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Changes to Ragnarok government


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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1289634671' post='2511733']
~crazy un-needed stuff~

Way to go Jor, insulting multiple, former and current Rokkers in one shot. I thought you were better than this. Not only are you wrong about the way you said it, you are also wrong about the reasons. Both Hoo, and Cable have their differences [which i may add, are for them to resolve], both have served Ragnarok to the max of their abilities during their time with RoK. Say thanks, and move on.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1289642933' post='2511764']
Alliances are never revisionistic about their own histories. :rolleyes:

(also pretty much all the other founders are long gone.)
Not forgotten though: Van Hoo III, Sir Horis, Gen Lee, Rabbit of Caerbannog

Those were the founders.

Initial members : Van Hoo III, Sir Horis, Gen Lee, Rabbit of Caerbannog, achiles, buschsoccer21, Commitee of Public Safety,
DeathDealer , Draticus, Konung Lindstrom, Mirage, Presticles, Roxie, ShadyNova, Optical14

No never forgotten.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1289642517' post='2511760']
You guys do know that he wasn't the only founder, right?

One of the founders of Ragnarok would be more accurate.[/quote]
If I posted, "Haflinger, member of Invicta, is pedantic", would you point out that Invicta has more than one member? :P

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1289595103' post='2511331']
Amusingly enough, that was how the majority of RoK felt when you decided to leave. Stay classy, Cable.

Anyway, I'm not deleting or changing alliances. I just don't have the time or inclination to run an alliance anymore. If I can't give the alliance everything I've got, then I shouldn't be leading it anymore. I'll still be on IRC from time to time and posting in our embassies as a diplomat. So, this isn't really a goodbye, it is more of a "I'll see ya' when I see ya'" ... :P

Good. You still owe me 100 tech :P

[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1289642769' post='2511762']
You're right, I'm sure Ragnarok is entirely ignorant of who started Ragnarok.

It wouldn't be all that surprising. I'd be astonished if someone finally got around to finishing RoK's history for the wiki/alliance as a whole.

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1289634671' post='2511733']
LF basically what happened was that Hoopdy got butthurt that kait was the new broad in town in RoK so she ragequit because she felt used up. Then Mr. Cable steps in with all his gov authority and tries to get into fights with hoo about whats going on. Then cable eventually ragequits.
[/quote]roflmfao......Hoo breakin hearts since '07, enjoy the time off old friend. ;)

[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1289640996' post='2511754']
Way to go Jor, insulting multiple, former and current Rokkers in one shot. I thought you were better than this. Not only are you wrong about the way you said it, you are also wrong about the reasons. Both Hoo, and Cable have their differences [which i may add, are for them to resolve], both have served Ragnarok to the max of their abilities during their time with RoK. Say thanks, and move on.
AvT, Always the gentleman. :D

Congratulations on the new government.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1289640996' post='2511754']
Way to go Jor, insulting multiple, former and current Rokkers in one shot. I thought you were better than this. Not only are you wrong about the way you said it, you are also wrong about the reasons. Both Hoo, and Cable have their differences [which i may add, are for them to resolve], both have served Ragnarok to the max of their abilities during their time with RoK. Say thanks, and move on.

I didn't mean to insult my former comrades Alf. All I meant was to state the truth from a normal former RoKKers perspective who was there to witness the events.

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1289673925' post='2511947']
I didn't mean to insult my former comrades Alf. All I meant was to state the truth from a normal former RoKKers perspective who was there to witness the events.

Hoopdy was a valuable asset to RoK and served our alliance well. To say otherwise or to insinuate that she left out of jelousy is complete crap however not surprising coming from you.

Oh and call either of us a "broad" as you put it again and I will shove my boot so far up your nations ass you will be tasting leather for a month.

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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1289675137' post='2511966']
Hoopdy was a valuable asset to RoK and served our alliance well. To say otherwise or to insinuate that she left out of jelousy is complete crap however not surprising coming from you.

Oh and call either of us a "broad" as you put it again and I will shove my boot so far up your nations ass you will be tasting leather for a month.

SO MAD!!! Also you and I both know kait why hoopdy left. I don't think any further discussion on the issue will help.

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[quote name='Cable77' timestamp='1289610551' post='2511491']
Cable looks at his seat. Cable looks at Hoo's seat. 'nuff said. :rolleyes:

You're a leader of an alliance that is large in both size and in members, but effectively useless, very much like legion circa 2007. Not sure that's something to be proud of.

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The only reason I'm in this thread is because WANA wanted some help, and I figured that if he was actually asking for help then he was probably saying stupid stuff and was rightfully being assailed back. I am glad to see I was right, as per usual. Further, as a former ally of RoK (many years ago) and a lover of RoK in general, I have to say that my current alliancemate is being an asshat and I hope you mercilessly slaughter him, at least verbally.

Things like this:
<+WANA> Giving Kait her RoK mask was the worst decision of my life

Do not make me want to go into a thread and help you. They make me realize why I didn't like you in the first place and still don't.

Oh, and good luck to Ragnarok.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1289675720' post='2511974']
You're a leader of an alliance that is large in both size and in members, but effectively useless, very much like legion circa 2007. Not sure that's something to be proud of.

Yet one of your closest allies is MDoAP to his alliance.

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[quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1289653097' post='2511795']
If I posted, "Haflinger, member of Invicta, is pedantic", would you point out that Invicta has more than one member? :P
Perhaps I am the only member :v:

But seriously now, it's not the same. Many alliances have a single founder who is referred to as The Founder, while very few alliances have only a single member.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1289640996' post='2511754']
Both Hoo, and Cable have their differences [which i may add, are for them to resolve], both have served Ragnarok to the max of their abilities during their time with RoK. Say thanks, and move on.
Alfred, You continue to maintain your image (at least in my opinion) as one of the classier people playing this game. :)

[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1289675137' post='2511966']
Hoopdy was a valuable asset to RoK and served our alliance well. To say otherwise or to insinuate that she left out of jelousy is complete crap however not surprising coming from you.

Oh and call either of us a "broad" as you put it again and I will shove my boot so far up your nations ass you will be tasting leather for a month.

[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1289675720' post='2511974']
You're a leader of an alliance that is large in both size and in members, but effectively useless, very much like legion circa 2007. Not sure that's something to be proud of.
Effectively useless? I think when push comes to shove you'd find we're not completely harmless, just mostly harmless. :P
I think our Destructor Fleets may need to build a bypass near you sometime ;)

Again Congratualtions to Taut and Rampage. Good Luck to Mykep in future Coup attempts ^_^

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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1289675137' post='2511966']
Hoopdy was a valuable asset to RoK and served our alliance well. To say otherwise or to insinuate that she left out of jelousy is complete crap however not surprising coming from you.

Oh and call either of us a "broad" as you put it again and I will shove my boot so far up your nations ass you will be tasting leather for a month.

See, this is why we'll miss you Kait. :(


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[quote name='Vladisvok Destino' timestamp='1289680574' post='2512061']
Maybe he still thinks you're in Poison Clan? (PC tied to Umbrella, Umbrella tied to MHA) is the nearest to sense I can make of it....

Regardless of whether I was still in Poison Clan or not, my opinion of MHA would be the same. The allegiances of allies does not magically make an alliance superb that was once quite the opposite.

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[quote name='AvengingAngel256' timestamp='1289680372' post='2512047']I think when push comes to shove you'd find we're not completely harmless, just mostly harmless. :P

I think when push comes to shove, we'll find MHA once again bailing on a treaty to avoid fighting in the war. To be fair, it probably won't be another eternal treaty (as you've already bailed on the ones you had) but nevertheless I'm sure MHA will find a way to just as impressively bail on their ally.

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1289673925' post='2511947']
I didn't mean to insult my former comrades Alf. All I meant was to state the truth from a normal former RoKKers perspective who was there to witness the events.

That's not what happened, any "normal former RoKKer" could tell you that. Although I'm pretty sure most RoKKers past and present were thanking their lucky stars when you ceased to call RoK your home.

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[quote name='Cable77' timestamp='1289610551' post='2511491']
Cable looks at his seat. Cable looks at Hoo's seat. 'nuff said. :rolleyes:

All will feel the might and power that is MHA, surrender now or suffer the horrible fate of being eaten alive by their hungry hungry stats page! :blink:

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