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Imperial Announcement from the New Polar Order


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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1287762461' post='2490646']
That's okay, You have never been relevant to me. I can't name one meaningful thing that you have done other than switch sides mid war. I'm okay with not being known for a blunder on the level of going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. I'm fine with you not knowing me, it means I can't be screwed by you.

As for your alliance, I wish the, good luck on the transition. Changing leaders can be difficult, especially in an empire.
[color="#0000FF"]Grub has a lot more productive history than you do, and a much more interesting personality. I'd take one of him over a thousand of you any day of the week. I'm glad to see both he an Random back in action. While I know they may not be the NSO's biggest fans, they both bring a much needed dose of character to this world. Somewhat similar to how GOONS does, as much as I hate to say admit it. You on the other hand are nothing of value.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1287768200' post='2490695']
[color="#0000FF"]Grub has a lot more productive history than you do, and a much more interesting personality. I'd take one of him over a thousand of you any day of the week. I'm glad to see both he an Random back in action. While I know they may not be the NSO's biggest fans, they both bring a much needed dose of character to this world. Somewhat similar to how GOONS does, as much as I hate to say admit it. You on the other hand are nothing of value.[/color]

[s]Not everyone lives to entertain you Rebel Virginia[/s] [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Actually, no one does.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287770944' post='2490717']
[s]Not everyone lives to entertain you Rebel Virginia[/s] [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Actually, no one does.
[color="#0000FF"]I do not need to be entertained. If that is what you got from that you're less capable of comprehending simple statements than I ever thought possible. A leader of an alliance must have a personality. A bland leader creates a bland alliance. Few alliances actually ever get one of these types of leaders these days. GOONS has several, RoK has Hoo, GOD has Xiph, and now NpO has Grub and Random. I mean no offense to Penguin, as he's truly an exceptional diplomat. But quite honestly he did not lack the flare needed to lead an Order.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1287771789' post='2490722']
[color="#0000FF"]I do not need to be entertained. If that is what you got from that you're less capable of comprehending simple statements than I ever thought possible. A leader of an alliance must have a personality. A bland leader creates a bland alliance. Few alliances actually ever get one of these types of leaders these days. GOONS has several, RoK has Hoo, GOD has Xiph, and now NpO has Grub and Random. I mean no offense to Penguin, as he's truly an exceptional diplomat. But quite honestly he did not lack the flare needed to lead an Order.[/color]

Ahh, so you go for the personality alliances. Some people like to go for a personality alliance, but there is far more to leadership then just personality. For example when AMG stepped down the moves he made, that earned the war the name "Bi-polar," had wrecked many relationships that Polar had. Penguin went a long way in restoring the trust people had in NpO. Also, alliances usually don't need personalities as much as they need people willing to do work. Alliances don't live on flash and sizzle, they live off of recruiters, educators, mentors, guide writers, military organizers, tech dealers, diplomats, and the like. There seams to be no shortage of people in CN who want to do the fun stuff. There does seem to be a shortage of people willing to get the job done.

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While it changes who gets to make the ultimate call in the alliance I think some people are overestimating the amount of real change, or alternatively underestimating Random's involvement in Polaris for quite awhile leading up to this. The decision tree might trend toward more action but the ideology and policy decisions driving it shouldn't shift much.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287772992' post='2490730']
Ahh, so you go for the personality alliances. Some people like to go for a personality alliance, but there is far more to leadership then just personality. For example when AMG stepped down the moves he made, that earned the war the name "Bi-polar," had wrecked many relationships that Polar had. Penguin went a long way in restoring the trust people had in NpO. Also, alliances usually don't need personalities as much as they need people willing to do work. Alliances don't live on flash and sizzle, they live off of recruiters, educators, mentors, guide writers, military organizers, tech dealers, diplomats, and the like. There seams to be no shortage of people in CN who want to do the fun stuff. There does seem to be a shortage of people willing to get the job done.
[color="#0000FF"]Would you like to tell me what MCXA has accomplished other than sucking on the NPO's teat for a year and a half before finding satisfaction in wallowing in mediocrity? While I won't the importance of worker bees, an alliance is only worth a what its leader is. If a leader is content to simply do nothing aside from trying to survive, without serving any purpose in the world, I'd say we've got a pretty worthless ruler on our hands and an equally worthless alliance. When MCXA has some goal other than to take up space, please, let me now. But I won't bother wasting my breath for you to understand why I'd take a Random or a Grub over you or Ms. Duncan anyway.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1287777592' post='2490753']
[color="#0000FF"]Would you like to tell me what MCXA has accomplished other than sucking on the NPO's teat for a year and a half before finding satisfaction in wallowing in mediocrity? While I won't the importance of worker bees, an alliance is only worth a what its leader is. If a leader is content to simply do nothing aside from trying to survive, without serving any purpose in the world, I'd say we've got a pretty worthless ruler on our hands and an equally worthless alliance. When MCXA has some goal other than to take up space, please, let me now. But I won't bother wasting my breath for you to understand why I'd take a Random or a Grub over you or Ms. Duncan anyway.[/color]


I'm sorry, we were discussing the validity of using "You're personality isn't interesting enough," as an attack. What MCXA has accomplished isn't what we were discussing, and your bringing it up only tells me that you don't actually have much to work with for an argument. Wether or not we sucked up to NPO really has nothing to do with the matter at hand either. I understand your reasons, so don't try to insult my intelligence by saying I am unable to. However, because I understand your reasons, I know they are crap. Quality leadership is ore than just whoring attention. It takes energy, dedication, judgement, character, experience, and even love for your fellow alliance mates.

Tell you what though. You're one of the biggest personalities in CN. Prove me wrong. Lead something. Start your own alliance, and if it succeeds, you can prove me wrong. Or take a leadership position in NSO and keep it for more than few weeks. If personality is what it takes, you will certainly succeed. However, I doubt you do. I don't know Random, but I can only guess that he's more than earned his new position, this is Polar we are talking about.. Your critique of Duncan and Penguin, of not having "Personality" as if that is of such great value, is foolish.

As for as your question I'll tell you what MCXA has done in the past year or so even though its not relevant to your argument. I haven't been around for all of it but I know the history well. We lost most of our Gov, and many of our actives, we then had more people leave because of losing Karma, we then had much internal drama as MCXA began the work of stabilizing after such a huge change. From there we have done what many alliances couldn't do, we have reinvented our community, and rebuilt it. We began inactive, and now are more active then most alliances. That might not be that dramatic flare you value so much, but we are happy with it. We have seen a great number of nations transferring to us because they have taken notice. So its obviously working.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1287762461' post='2490646']
That depends on how you conduct your affairs. I, for one, hate it when the immature Halo freaks among us start a war because they're bored.

That's okay, You have never been relevant to me. I can't name one meaningful thing that you have done other than switch sides mid war. I'm okay with not being known for a blunder on the level of going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. I'm fine with you not knowing me, it means I can't be screwed by you.

As for your alliance, I wish the, good luck on the transition. Changing leaders can be difficult, especially in an empire.

If the only thing that you can remember that Almighty Grub done was honor NpO's treaties and fight in both sides of war you have some kind of memory problem for sure.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287779246' post='2490768']

Tell you what though. You're one of the biggest personalities in CN. Prove me wrong. Lead something. Start your own alliance, and if it succeeds, you can prove me wrong.

He did. It was very integral in the Karma side winning that war, and MCXA's side losing it.

Edited by pezstar
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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1287752813' post='2490578']
No chance of me doing anything to please you or anyone else like you. I have never cared what you think and I am unlikely to start now. If you haven't worked out what really happened by now you are incredibly dense.... I suspect that is the case for most of you however.

You'd be surprised.

Then again, so would they :v:

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1287787389' post='2490856']
I do seem to recall RV being your second in command. I assume he has the power to speak for the Sith, no?

Emperor Heggo is the one that speaks for us. Maybe you should learn more about us before insulting our character with your ignorance.

Edited by kevin32891
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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1287787389' post='2490856']
I do seem to recall RV being your second in command. I assume he has the power to speak for the Sith, no?

I'm pretty sure that everyone with half a brain knows that RV will continue to be RV regardless of whatever position he holds in any alliance (or whether that alliance is NSO, RIA, FAIL or Rome). That should be as plain as day.

I mean, it would have been pretty bad to brand everything we know about VE to you while you were in it, or everything about MK to Voytek, or iFOK to Kriekfriek (oh wait, too late there :ph34r: ), or Fernando to NSO while he was here too (and oh boy was I horrified of that Hayden Christenson avatar :gag: ). Though, maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I was NSO's mouthpiece? :v:

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1287786967' post='2490850']
itt NSO accuses others of being mediocre.

Good luck Polaris, you'll need it.
[color="#0000FF"]If they do not wish to hear my harsh words then they ought to learn their place and not speak out of turn. MCXA is a mediocre alliance with pitiful leaders, and TFD is unimpressive. But they're respectable enough overall to not warrant a special wrath, however, when they call out their natural betters, a dose of reality for these jesters is sorely needed.[/color]

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287779246' post='2490768']

I'm sorry, we were discussing the validity of using "You're personality isn't interesting enough," as an attack.


Actually, you were discussing what makes a good leader. A good leader generally entails a better alliance. Therefore, whether or not the MCXA is a decent alliance is relevant to the argument, as it's pretty much universally accepted that you have poor leadership.

(My apologies to Gopher. That guy is actually ok.)

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287791770' post='2490931']

Actually, you were discussing what makes a good leader. A good leader generally entails a better alliance. Therefore, whether or not the MCXA is a decent alliance is relevant to the argument, as it's pretty much universally accepted that you have poor leadership.

(My apologies to Gopher. That guy is actually ok.)

Universally? You mean by you an your allies?

As for the announcement, personally I'm interested to see what Random will bring to NpO. I do agree with some of his beliefs. Good luck to Polar.

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