppose it wouldn't be all that problematic to get you an official position with regard to managing SkyNet if we wound up being a decent fit for each other.

Anyway, I'm open to the idea but I still need to see what this does firsthand and would prefer some level of personal interaction with you at some point. You obviously want someplace that will be comfortable for you where you can work with people and of course we'd like the same type of compatibility with anyone we would work with, so I would very much like to have a chat at some point just to see how it goes.

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Greetings, New Reverie,

I cant offer you a spot in any big, powerful alliance, but a spot in a small agile one instead. You either like that or you dont, I guess. But talk to me if you are interested. I think the potential of your system would largely be wasted in the more conventional setting, as would your impressive resumé.

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Nice to see you around again New Reverie ;)

Also if you're looking for an active alliance I can't think in a best option for you than Polaris for various reasons of of them being that we use the "1984" theme.

Edited by D34th
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Hello NR,

The Ninja's are a closed membership alliance, so unfortunately I can not directly invite you to join us. I understand you must have many offers for leadership positions, and membership alike, so I will simply say if you would like more information on membership with The Ninjas, just send me a PM.

Regardless, it looks like you have some great work here. I have been trying to model a similar project, but more for economic efficiency, and not war targets. There are a few economic strategies I would like to test out in skynet, and see its capabilities.

Please let me know when you arrange the test drives as I would like to see what skynet can do.


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Well I can say MCXA is an alliance where a person with a lot of talent can make an immediate impact. I would love to have myself and some other gov of MCXA try this thing out. We have member who is can do grease monkey scripts, and I won't lie, he may make his own version of skynet.

Edit: Honestly though, if you want to make as big an impact as possible join GATO, get it going there, and then you could probably spread this to all of Synergy.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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Though we have a general policy of not recruiting, TOP does sound a lot like the alliance you're looking for. I doubt I need to tell you about our military and economic prowess over the last 4-5 years. We also have an active and loyal community here. I think you'd fit in well.

Glad to see you back in the game again, NR. Hope you've been well.

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The alliances begging you to join because you have an awesome program are just silly. Having said that. I'll buy the warchest info of the alliances who are gonna use SkyNet, I'm positive it will record that.

You can contact me to discuss a suitable price for such information.

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[quote name='New Reverie' timestamp='1291080623' post='2526147']
[size="5"]Update: Answers to questions and comments will be appended to this OP to aid in organizing information.[/size]

When I joined TOP I found it interesting that while we possessed higher-than-average committed long-term intelligent players, we didn't have the type of technological aids that many other alliances have built for themselves . . . It would be interesting to see the type of power TOP could be generated by your program. . . you are welcome to [url="http://ordoparadox.com/top/index.php"]apply[/url].

What you'll get? A membership to one of the elitist group of thinkers and nationbuilders in the game. A chance to run for one of the perennially cycling positions in a democratic system that values active and intelligent contributors. The type of respect you deserve. Active and intelligent forum interaction from long-term adult players of this game, and a chance to make friends from among members who hail from six continents.

And this smiley: [img]http://ordoparadox.com/top/public/style_emoticons/default/mr_burns.gif[/img] which we apply liberally in multiple situations.

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First and foremost I would like to say welcome back. I doubt you know me, as I am a new face to the game, as is my alliance, for the most part, World Federation.

We are currently the 27th largest alliance (based on score) that is on the verge of passing Nueva Vida in both score and total strength despite being founded well-after you downgraded the amount of time you have spent in the public light. We have excelled on all fronts, from recruiting to foreign affairs to growth (going from 10k avg NS to 30k avg NS in a year). Not to mention we [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2506930]beat out[/url] 177 other alliances in the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2485740]2010 nuclear armament race[/url] when we were criticized for our low nuke count for our size. A testament to the fact that our community can and will rally against any threat or critic.

But that is not why you want to join World Federation, you want us for the reason we were able to achieve all of this. The community. Off the top of my head I can easily name half of the alliance, and I am just a member. I am sure our government can do much better.

One critic some may have of World Federation is that we are isolationist treaty wise, but I assure you that is not the case. We are methodical in our perfection, and we are upon the verge of stepping onto the World Stage in a big way, and we [u]will[/u] be [b]the[/b] alliance.

If you want to become part of something great, [url=http://worldfed.net/index.php?id=apply]click[/url].

Based on the comments in this thread, I believe the strongest contenders for you at this time are the Random Insanity Alliance, Mushroom Kingdom, Nueva Vida, and The Order of the Paradox. While they are all great alliances, I assure you World Federation is a better fit for you.

The Random Insanity Alliance is inactive as shown by the fact that their [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=World%20Federation&anyallexact=exact]member has spied[/url] on one of our government members. Because they are an ally of our ally, VE, we were benevolent. They have taken over 100 hours at this point for their government to get back to us as an testament to their inactivity.

Mushroom Kingdom has already blown you off as you seem to imply in the OP.

Nueva Vida has regrettably become inactive. While I have no facts to link you too, I get this information from [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=286001]a member[/url] of World Federation that used to be a part of Nueva Vida. He left because of their inactivity.

The Order of the Paradox already has a system similar to yours in place. After you have put so much hard work into the system, why would you allow it to go unused?

If you do not choose World Federation, I understand, and I wish you the best of luck wherever you end up. Are there any questions you have about World Federation at this time?

Edited by Jay Z
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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1291146110' post='2526656']
First and foremost I would like to say welcome back. I doubt you know me, as I am a new face to the game, as is my alliance, for the most part, World Federation.

We are currently the 27th largest alliance (based on score) that is on the verge of passing Nueva Vida in both score and total strength despite being founded well-after you downgraded the amount of time you have spent in the public light. We have excelled on all fronts, from recruiting to foreign affairs to growth (going from 10k avg NS to 30k avg NS in a year). Not to mention we [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2506930]beat out[/url] 177 other alliances in the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2485740]2010 nuclear armament race[/url] when we were criticized for our low nuke count for our size. A testament to the fact that our community can and will rally against any threat or critic.

But that is not why you want to join World Federation, you want us for the reason we were able to achieve all of this. The community. Off the top of my head I can easily name half of the alliance, and I am just a member. I am sure our government can do much better.

One critic some may have of World Federation is that we are isolationist treaty wise, but I assure you that is not the case. We are methodical in our perfection, and we are upon the verge of stepping onto the World Stage in a big way, and we [u]will[/u] be [b]the[/b] alliance.

If you want to become part of something great, [url=http://worldfed.net/index.php?id=apply]click[/url].

Based on the comments in this thread, I believe the strongest contenders for you at this time are the Random Insanity Alliance, Mushroom Kingdom, Nueva Vida, and The Order of the Paradox. While they are all great alliances, I assure you World Federation is a better fit for you.

The Random Insanity Alliance is inactive as shown by the fact that their [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=World%20Federation&anyallexact=exact]member has spied[/url] on one of our government members. Because they are an ally of our ally, VE, we were benevolent. They have taken over 100 hours at this point for their government to get back to us as an testament to their inactivity.

Mushroom Kingdom has already blown you off as you seem to imply in the OP.

Nueva Vida has regrettably become inactive. While I have no facts to link you too, I get this information from [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=286001]a member[/url] of World Federation that used to be a part of Nueva Vida. He left because of their inactivity.

The Order of the Paradox already has a system similar to yours in place. After you have put so much hard work into the system, why would you allow it to go unused?

If you do not choose World Federation, I understand, and I wish you the best of luck wherever you end up. Are there any questions you have about World Federation at this time?
This post is hilarious on so many levels; mudslinging at its finest.

For that matter, the only spying I see in relation to RIA in that link is [i]by[/i] wF, not against. [IMG]http://imgur.com/PYU3Q.gif[/IMG]

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1291146523' post='2526659']
This post is hilarious on so many levels; mudslinging at its finest.

For that matter, the only spying I see in relation to RIA in that link is [i]by[/i] wF, not against. [IMG]http://imgur.com/PYU3Q.gif[/IMG]

I left out some details. It was [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=238964]this nation[/url] that spied on wF, RIA then accepted him to their alliance, something they have not confirmed but we can see he has a full membership mask on their forums.

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1291146895' post='2526664']
You're trying to hard Jay Z.

100% or nothing :awesome:

Edit: I [OOC]just got online for the day and[/OOC] may not be up to date on the RIA situation, for this reason and other obvious ones, I do not want to continue discussing this in this thread. PM me if you want to discuss it.

Edited by Jay Z
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