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A The Foreign Division™ Announcement


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Good day Planet Bob,

It has come to our attention that some people are not aware who our government is or who to contact. Worry not, that will be corrected!

Recently we had elections and our current Senate and Magistrate set up is the following:

[center]Speaker [color=blue]Barkeaters[/color]
Senator Basileus
Senator Eivind the Great
Senator [color=blue]Lusitan[/color]
Senator TheIggy[/center]

[center]Magistrate [color=blue]Duncan King[/color]
Magistrate Phil[/center]

The Senate also appointed the following Ministers for alliance government:

[center]Minister of Foreign Affairs [color=blue]GearHead[/color]
Minister of Security ZeroSoldier
Minister of Alliance Development Sherman[/center]

In regards to who to contact, the people in Blue should be available in case you have any diplomatic concern to expose. Also, SupremePrince will be available as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Now onto serious business.

This last week TFD has crossed the 5 million NS milestone. This is a very important milestone in a large number of ways.

Let's see, at the end of BiPolar war for us, the day before our 3rd birthday, TFD held the following numbers:

[*] 119 members
[*] 2,411,553 Nation Strength
[*] 403,826 Infrastructure
[*] 156,130 Technology
[*] 269 Nukes
[*] 9.55 Score

Indeed, we were in a pretty poor shape after the treatment Ragnarok and Umbrella (especially Umbrella :P) among 8 alliances applied to us.

But that only strengthened our resolve to rebuild and rebuild better. And as such it is with great happiness we announce that, 9 months later, these are our stats:


There's a slight difference there I bet :P Congratulations to our Alliance Development people for that :)

With that, I'll wrap it up by inviting everybody to our forums to hang out. We're always looking for new friends, and would love to see some new diplomats visiting our community forums and keeping in touch in their Consulates. :)

Oh, actually, I lied. I'm not done. To finish off our announcement, I'd like to open up the floor for the entire community to ask questions about The Division. Come one, come all, we'll do our best to answer anything. :) This is the first time we've done it, and we don't plan to make it a regular occurrence, so don't miss out on the opportunity. Don't be shy! :blush:

Edited by GearHead
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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1290188601' post='2517491']
Nice job TFD. :) o/ That is indeed some impressive growth.

For those who don't know, GearHead and I go way back. :awesome:

[OOC: BTW, he loves Australia because he lives there atm, or at least he did live there :P]

[OOC] I know he lives here :P he's 300km north of me :P [OOC]

How far back? ;)

~ Razorade

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[quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1290187398' post='2517470']
Pretty impressive growth for sure. Not too many alliances can say they have doubled their tech or almost doubled their infra since bipolar. I doubt very many can say they gained 40+ members either.
That's mainly our Zenith friends joining us </Keepin' it real>

o/ TFD !!

in re: Foreign Affairs, who knows (hence the request to come chat with us!), but we're still individually tied to all (or most) of the ol' PnL crew.

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1290189017' post='2517496']
How far back? ;)

Well, goes back to when I was still in CCC. That's over two years. :P We first met when he was ambassador there, and an ex-member was trying to reapply after having left to go rogue on NPO. (*cough*mellonhead*cough*) In spite of heavy warnings from our end, GearHead recruited mellonhead to TFD. He can tell you the rest. :P

Also, TFD and CCC were supposed to go into battle as part of a 5-alliance coalition together during NoCB, but that plan was dashed by CCC being pre-empted. <_<

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Congratz to all the new gov.

[quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1290187398' post='2517470']
Pretty impressive growth for sure. Not too many alliances can say they have doubled their tech or almost doubled their infra since bipolar. I doubt very many can say they gained 40+ members either.

Also, I looked it up and MCXA has at least doubled our tech, and added 50 members since Bipolar :D

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if there's a tiny critique I can give, it's: need moar nookz. Otherwise, it's quite impressive, I think post-BiPolar the only alliances that have come close would be ones like PhR, MCXA, WF, Legacy, Valhalla etc. that have come close to your catapult upwards.

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