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A Peace and Love Train Announcement


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[quote name='Elorian' timestamp='1289730801' post='2512683']
AirMe was joking. I am almost certain he has/had nothing against any of the members of the Peace and Love Train bloc politically so there is no need to wade the rage at him.

On topic - I wish the best for all those formerly a part of the bloc. Rock on.

Edit: title got mixed, sorry!

Copy that. I didn't think Airme would make a partisan diatribe because he's usually cooler than that but I also didn't think that there was anyway that Rob Holmes would go rogue, so I just don't know anymore. It's nice to the world hasn't gone totally mad. Sorry AirMe. Impeccable timing though.

It's funny seeing this the same day as Rob's extracurricular activities. If you're wondering, that didn't have anything to do with this either.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='GearHead' timestamp='1289742619' post='2512729']
So what exactly did AirMe say that made this announcement so intriguing? :mellow:

Something in the lines of Peace and Love Train should get rolled because it has a silly name. But I heartily recommend you listen to the show yourself. It's an amusing and informative listening material. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91563"]The thread about the talkshow[/url] with episode list and links :)

Good luck whatever you guys do!

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I'll give the show a try. :) It sounds like it must be quite amusing. Maybe the next episode will mention that Pandora's Box should be rolled too, just to prove that square shapes can actually roll... :ph34r::P

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1289730218' post='2512681']
I didn't even know he had actually managed to record a new one, it had been coming soon for months. So I'm going to go for surprisingly good timing. And frankly, I'm not sure I'll listen because I really don't need to hear several hours of the cool kids and their toadies making fun of people they don't like the political alignment of just to make themselves look better*. The last incarnation of the show was great but considering how polarized things are now and the political affiliations of Airme and his guests, I'm not all that optimistic.

Sucks to see another treaty I worked on bite the dust, but in the last few months, the spirit of the treaty wasn't lived up to, so I agree that it's time. Thanks for a good run.

* OOC: If I wanted to do that, I'd watch to Fox News.

You have been hanging out with The MVP too much. I gave equal time to everyone and call things like I seem them. I really don't like being compared to [ooc] fox news [/ooc] because I don't do these things out of my enjoyment. I do them for the community and I make it known that what I speak is my opinion. Also, my comments about PNL were made on my show back in September. And there was a new one released on Wednesday.

I guess disappointment is a two way street because it is the same feeling I have when I read what you say you believe. I always thought you were above partisanship, but I guess I was mistaken.

[quote name='Elorian' timestamp='1289730801' post='2512683']
AirMe was joking. I am almost certain he has/had nothing against any of the members of the Peace and Love Train bloc politically so there is no need to wade the rage at him.

On topic - I wish the best for all those formerly a part of the bloc. Rock on.

Edit: title got mixed, sorry!

While I was kidding about rolling PNL, I really didn't like the name of the bloc. I found it to be really annoying. Personal opinion that's all.

[quote name='GearHead' timestamp='1289742619' post='2512729']
So what exactly did AirMe say that made this announcement so intriguing? :mellow:

Just that I disliked the name Peace and Love and that you guys should merge into TFD. I know some TFD members listen cause I received a few queries from them saying they got a chuckle out of my show when I made the comments.


That being said, it is always sad to see an institution on BOB disband. Good luck to all the former signatories.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1289730360' post='2512682']
And thus one of the ties between ex-BLEU and NPO is cut. There's not much of a difference from before but hey it's still interesting. I wish PnL, and especially TFD, all the best of luck.

What? Out of all the alliances in this bloc only UBD fought on the side of BLEU in the WoTC and TFD was only a periphery alliance within the bloc in the loosest sense. How ex-BLEU can be linked to NADC, considering they were the biggest alliance that got rolled during BLEU's existence, is beyond me.

[quote]You have been hanging out with The MVP too much. I gave equal time to everyone and call things like I seem them. I really don't like being compared to [ooc] fox news [/ooc] because I don't do these things out of my enjoyment. I do them for the community and I make it known that what I speak is my opinion. Also, my comments about PNL were made on my show back in September. And there was a new one released on Wednesday.[/quote]

[OOC]Your show's pretty useless in my own opinion. I know the painstaking effort you go through to make it, but many still won't listen because quite simply they don't enjoy it. Not to mention, not you in particular, some get on only to mock others as those being mocked can't even defend themselves or get on the call. So I do think your show is garbage, not everyone's going to agree with you. Get over it. Also the fact you don't do a fun activity for "enjoyment" is quite hilarious. Why do it then? Your duty? lol.[/OOC]

Now I was in PnL, very honest hard working alliances that always sought not their own best interest, but to protect their stewards in a better environment most are given. I'm sorry to see this fall apart, you guys were all great. Especially NADC, TFD and UBD many only see you at your surface but deep down you guys are much more than that. Good luck in the future guys.

Edited by The MVP
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I wish I could say I feel bad about this, and I suppose it's there to an extent. But I think this is a good thing, for TFD and for others in the treaty.

Good luck to you all in the future. I'm excited to see where you go from here!

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Sad to see. Never liked your hippy dippy name (now war and love train would've been cool!) but almost all you guys were good folks. Best of luck to all your member alliances in your future endeavors.

Edited by Taget
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1289748432' post='2512758']
What? Out of all the alliances in this bloc only UBD fought on the side of BLEU in the WoTC and TFD was only a periphery alliance within the bloc in the loosest sense. How ex-BLEU can be linked to NADC, considering they were the biggest alliance that got rolled during BLEU's existence, is beyond me.

[OOC]Your show's pretty useless in my own opinion. I know the painstaking effort you go through to make it, but many still won't listen because quite simply they don't enjoy it. Not to mention, not you in particular, some get on only to mock others as those being mocked can't even defend themselves or get on the call. So I do think your show is garbage, not everyone's going to agree with you. Get over it. Also the fact you don't do a fun activity for "enjoyment" is quite hilarious. Why do it then? Your duty? lol.[/OOC]

Now I was in PnL, very honest hard working alliances that always sought not their own best interest, but to protect their stewards in a better environment most are given. I'm sorry to see this fall apart, you guys were all great. Especially NADC, TFD and UBD many only see you at your surface but deep down you guys are much more than that. Good luck in the future guys.
Actually CCC was also on the BLEU side of WotC. (I think, I wasn't around then...)

Sad to see PnL die.. :(
o/ PnL
o/ The former signatories (I won't bother to write all those abbreviations out..)

As for Gulags comment, I am pretty certain that there were no problems for CCC at all and that they were rather happy with their position and clearly did not see PnL as a "problem". That you think something was a problem doesn't make it so.

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Words fall short to explain the amount of work, effort and hopes myself and others placed in this bloc. This bloc started as a project between TFD and Zenith to raise jointly our protectorates and develop them into strong and loyal allies. Along the road some people joined us, people left, we grew stronger, we fought a Great war. They were some interesting 16 months. But things change and we need to keep up with the change or we are left behind.

That said, I wish the best to my PnL allies, you were the best one can look for.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1289730218' post='2512681']
And frankly, I'm not sure I'll listen because I really don't need to hear several hours of the cool kids and their toadies making fun of people they don't like the political alignment of just to make themselves look better.

You've never listened to it have you?

Edited by Mr Damsky
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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1289759033' post='2512869']
You've never listened to it have you?

She was a guest on the show prior to the Karma war. But she clearly hasn't listened to the last 2 episodes.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1289748432' post='2512758']

[OOC]Your show's pretty useless in my own opinion. I know the painstaking effort you go through to make it, but many still won't listen because quite simply they don't enjoy it. Not to mention, not you in particular, some get on only to mock others as those being mocked can't even defend themselves or get on the call. So I do think your show is garbage, not everyone's going to agree with you. Get over it. Also the fact you don't do a fun activity for "enjoyment" is quite hilarious. Why do it then? Your duty? lol.[/OOC]


Because a lot of people ask me to. A lot of people who have different views than I do ask me to the shows. I like to add to the world instead of just annoying the bejesus out of everyone by being the loudest guy in the room.

Either way, this is not the place for this. And I respectfully bow out of what ever this is. I am sure you will follow me to where ever my next stop is and continue this there.

Again, it is sad to see this group go away...even if I didn't like your name.

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